CPAP chest or lung pain

by Caps
(Terryville CT)

Some mornings when I wake up my lungs actually hurt.

The pain goes away within a few minutes after taking off my cpap full face mask.

But I have to wonder is that normal? Is it dangerous?

I use a ResMed S9 machine which is sooo quiet and has the added humidifer on side, it is an autoset machine too.


Lots of CPAP users complain about lung and chest pain, especially in the first few weeks of treatment for sleep apnea.

In general, when people notice what they think is lung pain from CPAP, it isn't lung pain at all. It's muscle pain from chest muscles getting use to exhaling against the pressure.

This muscle soreness and pain should go away with time.

With your Resmed S9, you should recover faster, because the machine has the Easy-Breathe expiratory pressure relief (EPR) which dynamically adjust the pressure for maximum comfort.

Some CPAP users panic about this pain in the lungs or back, and think they have kidney or heart problems, even heart attack. It's very easy to associate chest pain with a heart problem as the media keep informing us that severe chest pain is a sign that you need to get yourself checked up.

So, to clear some worries that you might have with CPAP lung pain, you should visit your family doctor. He knows your medical history, family history, he will check your blood pressure, listen to your chest, and may even test you with an ECG.

Please be reassured by your doctor that your lung problems is not heart related, or other serious issues. Only having the fear in your mind, or asking "What if?" can make your heart beat faster, which rather compounds the problem rather than solves it!

If you are ok, your CPAP lung pain is in fact the muscle pain, or muscle strain. Remember that the CPAP machine is pushing air into areas of your chest that have not expanded in a long time. The muscle soreness goes away just like it does with exercising other muscles.

However, if it conitunes more than a couple of weeks, do say something to your doctor.

I would also suggest that you think about your sleeping position. Many of us do sleep on our backs with our chin pointing up in the air. You may be turning your face and neck during your sleep, thus leaving your torso behind, and causing the muscle pain.

Experiment with your sleeping position - and ask your spouse to help if necessary.

I hope it helps. Don't be afraid to comment back.

Remy Thierry
Founder of Sleep Apnea Guide

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Jan 22, 2025
Polycarbonate Sheet Distributors | Toronto | Canada Plastic | Acrylic Sheet Supplier in Toronto NEW
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Jan 10, 2025
6 hours a night is best I can do NEW
by: Anonymous

My resmed airsense 10 of 2 years allows for 6 hours of sleep with pressure 15. After that, my ribs get so sore it forces me awake, which may be ok since the quality of sleep is much better compared to a sleep mask I have where it basically rubberbands around your face. I wish others luck, oh the wisp mask w/large nose pillow as well is good, not the full face mask where seal was poor. Good luck, remember nothing's perfect, but cpap is usually better than putting that pressure on your heart w/o it.

Jan 10, 2025
Using 8 years now NEW
by: 64 yr old male

On my second machine, first was a phillips (recalled) with nose pillow, now use resmed airsense 10 with full face mask. After 8 yrs I have problems with my lungs not fully expanding. Not sure where that will go as just diagnosed. Things that helped me. Having a second CPAP that I can adjust myself to try different settings out. The nose pillows were the worst, spent 5 yrs sleeping in the desert. Sinuses were often upset all day. Sleep reading sometimes good sometimes bad. With new machine, heated tube and humidity just below condensing in my tube, I score pretty close to 100% every night. I also use OTC decongestant nasal spray (not saline) if I have any congestion at bed time, helps a lot. With pressure I have had them turn it down twice, started out at 15. Now at 12. With this new lung thing there is pain, forced them to give me an Xray, there was something there so they gave me a CT scan. They think possible lung infection? Or? Not cancer so dodged that bullet. Have a family member (nurse) suggest a bipap machine but have no clue at this point.

Sep 07, 2024
Lungs hurt with be cpap
by: Anonymously dMc

I’m on my 3rd cpap over 16 years. I recently replaced my ResMed Airsense 10 with an Airsense 11. My chest started hurting with the new machine. I feel like I’m laboring to inhale, exhale is fine.

My old machine was set for 12.5, I later changed it to 8-13 autoset and it worked perfectly. I tried 8-23 autoset on my 11 and it was awful! I changed to. 13 constant and it’s not much better. Today I changed to constant 14. The other day I slept with my Airsense 10 and it was wonderful! I just can’t get used to this 11.

I may also go back to my Phillips comfort gel mask, I’m not liking the Resmed 20.

Mar 19, 2024
muscle pain NEW
by: Anonymous

If your setting is too high you will have muscle pain in chest and back and usually goes away after an hour. I noticed it when they accidentally raised my pressure rather than reducing it. Ever since i had them lower the pressure all discomfort has gone away.

Mar 18, 2024
Lungs burning, chest heavy and now coughing
by: Anonymous

I am new 5 weeks in to CPAP, I have moderate OSA. My ResMed AirSeries 11, autostart machine. I am having panic attacks every night after 3 or 4 hrs, and now Mt chest burns,I cough, and nose is very congested I have a paralyzed hemi left diagram and I'm just wondering if this therapy is causing more harm than good. My settings is 5/13. I use a nose pillow, the full mask no way,my arena is 20 times an hour. I am more tired than before, I feel like a ton of bricks is on my chest,and between my shoulder blades it's so expensive I hate to stop using it, but I see 👀 absolutely no improvement, worse now and panic attacks. Please advise. This forum is fantastic

Feb 21, 2024
Chest pain
by: Hope

I've been having the pain over a year. If I sleep uncomfortably in my recliner I don't feel the pain as bad. The pain can last up to a couple hours. My air pressure is 19, they said I have 160 episodes an hour. I am having a new sleep study in May. Even using the bipap sleeping in recliner I am still exhausted all day long. All day long falling asleep on and off and trying not too. I'm so overwhelmed I'm on anxiety meds to go to bed because I know I'm going to wake up in pain.

Jan 16, 2024
Thankful for this page NEW
by: Sandi

Thanks to this page I have found out what has been causing the horrible pain in my left lung area. My Dr had no idea. It is muscle pain. My therapist has turned down my levels and I hope it helps. I need my CPAP machine. I sleep like a baby and have way more energy, I just can’t handle this muscle pain. Here’s hoping this helps.

Dec 27, 2023
Excruciating chest,lung and spinal pain. NEW
by: Raul

Thought it was something that was left from covid. Had this pain in my upper torso that felt like I had been pinned in between two objects this pain would come and go from time to time. I really thought I was getting ready to have a massive heart attack. My neighbor told me I had air outside my lung area she recommended pearlas de eter gel caps and in 5 days all symptoms were gone. Saw a cardiologist he examined me found nothing wrong with my heart thank God. Did some research on my cpap and found out the pressure settings were too high it was set at 20 when it was supposed to be at 8. Thanks for my neighbor.

Oct 19, 2023
Awesome NEW
by: Anonymous

Remy Thierry I greatly appreciate you for the information. You answered that question with great detail and it was like you were reading the mind of those who have experienced this pain. You would make a awesome professor

May 21, 2023
Persevere with it. NEW
by: Tony

I've been using CPAP treatment for about 12 years now, and I remember having chest and back pain for a long time when I started out and it took about a year or so for my body to adjust. The pain did disappear. My Apnea is severe and my pressure setting is at 16. Using a Philips dreamstation which have a progressive setting starting at 5 and builds up to 16 over a period of about 15 mins. This definitely helps me relax with the machine and then drift off to sleep. I sometimes get a very dry mouth, but for me personally I cant get on with the humidifier (wake up choking on water). I have tried lots of different masks and my favourite is the resimed airfit 20. For me personally its great because the straps are lower down leaving my face more open. If I get air leakage I clean shave and use a little smear of Aloe Vera natural gel to create a soft seal between the mask cushion and skin. Just a few personal thoughts to share.

