Puffy eyes from CPAP

by Sandra Bufford
(HESPERIA ca usa)

I've been on the cpap for a month I still get bags under my eyes and till sleepy in the morning.


Dear Sandra,

I will give you some helpful tips to prevent and treat these bags under your eyes.

The puffy eyes are caused by CPAP, but doctors have some difficulties to explain how CPAP therapy can cause the bags under your eyes.

Unfortunately, you didn't tell me more details about your type of cpap mask, or if you have leaks or not, or if the sleep apnea episodes are much better than before, so I would write different causes that may provoke the puffy eyes.

Causes of puffy eyes

  1. wrong adjustment of the full face mask - if you have a cpap full face mask, this mask can push on your cheeks right under your eyes, and your nose right beside your eyes.

  2. cpap mask leaks - sometimes, when the mask is wrong fitted or when you move in sleep, tiny leaks of air get into the eyes, instead of entering into your mouth and/or nose.

  3. if the exhaust air is flowing into your eyes, it can dry them out and causing the swelling. Do not block the vents, because the CO2 is released through them!

  4. cpap mask too tight - if the mask is too tight, the pressure from the mask on your face can cause puffy eyes. In general, is not a good idea to tighten the cpap mask to improve the leaks.

  5. some patients with sleep apnea and puffy eyes from cpap have problems with the tear ducts, sinuses and eyelids. The air that enters in the airways, could also enter through these ducts to the eyes. If the air from the cpap machine is also humidified, the liquid may accumulate under the skin around the eyes.

Treatments for puffy eyes

In puffy eyes treatment, patience is paramount. It takes the body a period of time to get used to cpap, and many problems may appear when people first start out the cpap therapy for sleep apnea.

By the time you get the mask you like and get it adjusted perfectly, these problems will go away or they will get much better.

Also, to treat the bags under the eyes, you need any help you can get. Everything works a little; however, nothing is complete. Let's try the homeopathic treatments first:

  1. a big help for puffy eyes: put a metal spoon - any size - in the freezer for a few minutes. Then take the cold spoon and just place it over the baggy eye, for a few seconds.

    Continue moving the spoon around, touching the baggy areas for just another few seconds, until the spoon is not cold anymore.

    Tip: try this method only with on one eye, then look in the mirror!

  2. There are some cosmetic products to treat bags under the eyes and puffy eyes. Part of the key of their effectiveness is that they have a chilling effect. Olay Eye Serum works pretty well, is inexpensive and is not greasy.

  3. Cucumber works very well in some cases. Try to experiment, and put a cucumber slice on one eye and wait a little. Then look in the mirror and see the difference.

  4. If you have a full face mask, and the mask has a higher pressure on your face, because it's tight, or due to the higher strap pressure, try to experiment other masks, mainly nasal pillows or nasal masks such as Activa nasal mask.

  5. Due to the pressure on the forehead and around the nose, the lymph nodes - which are attempting to drain at night - remain blocked. This is a possible cause for the bags under the eyes and puffy eyelids, and can be prevent with ComfortLite 2.

I hope it helps. Don't be afraid to comment back.

Remy Thierry
Founder of Sleep Apnea Guide

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Jun 19, 2013
eye irritation
by: Anonymous

I use a full face mask with my BiPap machine. I sometimes wake up with the edge of the mask resting on my eye lid. My eye, always the left, is blood shot and sore.

I have tryed readjusting the mask, but thus far it has not helped. I did a Bing search for others with the problem without result,

Feb 20, 2014
Puffy Eyes from Nasal Pillows
by: Anonymous

Since the machine; small unit, level 10, air comes through pillows, my eye bags have gone from none to Jim Leher eyebags and I'm young with no wrinkles!

These make me look like I'm a mad old woman. I figure the pressure is going up my nostrils and into the sinus area all on its own. So don't refer people to use the nasal pillow cpap because it is worse than the mouth cpap; it doesn['t cause bags, but it breaks down the collagen by the straps across the face.

