Headaches with Sleep Apnea

by Erin
(raleigh, nc ,usa)

Do you wake up with headaches with sleep apnea?

I wake up almost every morning with headaches.

I wake myself up from not breathing at nights.

Its only when i sleep on my back.

I'm just wondering if these are signs of sleep apnea?


Erin, your headaches symptoms associated with the fact that they appear only when you sleep on your back, can be a sign of sleep apnea.

However, there are few things to consider if you want to know if you have sleep apnea disorder, before going to a sleep doctor or sleep center:

  • the most obvious symptom for a patient with sleep apnea is excessive sleepiness and extreme fatigue. So, watch your behavior in daytime.

  • your bed partner could tell you if you have loud and irregular snoring. This symptom is always associated with apnea episodes - when you stop breathing in your sleep.

  • you told me that you wake up from sleep when you stop breathing. An interesting fact is that a person with sleep apnea don't realize that he's awake. Then, he will fall back to sleep in seconds.

So, do you have these symptoms that I described? You can write me again, here, about you headaches and sleep apnea symptoms. I will answer you back.

I hope it helps. Don't be afraid to comment back.

Remy Thierry
Founder of Sleep Apnea Guide

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