May 21, 2023
Maybe a stuffy nose is messing me up NEW
by: Anonymous

I wake up with a tight chest that lasts a long time. I have no heart issue but I do have occasional allergy and sinus problems. I am wondering if my stuffy nose is messing up my breathing.

Dec 04, 2022
Set your cpap bipap to 4 setting after use for awhile NEW
by: Anonymous

Should lower your setting to 4, Especially after getting used to the machine

Sep 23, 2022
by: Andy

I have moderate COPD at age 78 from 30yrs.of smoking (I quit 25 yrs. ago). I have been taking a night off every third night to recover from chest pain (pain may be too strong a word). Night before last I slept 8.5 hrs. with an AHI of 2.3. Last night I had to get off the machine in the middle of the night with a 7.6 and 4.5 hours. My lungs hurt today, and tonight is my night off. I have been using the CPAP for 5 months, slowly lowering the pressure to 8. Maybe I should go even lower? I started at 12. I also have a deviated septum, to complicate matters even more. Any experiences or advice from others would be appreciated.

Jul 12, 2022
Chest and stomach discomfort
by: Anonymous

My cpap Airsrnse 10 shows my mask is leaking… I check it before and during the night all around mask and feel no leaks. Then during the night the tiny holes are blasting air and my chest hurts but no leaking around mask

Jun 16, 2022
upper back pain and chest pain
by: Anonymous

I've been using the resmed for almost 2 years without a problem. Sleeping soundly for 8 hours. I spoke to my doctor about being gassy and instead of turning down the pressure they turned it up. All of a sudden I was waking up at 4am with awful upper back pain and tightness in my chest. So bad I couldn't fall back asleep. Once I get out of bed all that pain goes away after about 30 minutes. Thought maybe I strained a muscle and then I put 2 and 2 together and starting reading and yes it must be the added pressure stretching out my lungs and muscles. I called the dr and he said he never heard of that? How is that possible? I told him to put me back to the original settings before he changed them and after the first night it was a little better so now I will give it a few more days and see what happens.

Jun 01, 2022
Ribs are sore after long sleep
by: Anonymous

Hi, I've been using CPAP w/nose mask for 6 months. While I normally sleep less than 6 hours/night, the times I rarely sleep over that time period, so roughly 8 hours, result in rib soreness. I wonder if it's due to the 15 set for my air max which seems kind of high. It goes away after 2 hours. Also, I noticed if I start to feel pain after waking up, usually emptying the water reservoir which holds distilled water helps w/that instead off simply adding more water to it. How often do people wash those? I know the mask and hose should be washed out daily, how many people do that?

Jan 12, 2022
Benefits of cpap NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi. Im a RN and started CpAP. I experienced the muscle discomfort and yes, respiratory muscles are getting expanded after not being used for s long tome. Also, i found that my GERD exacerbated on CpAp but after 4 wks, is settling down. Take mylanta before bed if this happens to you. Cpap is a medical treatment so expect your body to react. But embrace the healing of cpap

Aug 16, 2021
Chest pain NEW
by: Monte

My chest pain starts when I exercise. I take a deep breath and let the air out it causes some pain all across my chest. It goes away in about 10 minutes. I know it's not my heart because I've been evaluated by my cardiologist. Sometimes I feel bloated and that lasts a little longer.

Aug 16, 2021
Chest pain NEW
by: Monte

My chest pain starts when I exercise. I take a deep breath and let the air out it causes some pain all across my chest. It goes away in about 10 minutes. I know it's not my heart because I've been evaluated by my cardiologist. Sometimes I feel bloated and that lasts a little longer.

Jul 27, 2021
Chest pain when not using CPAO
by: Anonymous

My problem is the opposite. If I take a night off from wearing the CPAP I sometimes wake up with severe chest pain. I wonder if my chest muscles are weaker now that I am using the CPAP as this did not happen before.

Jul 26, 2021
Wrong pressures to high doctor did not order NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been on a By pap 2 years.About a month ago I got a new machine. The old one was defected.After I got the new one about two weeks later I started having chest tightness.So bad I'm sore from ribs up to my neck.The pressures were to high my doc at the sleep center called the theory place to have them turned down the doc did not order the pressures turned up. It's been a month or more and I just talked to her 3 days ago. How long will it take to stop the muscle pain and tightness? It is worse when I use my machine.What can I do to feel better?

Jul 21, 2021
Chest tightness NEW
by: Anonymous

I had chest tightness and shortness of breath after using the cpap. I went to ER and turns out I had bacterial pneumonia and was told it's common in cpap users. I had washed everything before using it!

Jul 17, 2021
Cpap chest or lung pain
by: Melissa p

I am on my 3rd week of using a cpap. I began experiencing terrible pain this week on my left side/mid back area. After a trip to urgent care and an X-ray, ekg and urine test they found nothing. They think it’s just muscle strain. Has anyone experienced this? How long does it last?

Jun 21, 2021
I still have pain after 2 years constant use NEW
by: Anonymous

I wake up everyday with pain and it has not eased in the 2 years I have been using cpap. It eases over the course of a few hours but it is so painful every morning. So for me it has never eased or my body has not got used to daily use of a cpap machine. Although may be complicated by the fact I have Ehlers-Danlos and fibromyalgia but It is agony for several hours every morning

Jun 09, 2021
Black Mold NEW
by: Anonymous

All of the people who are experiencing chest could be related to mold. If you don't clean your machine daily, you could get a respiratory infection that could be serious. Don't take these symptoms lightly. Clean your machines.

May 05, 2021
JJ is right NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you JJ. I think your solution is the answer to my month’s long quest to fix my lung chest pain.

I tried lowering my pressure, it helped, but didn’t make it go away.

Anyway it seems like the elbow on my air fit 20 full task mask was clogged so my exhale pressure was much harder than it should be and I think that’s what the problem is and it hurt my lungs.

Thank you for your post in 2019!!!

Jan 21, 2021
Burning chest pain
by: Hasmukh Shah

Started using CPAP on Dec 10, 2020
Experiencing busing sensation on upper chest, could not do my workouts. By Forcing myself barely could do workouts at 50 to 60% of my capacity.
Pressure was reduced from 6-10 range to 4-10 - didn't help much. Finally, I stopped using CPAP on 1/19/21 - felt like a new guy on 1/20th. Didn't use CPAP on night but today felt the pain again - though at the lower level.
I have couple of angioplasty dome in the last 25 years. So I am very much concerned with the pain. Planning to a Pulmonologist tomorrow. I am not planning to continue using CPAP.

Jan 04, 2021
rib pain
by: darcy

I have had pain under my ribs right at the time I started using my Cpap. I attributed it to short term adjustment and even thought maybe its tied to playing golf. After a month I stopped using it and it subsided. I tried again this fall. It started up again. I tried ot tough it out, as people say it will go away. Its been 3 months, still no relief. I stopped a week ago, it has not subsided yet. I hope it does soon. Any suggestions? Air pressure level maybe? thanks

Jan 03, 2021
@ Kim dolby NEW
by: G-Dawg

If you were doing well at your current pressure settings, then everything suddenly changed, it's important that you tell you pulmonologist about it.

