My Son Ed pass away from sleep apnea

by Ed Householder
(Pittsburgh Pa USA)

March 22 2012 my son pass away from sleep apnea. He was 32 6'2" 167 pounds But he snored very bad and had 6 of the warning signs.

He came home for Christmas and I have two machines I asked him to take one home with him but he didn't.

He lived alone with his dog so when I couldn't get him on the phone I finally called one of his friends they found him and the next thing I knew I was getting a call form the Charleston County Medical Examiner.

He had laid there for five days.

Please get checked!!! Don't make your Parents or children have to go to a cemetery to be near you.

Ed Householder

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Jul 19, 2012
Sorry for your loss
by: Terry

Ed, sorry for your loss and it's great you can get the message out to help others.

Jul 19, 2012
So very sorry
by: shylakay

I am so very sorry for your loss..Sleep Apnea is such a deadly killer and it seems so few take it should be taken DEAD serious..because it kills all the time. I lost my son as heart goes out to you. God bless you and help you to heal in this terrible loss.

Oct 04, 2012
Devastated by Sleep Apnoea.
by: Joan Kiincey

Hi Ed ,such a very sad story,dealing with the loss of a child,whatever age is devastating,the circumstanses of your sons death,must be so hard for you,to accept,or understand,Sleep Apnoea (APNEA),is just not given the much needed publicity,it warrents.I too lost a son to SA in 2010,Iam still not over it,but like you,I am doing the only thing I can ,that is ,to try and bring as much awareness to it ,and hopefully,save someone else,I wish you well, Sincere Regards,Joan Kincey UK.

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