I know a man that uses the mouth unit with the facial straps and he doesn't get eye swelling, but gets the strap marks.

It is the nature of the beast; eye bags and facial strap indentions.

Jan 15, 2015
Puffy eyes
by: JodI

I am 3 months in to using my CPAP machine with humidifier and nasal mask . I wake up often adjusting the mask due to my sleeping habits but worst is I look terrible from the puffy eyes. It takes almost all day to get rid of them then it starts all over. I have tried readjusting the mask to make sure it is not too right or loose. I do feel better over all since using the CPAP but very frustrated with looking bad with the puffy eyes.
I have dry eyes anyways would getting my tear ducts plugged help with this problem?

Mar 04, 2015
comfort masks
by: Michele

There is a soft mask that completely minimized my mask problem. It uses air to create a tight fitting against the face. It's so comfortable. I cannot imagine going back to hard plastic masks.

Mar 07, 2015
puffy eyes with little es
by: Sue R.

I have had a cpap for a few years but only started using it regularly for the past six months.

I now have terribly puffy and dry eyes and big circles/lines under eyes.

Other than cosmetic remedies (cucumbers..frozen spoons...teabags) has anyone used the cloth mask with a) good results as a mask in general and b) reduction of puffiness, lines(bags)? Or, any suggestions?
Thank you.

Mar 07, 2015
My effective solution
by: Nancy

I have had multiple surgeries in my left eye for glaucoma. When I started CPAP a few months ago I had a dry painful left eye from the exhaust vent.

What i did was slip a small ladies sock (cotton is best-allows your eyelids to breathe)between the bridge of my nose and the part of mask support that connects to the headgear (goes from the mask to forehead). I spread out the sock to cover both eyes and make sure no air hits either eye.

It has been a very effective protection technique and costs nothing if you have lots of clean single socks lying around. The sock stays in place most of the night, although I was told when I had my sleep study that I did not move at all for the whole night. So it works for me and I hope there is someone out there that finds this helpful too.

I want to thank you for this informative website. I stumbled upon it in my search for some kind of help for chronic dry eyes due to my surgeries and medications.

I have used the massage techniques and eye hygiene tips and found them to be so soothing and relaxing. Thanks again!!

Mar 09, 2015
Dry/Puffy Eyes
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your suggestion to use a sock. I will try tonight! I don't use the mask with the forehead piece - hopefully it will work with the mouth/nose style. I also found a liner - called remzzzs (remzzzs.com). I have not purchased them yet but plan to.

May 17, 2015
Help from headbands
by: Sleeping zenbaby

I am using a BiPap at a high level and also had issues with puffy, crusty, eyes. So after months of suffering I had a lightbulb moment while washing my face before bed.

I use a cloth headband to hold my hair back, and as it slid over my eyes I remember thinking, " this would be great to keep light out if I slept during the day."

Then I thought I could try it for keeping the air out of my eyes and protect from mask digging into them.

It also helps that they are soft cotton and washable. Hopefully this idea helps someone else.

Aug 15, 2015
Bubble in eye?
by: Anonymous

is it possible because of air leak I got little jell look bubble in my eye?

how long you have to use this to see the result ?

I got ear pressured too.

please help.

Oct 08, 2015
Still have very bad puffy eyes.
by: Anonymous

I have had my Cpap for 11 months now and used a nose/moth mask for about 5 months, but wasn't working because my facial features are small.

I switched to the nasal pillows and my eyelids are becoming more and more puffy to where my eyelid hangs out to my eyelashes.

I've done eye serum, cucumber, cold rag, ice pack and nothing works???? I use eye drops for dry eyes throughout the day.

I look awful, can't wear eye makeup of any kind and my eyes bother me all the time??????? Help help help??????

Nov 02, 2015
bags under eyes remedy worked for me
by: Anonymous

I am new to CPAP and, as so many of you have commented, also immediately found it gave me huge bags under eyes and my eyes felt terrible all day.