Jan 01, 2021
Lung pain NEW
by: Kim dolby

Hi ive suddenly started getting lung pain when usimg my sleep apnea machine ut feels like someone has punched me in the upper back near my lungs and winded me my pressure goes upto 13 on machine could i turn it down and whatd ghe best pressure to have i also have asthma and it diesnt always feel like it helps me to breathe thanks

Jan 01, 2021
Lung pain
by: Kim dolby

Hi ive suddenly started getting lung pain when usimg my sleep apnea machine ut feels like someone has punched me in the upper back near my lungs and winded me my pressure goes upto 13 on machine could i turn it down and whatd ghe best pressure to have i also have asthma and it diesnt always feel like it helps me to breathe thanks

Jan 01, 2021
Lung pain
by: Kim dolby

Hi ive suddenly started getting lung pain when usimg my sleep apnea machine ut feels like someone has punched me in the upper back near my lungs and winded me my pressure goes upto 13 on machine could i turn it down and whatd ghe best pressure to have i also have asthma and it diesnt always feel like it helps me to breathe thanks

Oct 19, 2020
UPDATE: Pain has disappeared
by: Steen

Hi all,
Posted a comment Sep 3, 2019 about severe chest/back pain after using the CPAP machine. I've since seen several new comments describing roughly the same issue.

As an update, I can mention that the pain went away after 2-3 weeks and have since not experienced it at all. While no doctor, it seemed like my chest/back muscles were not used to the deeper breathing the CPAP machine forced, thus getting sore from 'training'.

While I understand there are some of the users that seems to have more severe symptoms or underlying conditions, I was happy to have that pretty bad pain disappear.


Oct 19, 2020
Chest Pain/MI Symptoms
by: scarolinus

Just a quick note for everyone regarding possible CPAP induced chest pain, especially if it starts suddenly with no apparent reason.

Be cautious about the "classic" MI, or heart attack, symptoms. I've had two and neither produced noticeable chest pain, nausea, or sweats, or other "classics", only what can best be described as an overall sense of unease or fear.

If you have any question go to an emergency room and then follow up with your providers.

Sep 13, 2020
Same chest pains
by: Anonymous

I've been using a cpap for 8 years now. 35 yr old male, suddenly I started having chest pains, feels like inflammation, like the lungs have expanded from using the machine and now pretty much everyday it's the same crap.

I can exercise ok, I can do whatever I want, but when I relax, it's back, nagging me. I haven't worn my cpap in over a month because I wake up praying I don't die.

This sucks, I'm glad I'm not the only one but seriously, what else can we do?

Mar 31, 2020
Hard place to be!
by: Need sleep

I’m a relatively new cpap user. My doctor has labeled me non compliant due to the issues si have with my device. I cannot sleep with it, or without it! The problem being I’ve been living with many lung issues for a few years(one being clots) so the pain I am experiencing in my chest and back are similar to the feeling of a clot. As a result I spend way too much time in the ER. I’ve told the pulmonologist about this and I have not solution. Every time I sleep with the cpap, 2 hours in the air pressure becomes unbearable and jolts me out of my sleep tearing the mask off. This happens every time. I desperately need advice/help

Mar 07, 2020
Chest and back pain
by: Anonymous

Tonight will be day 12 using my new BiPAP with Bi-Flex. I am experiencing chest pain and back pain and each day it is getting progressively worse and now it hurts all day long.

Since reading your article I feel I have discovered the cause of my chest pain and we'll give it a few more days before alerting my doctor if it doesn't go away.

Thank you

Jan 29, 2020
Sternum pain
by: Flowerpot 58

I noticed that for some of the chest pain/sternum pain goes once you stop the cpP. I had my first night on cpap last night, but today the pain around my sternum has got steadily worse. Has this been anyone else's experience and do you know the cause?

Jan 29, 2020
Sternum pain
by: Flowerpot 58

I noticed that for some of the chest pain/sternum pain goes once you stop the cpP. I had my first night on cpap last night, but today the pain around my sternum has got steadily worse. Has this been anyone else's experience and do you know the cause?

Dec 04, 2019
Chest pain gone.
by: LunchBox6969

I got my Dr. lower my pressure and have had no more chest pain. I have not needed any nitro pills going on 8 weeks now.

Dec 04, 2019
Possible solution to chest pain and suffocating feeling
by: JJ

I was having the same issue with chest pain and feeling of suffocation but solved the issue by replacing my mask. Felt compelled to reply if anyone else is suffering from this.

I could breathe fine normally, but the moment I put on my mask I felt like I was suffocating, even though the air was blowing through the mask. I've also been waking up with shortness of breath and chest pain. It turned out that my mask (Airfit p10) has a plastic mesh area that is supposed to allow pressure release when exhaling. This mesh had gotten clogged with lanolin - which I use to get a better seal with the nasal pillows. The blockage was preventing me from exhaling correctly and putting a lot of pressure on my chest muscles. I got a fresh new mask and the problem went away!

Just wanted to share my experience in case it helps someone with the same issue. Makes me realize that it's important to use fresh equipment and clean everything periodically. Love my CPAP and cant imagine sleeping without it.

Nov 07, 2019
chest pain
by: john

I am a new CPAP user and was worried about the pain i am experiencing.Thank you for this article it has helped.

Oct 08, 2019
Chest pain
by: Anonymous

I have dealt with on and off chest pain that sometimes just happens. I've done a stress test *thought I was going to have a heart attack) heart cath no blockages. I would suggest you ask your Dr. For some nitro pills. Carry them with you take one might help.

Oct 08, 2019
Inquiring about cause
by: AN North

My chest pain feels like lung / breathing pain. It lasts all day long, does not resolve after a few minutes of waking like it does for some of you.

I have been diagnosed with Asthma since I got my CPAP (Respironics, Wisp nasal mask, set at 5-12) 2 years ago. I hadn't had this lung pain before CPAP machine. I also have never felt rested with CPAP even though they say I'm down to 3 episodes an hour (from 17).

What I'm wondering about is, could this be an inflammatory reaction to the BPA's in the tubing/reservoir/mask? I've had genomics testing and have been told I have a strong sensitivity to BPA plastics and that only a small amount will build up in my system, and my liver doesn't process it well, so to avoid it.

Well, CPAP tubing and some masks are made with BPA's and toxic epoxy glues. I called Respironics and they gave the speech about BPA's not being toxic to the human body and that they follow FDA guidelines... There's a lot of science proving now that that it is toxic to everyone even in low exposures but that fact is just inconvenient and they have not been forced to address it yet. We are all inhaling in an enclosed forced air system with heated tubes and reservoirs for 8 hours a night.

If I'm not supposed to drink water from a plastic bottle, PERHAPS breathing BPA's is causing the lung inflammation in sensitive individuals. It's hard, because without recognizing the potential problem, there have not been any tubing or equipment made without these plastics, so we can't get them to try out an alternative.

Anyone else thinking about this?

Oct 03, 2019
Re: Chest Pain
by: G-Dawg

Jamie, if you haven't already been diagnosed with any kind of heart disease or other cardiac issues, I strongly advise you to see your doctor or get him or her to refer you to a cardiologist ASAP. Get someone to get you to an emergency room immediately or call an ambulance if you experience one or more of the classic heart attack symptoms...shortness of breath, chest pains, a feeling of indigestion that doesn't pass, other pains in your arms, neck, or stomach.

Oct 03, 2019
Sharp Chest and Back pains.
by: Jamie

So like many others I have the dream station as well. At first I was waking up feeling amazing. I’ve had it since 7/25/19. Lately ( starting maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago) I’ve been getting pains in the left side of my chest. Sometimes the right side as well, and the left side of my back. But it’s to constant it comes and goes for a few seconds sometimes minutes. They’re like quick flashes, very sharp feeling. I ,like this article states immediately think I’m going to have a heart attack. For other unknown reasons from time to time I do get pain in my left arm and hand and also the sides of my jaw. So you can see how I’d get to the point of worrying so much. I’m just wondering if anyone else has had the type of pain I described as far as the chest and back pain goes. Also important to note that these pains occur sometimes hours after I wake up and seem to go on throughout the day. Thanks for reading. If anyone is experiencing the same thing please reply.

Sep 03, 2019
Can't barely stand up straight in the morning due to chest/back pain
by: Steen

It was somewhat a relief finding this page. Started CPAP therapy two weeks ago (ResMed 10 w/humidifier and Dreamwear mask). First several days were great, with very little AHI. But the last several days, I'm woken up during the night with chest/lung/back pain that makes it almost impossible to breathe, roll out of bed or stand up straight. As the CPAP gave me gas, the pressure was lowered, but this is different. The feeling of super-tight pressure right below my lats and being super-sore is awful. Two days ago I elected not to use the machine and woke up with no pain. Last night I tried again, sleep 10pm, woke up 2am and could barely move/breathe; haven't slept since. Pain is slowly subsiding (now 6am). REALLY hope it's just chest/lungs getting 'exercise', so will soldier through this for a week or two. But, dang, it's painful.

Aug 13, 2019
Thanks dawg
by: Anonymous

So I contacted my dr and they want me to maintain what I’m doing through the first 3 adjustment yet. Last night was much better I have to admit. I woke up after 7 GREAT hours of sleep. Pressure was at 11.2 when I woke. I feel more rested than I have since I was a odd feeling but almost intoxicating.

I was advised to breathe regularly and not to make myself uncomfortable. I thought I was just supposed to keep breathing no matter what the setting. I also figured out that when you hold your breath the pressure ramps up more quickly. I tested it this morning after waking up at an 11.2. I held my breathe (much larger breathes btw) 4 times for about 30 seconds each time and got my pressure all the way to 19.7. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, but I wanted to see how I could control the pressure.

It does appear that the more you use the cpap, the easier it gets. I’m sold, and looking forward to another good nights sleep. It’s pretty wonderful. Daddy likes his Dream Station lol

Aug 12, 2019
Chest lung pain
by: Laurie

I have the dream station and open till about a month ago I wasn’t having any pain but lately I wake up and I’m in pain for sometimes up to an hour before it goes away makes breathing hard . I just don’t understand why I wasn’t doing this the whole time so what am I doing wrong on my end ????

Aug 11, 2019
Chest pain continued
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your feedback. G dawg! I’ll let you know how it goes tonight! My cpap has a modem and my provider can update that way. Sincerely thanks again

Aug 11, 2019
Re: Chest Pain
by: G-Dawg

I experienced the same chest pain when I began using my ResMed AirCurve VAUTO BiPAP machine. My pulmonologist lowered my ramp-up pressure and my maximum pressure. It eased the chest pain from my chest muscles, but it took several weeks before my chest adjusted to it. I too removed my mask if the discomfort woke me up, but it only took a couple of weeks before my chest was used to it and I had no problems since !

Aug 11, 2019
Upper chest pain
by: Anonymous

I’ve been using a Dream Station for the past week 10 days as a new user of the cpap therapy. It starts with a pressure of 5 and am now up to a 16.2. When it peaks out at this level it wakes me up. I have to turn it off every couple hours to reset to 5. My provider controls the pressure ranges based on my sleep study. IT HURTS my upper chest, and many times struggle to exhale at the 16.2 level. Going to call my provider TOMORROW and see if this is normal. It’s really uncomfortable. Thanks to all for your comments. They’ve helped me calm down some about my chest pain. Good luck all!

May 31, 2019
Re: Gideon
by: Andyrae

Hi Gideon
Sounds pretty serious buddy.Dont give up
Maybe change the machine or Dr ? Its an obvious
struggle when at most it should not be that bad.
It's a wonder that you get any apneas treated.
Keep going to CPAP providers until you get some better results.
All the best

May 30, 2019
Chest pain that lasts 3 or 4 days
by: Gideon

I have been struggling with trying to use my cpap for a few months now. I only use it about once a week as I end up hurting inside for 3 or 4 days afterwards.

I even catch myself not breathing sometimes during my waking hours from the pain and suddenly gasp for a breath. I don't use it on consecutive days because like muscle soreness from lifting weights you don't pile on again the next day.

Im getting very frustrated as the Dr just tells me I'll get used to it. It's set on the lowest pressure of 4. I can only use it about 3 to 4 hrs before having to remove my mask as it is.

Im getting very discouraged and I'm about to just give up. The Dr has no answer for me, it's on the lowest pressure it can go and I don't know what to do. I dread using it each time because of the pain that will follow

May 25, 2019
Periodic chest pain
by: Anonymous

Although my doctor said my lungs and heart sounded good during my physical yesterday, I can't get the out of my head that my chest pain is something more. I font clean my machine nearly enough, could it be related?

May 17, 2019
Constant Burping
by: Andyrae

Hey fellow cpapites
I have been on CPAP for 6 yrs and at times feel tightness of chest , excessive burping and shortness of breath .it definitely is hard to avoid anxiety but finding this page is so so helpful. Ive been using devilbliss machine. Anyone
Have similar issues?

Apr 21, 2019
Occaisional Chest Pain
by: LunchBox6969

I have been using a bipap for almost 2 years now. 6 months ago I had chest pains for the first time which ended up with a trip to the ER and getting admitted. They ran all kinds of tests and scans the duagnosis was Diastolic heart failure. The chest pains returned 4 months later so like many others it was stress test heart cath no blockages must be my lungs. I have noticed that my sleep has changed from a straight 6-8 hours to 4 hours with another 2-4 hours of tossing and turning with vivid vivid dreams. I wish my doctors would find the issue.

Mar 16, 2019
heart attack like symptoms
by: mike

I too experienced severe chest pain and pressure and ended up in the ER. The ER said my heart was showing all normal functions and enzyme levels, but I should see a Cardiologist, which I did. After all the same tests that Ryan-(July 2018 comment )went though-EKG, Echo cardiogram, CTA scan, stress tests my Cardiologist said my heart was extremely strong and I would have to look elsewhere for a solution.

That's when I came to my senses about what had happened in the last 90-days.

After 4 years of being on a constant pressure of 8, I had to get a new CPAP which also meant a new DR. to prescribe a new CPAP-(insurance requirement)> My new Sleep Specialist ,during a 90 day period, increased my pressure to a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 20-quite an upward tick from a constant 8.

That's when my sever chest pain and squeezing/pressure started. I quit using my CPAP
a week ago and my symptoms immediately went away.

I am going to reduce my minimum and maximum air pressure starting tomorrow and "test the waters"

I am so glad to have found this forum!

Oct 07, 2018
chest pain
by: Jenn

Wow, this was the best description to the discomfort I feel in my chest. I am 60 and have been using the cpap 1 week - the description if muscle soreness nailed it. I have not used the cpap for 2 nights because I couldnt find the cause of the heavy feeling. I do not mind using the cpap and am settling in. Thanks for this description.

Sep 20, 2018
pain at your sternum in the morning
by: Anonymous

I checked out this site because of chest pain that came on suddenly during the day and I ended up in the emergency room. The Dr found nothing wrong with my heart. They also took chest ex-rays which showed no problem with my lungs.