Yesterday, after almost 2 months suffering from this, I had an aha moment. I have a small, light silk scarf - very sheer fabric. I folded it to a 2-inch wide strip and wrapped it lightly over my eyes and tucked the ends in under the mask straps. It felt so good and this morning - no bags and my eyes feel much better!

An added benefit is that any light that might bother my sleep is blocked out. Can't wait to try it again tonight.

Dec 26, 2015
I Look Like A Horror Movie
by: Anonymous

Other than the mask itself, could it be from the humidifier part of the CPAP? The moist air is going into our sinus cavities. I am so glad I found this site. When I wake up my eyes are so swollen and baggy and dark that I look like a horror movie. I am going to the doctor soon so I will mention this to her and see what she says.

Dec 30, 2015
Huge bags of water under my eyes; water swollen eyelids
by: Anonymous

What is the solution to this? My sleep apnea doctor's reaction was "Duh?" Half of these doctors are simply fools with licenses to kill. I have water blisters on the whites of my eyes now. I look horrific. Can someone email a solution to me? treid31@juno.com PLEASE. PLEASE. I have eye discharges now also. The "doctor" says, "Don't make the mask so tight." If it's not tight, the oxygen vents out of the mask. Damned if I do and damned if I don't. I can either suffocate or go blind?

Dec 30, 2015
"Michelle" and the Soft mask
by: Anonymous

Someone please tell me the name of the soft mask. Michelle, can you provide the name of it? I look like a creature in a Frankenstein movie.

Swollen eyelids. Eye discharge. Red eyes. Huge bags of water UNDER my eyes. Cloudy vision. And CPAP is the solution? Or going blind is the solution?

Jan 01, 2016
Oxygen and Cpap
by: Anonymous

I have used a Cpap for 12 years and the only time I have felt good during that 12 years is the year they added 2 liters of oxygen with the Cpap. at the end of the year the insurance decided I didn't need the oxygen after one night of going without it.

I am now having all kinds of problems with my eyes. They are red, eyelids are raw, dry patches and bags under them, puffy, run constantly, burn, matted in the morning, and the whites of my eyes are red all the time.

I have been wondering if dropping the air pressure (currently on 12)and adding oxygen would help. Has anyone had any experience with this approach?

Jan 06, 2016
Puffy eyelids,bags and dark circles
by: Brenda

Thank you all so much for info. I tried remzz liners and they would not stay put. They also cost 25 dollars. I am going to try to make my own from an old t shirt. I'm tired of looking like a monster

Jan 18, 2016
Baggy eyes
by: Bryan

Iv had the Resmed machine for about six months iv got the readings down to near perfection but the fluid bags under and above my eyes is becoming worse if I don't wear the mask the problem is still there for several days.

I've been told my tear ducts have dropped and need plastic surgery will this help can't understand how air can get into my eyes while asleep ant ideas would be appreciated.

Jan 19, 2016
Thank You!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the comments. We have discovered that the Cpap needed to be turned down. New mask with no leaks. The skin around my eyes was raw.

I could tell a big difference the first night. Within a week the redness was gone. Seems my body cannot take the higher setting.

Now I am faced with another problem.....inadequate sleep due to oxygen level dropping. Catch 22!

Mar 16, 2016
Monster Bags Under My Eyes
by: Anonymous

I've been using a C-Pap machine for a few months now and I immediately (after about the first week of use) noticed the monster bags under my eyes. On my first ENT doctor visit after getting the machine, I told the doctor - I had associated (with the use of the C-Pap), sleeping better with feeling better with looking better..... NOT THE CASE. I look like I have aged 10 years and it's not getting any better. I will try the sock / some type of fabric method covering the eyes tonight and can't wait to try it. I will experiment until I find some resolution because the only other alternative would be to STOP using the C-Pap machine. So happy to see that I am not the only person with this same problem. The doctor by the way - didn't have a clue. I stopped seeing him.

Mar 16, 2016
ComfortLite 2 no longer available
by: Anonymous

The ComfortLite 2 model is no longer available. Is there a similar model that will not block lymph node drainage?