** I've been using my CPAP for 6 years and was just wondering if my machine could be the cause of the pain. *******

Now to get to my point. Those of you with pain at your sternum in the morning. If you have a front hose on your mask like my ResMed does, the pain may be caused by you subconsciously holding the hose down on your chest so it doesn't move. I found that I did that when I told my wife about the pain at my sternum. She smiled and said that she had seen me sleep for hours with my hands crossed on my chest holding the hose down. I made an effort to NOT hold the hose on my chest and the pain went away. ******

Just a suggestion that might help some of you.

Sep 11, 2018
lung pain after c pap use
by: James Naughton

I have front and back (lung) pain after every use of my c pap machine.So p+nfull at times I've used an in haler to help stop it. and its been the only thimg tjat has worked. I have the ResMed newest very concerned.

Aug 28, 2018
Lung Scarring
by: Anonymous

I've used my C-Pap machine for years. It has a humidifier. I've had the machine that supposedly cleans the C-Pap. I have a funny feeling in my chest, wheezing, squeaking and coughing. I had a pulmonary function test and have been told I have Interstitial Lung disease. No cure.

I see the Pulmonologist next week. I've never smoked, so learning that I have an incurable lung disease was shocking. I have been faithful to use the machine nightly. Can't help but wonder if the machine has something to do with it. I use distilled water.

Aug 25, 2018
Lung and cough
by: Danny

4 months ago I stop using cpap because I feel burn sensation in my lungs and coughing. Last week after seeing a friend in facebook with cpap mask I decided to use it again. After 3 days I experienced that burning sensation in my lungs again and cough. Something is wrong. I am boxing my cpap again and will return to sleeping sidways.

Aug 18, 2018
CPAP Chest Pain
by: Jennie

I've been on CPAP with full face Simplus mask about 10 yrs. I also have lung/breathing problems. Recently my doctor upped the pressure from 13 to 15 as I still have daytime sleepiness. I'll having much difficulty dealing with the higher pressure and find more and more

I'm having intense chest pains during the night and spend most of the night tossing and turning and adjusting the mask so I sometime have to just remove it after 4-5 hours. I'm about to give up and wonder if I would benefit with going back to the lower pressure.

The chest pains subside almost immediately after taking the mask off. I feel like I'm fighting a battle every night and struggle to even get a couple of hours of sleep. I also have an extremely narrow airway (mallampati score of 4). Is there any help for me?

Aug 17, 2018
Breathing issues
by: Anonymous

When I take my mask off in the morning I feel short of breath is this normal

Jul 01, 2018
Chest Pains and Breathing.
by: Ryan

My first machine was a Phillips resp, bipap and my pressures were pretty high and constant, my chest pains were more frequent and felt more bloated. I moved to an ASV machine last year to better help my CSA and my chest pains and bloateness have been reduced significantly, although still present at times.

I’ve been dealing with chest pains on and off for 5 years, have been rushed to the hospital for fear of having a heart attack, only to be released with normal ekg, echocardiogram, heartblood, stress test.. the whole gambit of tests and said I had anxiety.

I suspect that these machines are forcing patients to breathe too heavily, too fast, simulating breathing patterns of someone with hypertension, anxiety disorders causing angina like pains. (a disorder I’m also familiar with).

Please read this:

Hope this helps someone. Work with your doctor, ask them tons of questions and let them know everything that is going on. This is why they make the big bucks, make them work for it.

May 01, 2018
Chest pain that goes down my arms
by: Anonymous

I've used a CPAP for several years and this just started about 6 months ago. When it first started the doctor ran all the tests including a heart catheter. Nothing wrong with my heart has to be respiration.

Can my CPAP cause this pain? I drive a school bus and when I'm walking to the school bus I have to stop to let the paint dissipate approximately every 500 ft. Later the problem will not exist as great.

Feb 21, 2018
Possible Other Cause of Chest Discomfort
by: G-Dawg (Greg)

I'm just putting this out there for others who might have lingering chest discomfort after months of CPap/BiPap usage. My history of chest ache is explained in my posts to this thread dated June 7, 2017 and August 22, 2017 under the names Greg and G-Dawg. Rather than my being redundant, please read them if you need background on my BiPap experience with chest aches.

I still get mild aches, mostly in my sternum, 1-2 times a week. As I've said before, it's not severe and it goes away shortly after I get out of bed and move around. I've also mentioned that I'm a tosser & turner. I sleep for the majority of time on my left side. I also flip over to my right side a couple of times per night, then flip back to my preferred left side. I now suspect that when I am sleeping for extended periods on my left side, it's actually good ol' gravity pulling my body weight downward.

Both my shoulders tend to hunch inward toward the center of my chest, compressing my sternum and chest muscles. I no longer think that it is the air pressure of my BiPap which is causing me chest's merely my sleep position and pressure upwards and downwards on my sternum.

Feb 21, 2018
Pleuratic pain
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the information. I started cpap and a month in got the flu then two weeks into the flue my pleurisy started in. I have lupus and pleurisy used to come with my flares. I was put on steroids for two weeks and antibiotics a total of 4 weeks. The illness is over but my lungs remain very sore. Having sharp pleuratic pain.

Feb 14, 2018
Updates and tips PLEASE
by: Katie

Are there any of you that have success stories and updates on solutions that worked for you with chest pain. I feel like I was hit by a 2 X 4. I am not going to quit, because I like the sleep and not waking up and the not dying from my apnea, but, what helped with the pain for you?
ResMed 10 for her, 6/12 level - which seems much lower than some of you have been using?

Feb 03, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thank you!

Dec 30, 2017
by: Debbie

Firstly want to say this site is so helpful.

I have only been on CPAP with mask for 3 nights. Have the same side effects as described on here but I am also getting headaches whereas I very rarely get them.

Am getting less sleep now than before.

Dec 04, 2017
ugh bah, humbug
by: Anonymous

Have been using this thing for three weeks. First I felt claustrophobic (full mask), then I could not breathe in..gulping for air. Then I took it off and slept. Next night, more of the same.

Finally I was so tired I fell asleep and woke up with the mask dancing all over my face and an "eeeeeee" sound...tightened the mask, Began the ramp again. asleep for about one hours, then the same eeeee sound. Mask so tight, got headaches.

Have not slept very much with this thing. I went back to therapist talking about the pressure of the air. We tried the nasal mask...not good. Went back to full face..."eeee" sound again, tighten mask, head aches, marks all over my face...wake up and my cheeks are all puffed out like I am blowing on a trombone. Then the chest, back, stomach pain began..haven't slept more than 1 hours with this thin. Am tired and disgusted.

Mouth appliances...out of the question ($$$); surgery? who wants that at age 65? and not guaranteed to work. Beside myself, so I plan to bag it up and take the whole thing back...not worth it to me. My quality of sleep is terrible, tired all day, just plain frustrated with the whole thing.

Nov 16, 2017
bipap chest pain..
by: jdsmom

i was diagnosed with a deadly case of sleep apnea in June.i quit breathing 150-160 times an hour..i almost died from it..if you are prescribed a cpap or bipap..please DO NOT QUIT USING IT.

.the panic attacks do stop..i am just now getting past the anxiety stage and the waking up panicked.i wear full mask.yes its annoying and you have to constantly adjust and air sometime leaks and dries out your eyes..

But i would rather wear it than die..i am only 44.thank you for all your comments its nice to know im not thr only one who freaked out..thanks for reading

Aug 22, 2017
Chest Ache or Soreness
by: G-Dawg

I have a ResMed BiPap AirCurve10. I have posted here before with questions/comments about chest or lung pain. After over 3 months, I am now sleeping comfortably at least 7 hours per night with less than 0.4 events per hour most nights. In my 1st few weeks I was experiencing what I would describe as very sharp soreness or aches across the breadth of my chest when I awoke each morning.

Now I only experience the soreness/aches a couple of times per week and it is not severe, just uncomfortable. Now instead of feeling the discomfort across my entire chest, I only feel the soreness in my sternum area.

Before BiPap I was a tosser and turner and woke up almost every time I shifted sleep positions, then fell back asleep. I could remember the next morning all the times I rolled over, tossed & turned and woke up. If I am tossing and turning now, it's not waking me up anymore and I no longer remember being restless the next morning.

My aches/soreness always go away after I've gotten out of bed and moved around a bit as they did when they were more severe. I believe my chest muscles are more used to expanding and contracting with the forced air now. I'm hoping it won't be long until I have no more chest aches/soreness at all !

Aug 22, 2017
CPAP and Mixed Sleep Apnea
by: John M

I have only been using my ResMed CPAP machine for two nights and have been only able to wear it for three hours max both nights after giving up with it.

It seems I'm able to fall asleep with the CPAP on but once I'm asleep, I wake up startled and gasping for air. This happens every time I fall asleep. My chest is also soar and I was wondering if it was my heart as the pain is on the left side. Does this get better? Will my central sleep apnea eventually go away?

Aug 10, 2017
Cpap pain all over
by: Anonymous

Just spent a while reading all of the post here and am so relieved to here that others are having the same issues! I was sleeping on my side with my resmed on and started having horrible chest pain! Took it off to search for answers and pain has subsided greatly in just 20 minutes or so. Have been struggling with feeling bad for a while and never associated it with the cpap! I am so sad that something that is meant to help me is making me feel so bad. I have been using my machine for a year now, but didn't use it for a week while on vacation. Since back on it, have experienced pains all over my body! Will check with my doctor to be sure but sounds like I am suffering like many others!

Aug 07, 2017
CPAP answers
by: Another unhappy patient (part 2)

I feel your pain brothers/sisters so I return from the otherside bearing gifts.
Re:July 10 2016 I too was in horrid pain.
I now get 4-6 hours regular sleep with minimal pain.

I settled on the regular nose mask despite my bent septum with exposed sore.
Also dry air sneaking into my eyes from mask.
I salute friends here using full face masks.

CPAP answers.(Check with your doctor)

1- Clean & clear your airwaves & machine.
Sesame oil-Dry nose & Vinegar for machine
Rinse drop of fav'oil check! Counting sheep!

2- It's OK to jiggle mask for a better fit.

3- Ramp button eases you into higher settings.
G.P. Doctors are OK to make changes here.

4- Summer = lower humidity/water & raise air.
Winter = raise humidity/water & Lower air.

Doctors permitted my changing of settings.
This may not be possible for most.I'm Sorry!
Knowing gives peace of mind for good sleep.

5- Lower machine/raising hose keeps it dry.
Horizontal bed height will release water.
Wintertime,insulate hose to void water rise.
2 empty doorstops sleave hose/rubber bands!

6- Having utilities(phone/lamp)near also helps.

note: It's OK to feel trapped, I still feel that every now & then.I also still feel short of breath and sore as I also suffer from Myositis(Muscles).
I've gained 10 kg (22 lbs) since my last post but I'm not bitter instead happy to help.

Aug 06, 2017
Using CPAP since 2002
by: Anonymous

Thanks for sharing. After reading this link (I too have ruled out a heart attack however, It seems from reading all of your post and the experience I have personally had with CPAP usage that chest pain in the sterum area and back between the shoulder blades is common. I have had this machine since May 2017. My new 2017 setting is 12/10 and I feels like either I am growing wings out of my lungs or my lungs are really hurting when I wake up after 7 or more hours of sleep.

Like many of you, I have a pillow mask and it took a lot to get used to say the least. I have friends who have gotten their neurologist to prescribe sleep aid with the machine. Maybe the reason those who take sleep aid don't have the pains we do (who don't take) is because they are more relaxed. Like many of you I want to sleep more than 3 hours and lose weight.

Best of luck to you all.

Aug 01, 2017
Me too
by: Lynda

I started having panic attacks in my mask. I have the nasal mask and would feel like I was suffocating and came up out of sleep in a full blown panic attack (first ever). This was most distressing because I'd never had a panic attack. I thought I was dying, having a heart attack, asthma attack all at once. It was awful. I can't bring myself to put the mask back on. I'm truly frightened.

Jul 27, 2017
Is what I am experiencing normal?
by: Rachel E

Have been on this a week and a half, feel like I have a hard time breathing and feels like I am suffocating a lot. Yesterday the last time I used my machine, I stopped my cpap with mask on and was hard to breathe and then immediately felt horrid chest pain that lasted a while and then came and went all day yesterday.. Nothing in my back or anything. I am using a resmed10.I called respiratory therapist and she says my pressure is low and it is normal to experience this. I don't think it is normal to feel like I am having a heart attack. I can only sleep 1-3 hours on this and it is interrupted sleep where I feel like I can't breathe. Has anyone else experiemced this? Feels like I am going to die.

Jun 07, 2017
Stomach Ache and Soreness Across My Chest
by: Greg

I have heart failure which is well managed by my meds, but I was sick & tired of feeling fatigued, tired and lethargic every day regardless of how many hours of sleep I was getting each night. I got tested and diagnosed with severe apnea and received my BiPAP machine (with full face mask) about a month ago. I worked my way up from using it 3-4 hours per night. It took a couple of weeks of trial and error adjusting the straps to find the optimum fit for my mask. I'm a tosser and turner, but I stuck with it and now have no problems with the comfort of the mask or the movements of the hose when I roll over to sleep on both sides or flat on my back.

However, once I got used to wearing the mask for 7 hours or more, I began waking with a terrible stomach ache and a very very sore chest. The soreness would subside in an hour or so, but the stomach ache lasted several hours. I wouldn't describe the chest pain like angina or a heart attack pain. I just felt a severe soreness or aching across my whole chest. I had suspected the chest aches to be muscular rather than coronary-related. I immediately contacted my pulmonologist and she reduced my original bi level pressure from 16/12 to 14/10. The bad stomach aches vanished immediately. I'm still feeling chest soreness when I awaken, but it's getting less and less each day and it goes away much faster.

I was relieved to know from this forum that many others have experienced the same problems. Thanks for the reassurance ! I believe that very soon, the mask, hose and machine will become second nature to me and result in a huge boost of my daily energy level.

Apr 25, 2017
chest pain and dizziness
by: Anonymous

I have been recently diagnosed with severe apnea,I stop breathing 68 time per hour.I just started with a machine and am experiencing some chest pain and dizziness, is this normal?I have only been using it for 5 days so far and am concerned.

Apr 02, 2017
Limb pain as well as chest and stomach pain
by: Anonymous

I've been struggling to use the CPAP and APAP machines for more than 4 months now. When I mentioned the pain to the doctor I was having in my stomach and chest, he did not even acknowledge that some people have this. When I told him I wanted to put the machine to a lower pressure and work up to the appropriate one, he said it would not be effective. Not willing to work with me.

If I lose weight they tell me I would be able to lower the pressure. I have severe sleep apnea, stopping breathing 52 times in one minute. I am having trouble losing any weight even though I watch my food and calorie intake. Have been exercising more lately even though it is difficult to do. I now also am having leg and arm pain that lasts for days. I have fibromyalgia and I think this machine is exacerbated this condition. I am going to stop using it as my life has become very miserable with pain and whatever good the machine is doing, the pain is not worth using it to me.

Mar 26, 2017
by: James

Hi Mark, no matter how you slice it, most people do not find CPAP easy for a constellation of reasons. I have always been an advocate against *just grin and bear it* There are many reasons that make compliance difficult, physiological, psychological, and physical, to mention but a few.
Its a poorly understood modality. If your having trouble, go back to your original provider and don't give up.