Mar 16, 2016
by: ANA

I made already a comment a few months ago. I am still wearing the nose mask and i am happy with the way i am sleeping now vs like i was before. I still have the problem with the puffy eyes, baggy and redness of my eyes.

I am covering my eyes with the sleeping bags they give you when you flight in an airplane. They dont last long since i have to wash them often but my son flies a lot a bring me new ones.

I am also wearing a plastic bag with gel inside just for the eyes. The ones you put inside the freezer. Between those two i would say that had helped some of my problems, not totally. When i dont use them my eyes are really bad when i wake up. Using them helps, i still have some redness and puffy eyes but not as much.

During the day if i have time i use the other plastic bags with gel for like half hr before going out. I also keep in the freezer a stainly steel spoon and put under my eyes over the puffy spot.

It is not a total solution, but i really dont want to stop wearing my cap mask cz i can tell i sleep much better.

May 14, 2016
Not alone
by: Anonymous

I am so glad to see that I am not alone. thanks for the suggestions. I will try them...I'm on my third mask.

Jul 25, 2016
puffy eyes dard shadow eyes and my eyes are dry and bothering me
by: ana

this is my third comment. it is going to be 10 months using the mask. great to sleep, no snoring any more and I sleep all night, BUT BUT horrible morning with puffy eyes, dark eyes and eyes bothering me during the entire day.

I had used all the suggestions given here, ice mask, Oil of Olay serum, cold spoon cucumbers, etc etc. nothing work. now I have a stuffed nose like if I am catching a cold. if I don't use the mask I don't sleep well. I begin to snore. I don't know what to do. I am taking allegra, flunasone spray, cleaning my nose with saline bath before going to bed.

there is nothing that I haven't tried. feeling not better. I wish someone could help. my mask is the covered nose type not the full face or the nose.

Jul 27, 2016
So glad to know its not just me
by: Judy

I have only had a cpap machine about a month and from the first morning I had bags under my eyes. I laid down this morning with a bag of ice water wrapped in a light tea towel on my eyes for about
15 minutes and it didn't help. Maybe it takes longer, but I didn't have longer. They are so bad this morning they hurt a little.

I have ordered the Dream Maker mask to replace the Wisp I have now to see if that will help. I am also going to try wrapping a scarf around my head tonight. Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions.

Jul 27, 2016
puffy eyes and dry eyes
by: Ana

It is me again I will like to say that so far I had uses five different masks. the nasal and the pillow masks. with all I had experienced the same problem. I have to say that the nasal mask which is the one I am using helps me to sleep very well. I sleep all night and have no problems. my problems start when I wake up and look at my face so puffy and my eyes bothering me a lot.

Aug 24, 2016
by: Anonymous

Could it be my CPAP causing sore skin around my eyes, puffy eyes and hideous dry skin and crinkles underneath my eyes? It's driving me mad!

My eyes are looking awful and the skin is sore around them. Doctor gave me eye drops and anti biotics but no improvement. Can see obviously but it's really unsightly and making me not want to use the CPAP anymore!!

Sep 17, 2016
1st time CPAP user
by: Anonymous

I went to my sleep study last night to be fitted for a mask. I chose the full face since I breathe out of my mouth. Horrible allergies my whole life (which means I have enough bags under my eyes for the DFW airport). I woke up at 5a.m. WHAT IN THE WORLD! No bags at 5 a.m.???? Asking myself is this a fluke? IDK because that never occurs. Oh well.. if so I'll find out soon enough when I get my machine- for now I will be hopeful.

Oct 04, 2016
Pop Eyes
by: Big Swollen eyelids

My eyes are looking like two beach balls over my eyes. I am seriously getting frustrated in reference to finding the right mask. I have tried about six different masks inc., one claiming to assist with sinus and allergies. Frustrated and embarrassed to go out my door looking like Ms. Pop Eyes the Weasel. Help. Suggestions please!