Mar 26, 2017
Chest pain radiating from back to front
by: MARK j

Past 2 nights bad chest and back pain,feels like diaghram spasms too,hard to sleep on back or side,miserable...does my settings need to be adjusted?

Jan 29, 2017
Lung and chest pain after using cpap
by: Anonymous

I had this misconception for a long time that the force of air from the cpap machine hurts lungs and sides, but i thank you for clarifying my misunderstanding. I will,however, take your advice and mention it to my doctor.
Thanks again !

Jan 28, 2017
Extreme Chest Pain in lung and back - then sick!
by: Charles

I've had 3 sleep studies showing I need to use Breathing therapy. I could not tolerate a CPAP then went to BIPAP. I've had 3 BiPAP machines. After a few days or weeks use, I get severe chest and back pain. I got my latest new machine 2 months ago. It worked great. I was getting 7 hrs. machine time per night. Then I got sick again. Yesterday, I started a new regiment of antibiotics, chest congestion clearing medications, blood test. x-rays, etc. I will find out next week whether I have pneumonia. This happens to me with every machine. Any suggestions for overcoming these problems? The companies that supply these machines tell me to consult my doctor. I have but still need help!

Jan 15, 2017
Chest pain
by: Maddie

I have CHF. I have used a cpap for 7 yrs. Recently I am having pain on my right chest. It feels like I have pleurisy. I am to see my doctor on tuesday and will ask for xray. Has anyone had this experience?

Oct 10, 2016
Thought I was crazy!
by: Shannon M.

I am so grateful to have found this site! I recently started my cpap therapy (a couple weeks ago), after a sleep study and being told I had severe OSA, waking up 166 times an hour!

Being I am a 39yr old widowed mother of 4, I was willing to take any step necessary to help prevent me from possibly passing away in my sleep, and my kids being left parentless- so I was all for cpap therapy. However I noticed, I find I wake periodically through the night, from the force of the pressure. I am on a ramp set up...pressure starts at a 4 then eventually works up to a 20.

Upon waking, I restart my machine, as to go back down to the pressure of 4. I wake for the day feeling soreness in my nostril from the nasal pillows, and my chest(right in the center) in pain!

I find it hard to take breaths during my waking hours, and never fully connected the pain to my cpap...until this site! I was thinking it was just another symptom or/condition of something new starting up.

Now the thing that I thought wld be my saving grace, is my source of worry n fear.

I don't know what to do? Keep bearing thru it all and use the cpap? Be wreckless and NOT use cpap? Or petition my doctor and see if I can switch to a bipap machine to see if that helps me any at all...does anyone have any experience in a switch from cpap to bipap? And if so, did it make things a little better? -worried in North Carolina

Jul 23, 2016
Lung-related question
by: Steve C

Can the elevated pressure of CPAP usage lead to shallow breathing in normal atmospheric pressure (i.e. during normal daily life)?

Jul 10, 2016
More chest pain
by: Another unhappy patient

Thanks Guys,your comments did help,I feel less crazy now.Lets hope my comment helps? I also found the 'nose only' mask easier on chest...I even had 8 hrs sleep one night.

However I have bent nose cartilage it is too dry/painful for me.I'm confined to'mouth only'mask.Like others here I too feel intense heart pain playing on a psychiatric condition,my body tenses up and I convince myself... I'll die going back to sleep with it on (bet I 'm not alone there!).I will be alerting my doctors very soon.

Again as others,I'am exhausted with chest pain all day through till next night my setting Aust= 7.I too am a little overweight but I can spend 4 hrs bodysurfing in a rough ocean but barely battle 2 hrs on latest CPAP humidity-cube.

If I could add...I'm thinking of lowering height of cube but ants like crawling into water chamber or maybe introducing slightly warmer water,insulated tubing has been mentioned,I just don't know? Good health to all...

May 30, 2016
Chest pain
by: Tony

Hi, I've been using a CPAP machine for about 5 years now.
For the last year or so I have been waking up with a very painful chest.
The pain is right down the middle of my chest and penetrates through to my back. The pain does, however, disappear after about half an hour or so of waking up.

I've been back to the doctor's and hospital etc they have carried out tests X-rays ECG, etc and cannot find anything physically wrong. My own diagnosis is that over the last year I have gained a little bit of extra weight and when I sleep on my side my chest is actually compressed slightly due to my body weight.

The CPAP machine is then forcing air into my lungs which are not in the best position to expand freely and easily, therefore the muscles are being forced and consequently feeling sore the next morning.

What I have tried however which is a little bit difficult for me is sleeping on my back and if I manage this successfully the pain is lessened the next morning. I am currently trying to persevere with this sleeping position.

The other noticeable issue that has arisen is that since using the CPAP machine I am more prone to chest infections, I really don't know if this is related.

I was just wondering if anybody else experienced similar experiences as me myself.?

May 16, 2016
Chest and back pain after using CPAP machine
by: Anonymous

i have been using the CPAP machine for over 2 months now, the model is Philips REMSTAR Auto AFLEX 561 , iam still experiencing pain in both my chest and back in the morning. Pl advise on what to do?

Apr 08, 2016
Resmed Air Sence 10 Elite
by: Frank P

I have the Resmed AirSence Elite.
I've had it for 2 weeks.
And have used it for 11days now.
I wake up tired and have had some chest pain that has worried me a little bit.
But now realizing that it could possibly be the pressure is too strong or my chest is trying to adapt to the pressure as well.

It did worry me a little because at the same time I have been wearing a heart monitor for 3 weeks because the Cardiologist I'm seeing decided I need to wear one because of the readings he found on my EKG he gave me.

Now because of all this stress... I believe my Doctor that had me go see a Cardiologist from this point has worried me because of finding irregular readings they found on my EKG.
Today I go to the Cardiologist to see what he tells me.
I think I'm fine now after finding this forum.
I feel a little at ease now.

I do does take several months to adjust to any new CPAP machine.
There are many side effects that come with it that will make anybody think and feel Hopelessness.
Hang in there.

This is a great forum.
We all have the same issues and we can all learn from each other because all we want to do is get better.

Mar 12, 2016
CPAP Chest pain
by: Anonymous

Hi, sorry to hear you're having chest pain. As I said a few previous posts back, chest pain with CPAP should at least be reported. Chest pain and hypertension are closely related to sleep apnea under certain circumstances regardless of CPAP therapy.

Although I am from Ireland, I know that recently some Californian states have started to insert on death certificates cause of death OSA.

Not suggestions by any stretch that your chest pains are dangerous, but related to OSA, I would definitely have a chat with a doctor and a competent one at that. Good luck and hope you get some answers

Mar 12, 2016
Full face mask vs noise mask
by: Lynn koellermeoer

I have had cpap over 1 yr. Started with full face and had sever pain in to doctor and she gave just nose mask. Since then no chest pain. I requested nose masks all the time. She said she would take care of it. But since then I am still receiving full face mask. Requested it over six months ago

Feb 10, 2016
intense chest pain
by: Anonymous

I have been using Philips cpap machine with humidifier for about 5 months. Recently I have been in terrific chest pain and yesterday I thought I was having a heart attack with sharp pain in middle of chest and feeling of being kicked in back.

The worst pain went off but ached all day. last night I didn't use machine and woke up vastly better this morning. I can't have this pain every day. machine has given me full nights of sleep and I don't get up for p*(* during night any more. any ideas please.

I can't say even though had full nights sleep that I feel refreshed, if anything less so.