Oct 23, 2016
Puffy eyes
by: Sonya

I am new to my machine and use a full mask. I have irritated, puffy eyes in the morning. After reading these posts, I am going to use my itFit workout headband around my eyes and under the gear (but not under the mask) tonight. I believe the headband is wicking, and I know it's lightweight. I feel confident this will fix the issue.

Oct 25, 2016
Puffy eyes from CPAP
by: Anonymous

I have this issue now after several months of using this, so I am going to start wearing an eye mask. I hope that works, if not I will try a sock.

Nov 16, 2016
Me too!
by: Anonymous

So glad to see that I am in good company with the Frankenstein look in the am! It is very frustrating!

I have extremely dry eyes, and thin corneas, so I was already putting muro 128 ointment on my lashes before bed; if I don't, I wake up with a corneal abrasion. (You can buy it on Amazon, the generic sodium chloride ophthalmic ointment, 5%, by akorn- much less expensive than the brand stuff in the drugstore) So- for me the problem is not dry eyes, or reddened, weepy eyes, they are just super puffy!

Super puffy. Above my eyes, and below, so swollen, and water filled, that my eyes are like slits. Ugh. I look awful, and when I told the lady at the mask place, she acted like she had never heard such a thing before.

I tried the nasal pillows, (for which I paid $200) and a chin strap, and I was full of air for several hours. Very very uncomfortable. Back to the full face mask. I'll try the thin cotton layer over my eyes tonite.

Nov 19, 2016
Bags Galore
by: Anonymous

I have been using a full face mask for severe sleep apnea for nearly one month and am sleeping better and have fewer events. But the eye bags are enormous!

I cannot stop using this machine and return to very low oxygen levels, high pulse rate, and not breathing. That has all leveled out now. I will try all remedies listed here.

BTW, I using the cotton liners. They are very expensive but they have stopped all leaks and I can sleep on my side with hissing. I think that tonight I will try an eye shade and loosen the mask and see if I still look 101 years old in the morning.

Nov 28, 2016
Puffy dry eyes
by: Kim

So glad to have come across this sight! Also glad I am not alone in this issue.
I am new to using cpap and I have full mask. First one lasted 3 days before leaking using replacement mask that wasn't to be used for 2 months to see if it lasts longer.
I have dry eyes already and it is making them worse like sandpaper! And I have horrible bags under eyes.

I have appointment to get fitted for different mask but it sounds like they all give the eye bags.!
I will try the suggested masks, liners etc.

Thank you for all your suggestions.
Please report back on what works.

Dec 03, 2016
Sleep mask helped
by: Anonymous

I read the comments about the lady who used the sock over her eyes. I decided to try my sleep now and the next morning I had immediate positive results. The swelling in my eye was much reduced.

Dec 11, 2016
Puffy eyes
by: sireland75

I am so relieved to read that I'm not the only one to suffer swollen, puffy eyes.

I've been using a CPAP machine for almost two months (ResMed machine for the first month trial-run, and now own a Deviliss) and use a ResMed nasal pillow mask and I can barely open my eyes in the mornings because of the puffiness.

Not just under my eyes, but my upper eyelids as well. I'm going to go to my GP about it as the sleep centre I was going to will no longer see me because I didn't purchase one of their CPAP machines (too expensive).

I'm going to get a sleep mask and see if that helps with the eye issue but would love some feedback from others who have said they're going to try it, too.

Dec 20, 2016
Thank you
by: Heather

Huge relief to realise your not alone. Will try all the suggestions. Can't believe I've been using mask for two months and look ten years older...thank you

Dec 20, 2016
tried the eye mask
by: sireland75

So I've been using an eye mask for a couple of weeks now and at first it helped but I'm back to puffy eyes again. What I've discovered, however, is that the puffiness seems to be worse when I lay flat with just one pillow. When I prop myself up a bit more with two pillows the puffiness isn't quite so bad. Worth a try if you're still struggling.

Dec 24, 2016
Dilated. Pupils
by: Anonymous

I used the nasal pillows, occasionally get bags so I'm excited to see all the reasons and remedies. I have noticed a few times that my pupils are dilated in the am. They go back to normal after a bit. Has anyone else experienced this?