Dec 22, 2015
Angina & CPAP.

Hi had severe heart attack 2013 suffered some diastolic heart failure. Purchased resmed s10.Now must admit fantastic machine with good relief on exhaling BUT there is no doubt that these machines can exacerbate angina symptoms (beleive me on that !)

I don't understand the physiology behind this phenomenon but in my case it unequivocally emphatically brings on angina.

I did read in a study somewhere that certain heart patients are at risk but that most with heart failure will benefit although again there are no study long enough that are cogent,at least in the literature according to the medical profession.Therefore it's down to gut.

If CPAP (APAP may be a more complaint alternative) continually causes arousal from sleep due to chest pain . Caution is order of the day.

Regardless to many explanations here ,the cardiopulmonary multiplex of physiology ie. Chest pain during usage should be addressed for an answer and not ignored or to blindly persist without a qualified sensible acceptable answer would be IMHO foolish to say the least . Cpap and angina sufferer

Dec 17, 2015
So glad to have found this site
by: Sid

I started my treatment 1 week ago and finding that I am more tired then ever. I had a hard time to function a couple of days and the tightness in my chest is hard to deal with...

I wish the inhalotherapeute that saw me would of advised me of that side effect...that way I would not of panicked ..will continue to use but if I wake up after 5 hours I take the mask off that way the pressure on my chest is not as bad.

Dec 13, 2015
Muscular pain in chest
by: Anny

Thank you for the space to put one's mind at rest. I am on a Philips REMstar. My upper chest is really painful. I had so far one night of good sleep for five hours.
Hopefully I will get used to my CPAP.

Nov 14, 2015
cpap pain
by: Anonymous

I too have horrible pain in my chest and heart area from wearing the CPAP . I use the nasal pillows or I did.

I have low to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. I have angina so I saw the cardiologist to have my heart checked and it was fine. I have reflux and it gets much worse with the CPAP, I also have fibromyalgia and have for 23 years. I am now 66 ys/o.

The pulmonologist has lowered the pressure 3 times and it still just kills my chest to the point it is painful to breath during the day. I have kept at this for almost 2 yrs. When it is to the point my head gets stuffed up terribly and my chest hurts , i just have to quit wearing it.

I am giving up on it. Now however I who have always had very low blood pressure , now I am getting high blood pressure for unknown reasons. I have TMJ and have had a hard time finding an oral device to help.

Husband says I no longer snore which was the main reason for being tested to begin with. I am just at a loss,

Sep 30, 2015
Back Pain
by: Anonymous

I have been using a cpap machine for two years and have been having back pains every night. I wake at 4am pretty well every night and find it difficult to get back to sleep.

I find that lying on an incline helps relieve the pain.When I wake, it is just as well to get up and carry on with your day. When I get out of bed, the pain goes away.

Sep 16, 2015
Heart Pains
by: Anonymous

Well, THANK YOU ALL FOR WRITING IN HERE. This site has put my mind to rest.

I have severe central sleep Apnea and regular Apnea as well. I started to use the kind of hard face mask where it just covers my nose after using a nasal pillow mask that just kept falling off.

The first night I put that hard face mask on at 2 AM I woke up with what I thought was a heart attack or that my heart was under significant stress from the CPAP machine!

It scared me to the point where I had to sit up for about 30-60 minutes and do a relaxation breath without the mask on to get my heart to calm down. My heart felt like it was dehydrated, fluttering, and beating irregularly.

I called the doctor and he said "Try it two more days to see if the symptoms will go away". The next two nights were JUST THE SAME!

I am not off this machine and thank God that I did not have a full heart attack from it. Hard to treat this condition when I cannot have surgery based on having anesthesia is too dangerous for me with the severity of sleep Apnea I have.

BE CAREFUL. Remember that you don't know what is happening when you are sleeping. Be sure to start with very little pressure if you want to try to get your body to adapt to this, but it is so highly unnatural to have just pressure of in breath that the body WILL and DOES react!

My nose was so congested that it was hard to even breath and my whole body felt dehydrated as well.

I am going to just get pillows that make you sleep on your side, use lots of fans, and try a couple of different pillows to see if that will help.

At least sleeping on my side will help me not to have my tongue in the way of breathing.

I also heard that sleeping with a tennis ball sewn into your nightwear at the shoulders helps to keep you from sleeping on your back--makes sense.

Any suggestions on a good pillow to keep you from sleeping on your back.

I have read and re-read articles on line about different pillows and am unsure which one to buy if any. Seems like the focus in more on stopping snoring rather than on stopping Apnea.

Sep 07, 2015
chest cramps and kidney pain
by: Anonymous

Been using machine a month.wake up in night with chest cramps and severe dryness in throat and mouth.Also wake up real early ie 330 4 am = less sleep during the night! means I'm only getting at most 5 hrs so I'm tired by mid day.

Aug 30, 2015
by: Anonymous

Thank you for this article. I just started using a chap and my chest hurts all day, but it's only been a week, and I was all scared.

Aug 05, 2015
chest pain
by: Anonymous

went on a sleep study three nights ago didn't feel to bad in the early morning but later about 11:00 was getting extreme pain across upper chest and upper back, went to the hospital had a complete check over they didn't find any thing.

I wasn't able to get to the Dr who did the sleep test I feel I should of been informed of the possibility of this happening,I was in such extreme pain like I never had in my life, I still am experiencing chest pain three days later,when I go back to the Dr he's going to hear me.I wish I had checked out this forum sooner.

Mar 03, 2015
cheat pain
by: bill king

Been using cpap for 3 yrs and have just now or a few (3) weeks been experiencing chest pain..I wonder if it is air temp and humidity. Not adjusted right.

Dec 23, 2014
Adjust level
by: Anonymous

I am new to CPAP doing an eval and one of the things that seems to make a difference is the pressure that it puts out. My unit usese nose pillows.

If the pressure is too low it is only a little effective and I wake up and straggle to inhale sufficient volume or breath through my mouth.

If the pressure is too high exhaling is difficult and my diaphragm hurts the next day. I am finding that adjusting my pressure level by small increments seems to be bringing me to a level that works but minimizes soreness the next day. I started at 9, went to 11, am now at 10.4 and think this may be it.

Also, having a humidifier set to 80% seems to work well. 100% works nicely at first but water starts building up in the tube. Without the air temperature set just right and the humidifier it's pretty miserable.

Sep 24, 2014
Lung pain when waking
by: Anonymous

I experience Lung pain after waking up too sometimes and I know it's because I breath very shallow and snore. I get the other symptoms to of nausea and restless leg syndrome, all symptoms of sleep apnea. I am going to get a referral from my doctor for a sleep study where they can monitor your heart and sleep rhythms. You should talk to your doctor...Hope this helps.

Jul 11, 2014
ask questions!!!
by: Anonymous

My brother died within a month after beginning this machine. Within 10 days had heart damage (not MI) documented via standard lab data, verified by cath. Ten days later suffered stroke, given tPA, died within an hr from that treatment which caused massive hemorrhage.

Please think twice, there ARE risks to some. Remember, doctors are human, too often over-prescribe and over-treat. Good intentions can still kill.

Feb 17, 2014
cpap pain
by: still sleepy

I have severe OSA and have been on CPAP for over 2 years. I still wake up with chest pain from it, and it really doesn't feel like muscle pain, it feels more like pleurisy.

I think CPAP therapy needs to be rethought. After all, we do not continuously breathe in, we have a rhythm of inhale/exhale.

Jan 14, 2014
Getting better after two weeks
by: Anonymous

I have the same problem, getting better after two weeks


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