Jan 02, 2017
exoeriment with masks
by: Anonymous

going to purchase a couple and see what works since the sock idea helped. Oil of Olay baggy eye serum and the eye tightener cream rescued my New Yeat's date night after a horrible baggy eye week. Silk Dream light mask and a hot and cold gel mask at target that had 5 stars

Jan 12, 2017
Puffy, swollen eyes
by: Anonymous

After much research for my very swollen CPAP use eyes...discovered that if you cover your eyes with swimming/tanning goggles and you still get no relief then see your eye doctor and have the internal tear ducts blocked. A simple painless procedure that will solve the problem.

So to be clear if covering the outside tear ducts does not stop the swelling then it is the inside tear ducts!

Feb 16, 2017
Puffy eyes cpap
by: Anonymous

I use Preparation H. It's gentle, you can wear it under your makeup, and it only takes about two hours for the swelling to go down.

Feb 19, 2017
Puffy Eyes
by: Anonymous

Since I started using Cpap machine Nov 2016 my been battling puffy eyes and at times itchy red cheeks and eyes. I never experienced puffy eyes before till now I am greatful I am not the only one. I will try some of the suggestions and hopefully I can find a solution so I don't look like this all the time. One thing I sleep on my left side due to back problems seems it's inevitable to live with the problem. Not happy!

Feb 19, 2017
puffy and dark circles
by: Ana

This is my third or fourth comment on this issue. I have been using the apnea mask for almost a yr. I had experienced the puffy eyes, the black circles, and even swollen face.

I had tried many of the suggestions others are given. among them covering my eyes with travel mask, with a band, putting ice mask during the day too, cold slices of potatoes, etc. the Oil of Olay cream and many other suggestions.

I keep inside the freezer two spoons to put on top of my eyes the following day. some of them helped a little, some not. I went to check my vision and told the doctor about the problem and he recommended using REFRESH P.M. LUBRICANT OINTMENT FOR DRY EYE.

He said the normal air that comes from the mask dry out eyes even when using a travel mask cs the mask probably moves during the night. the heavy ointment protects the eyes to get too dry.

I have been using it for a month and it had helped. I also use artificial tears during the day. the REFRESH PM LUBRICANT is sold over the counter and is approx. $15 a tube.

I also have to say that I had tried several masks from pillows to nasal. they all give the same problem. hope this will be another suggestion among all the ones given before.

Mar 07, 2017
Puffy eyes
by: Anonymous

I was thinking maybe s coffee filter might work

Mar 14, 2017
Puffy eyes
by: Anonymous

I have been on the CPAP machine for 3 weeks now. I have tried 3 masks. I ended up with a lot of puffiness above my eye lids and thought I must have eye infection, however, I thought maybe the CPAP machine may have something to do with the puffiness as I never had the problems before. I am happy to know I am not alone but have decided maybe I would stop the mask as I hate how I look and feel like I have weights pushing down on my eyes and it makes me uncomfortable all day.
I have moderate sleep apnea and I am 67 yrs old but look 90 lol
No, not funny!
I am so glad I googled this matter as you have been all so helpful
I may try one of your suggestions before giving up, thanks folk!

Mar 19, 2017
Eye bags and cheek farts
by: Anonymous

Yes if I tighten enough to keep my cheeks from flapping, I end up with strap marks and luggage under my eyes...so why don't they make a smaller size mask!

Mar 19, 2017
Eye Cyst after cpap
by: Anonymous

I have had the "cheek fart" issue too and think the mask is too big even though it is a size small!

If i don't tighten it, then I get air leaks. If I tighten it, I get puffy eyes and now the cyst.

Going to opthamologist tomorrow. Mine is on inside of eye so thinking its inner tear duct?

I am also going to call cpap supplier and my physician to see what suggestions they offer.

I have an eye mask so I will try that tonight as well.

Thanks all!

May 13, 2017
Mask rides up during night
by: Rodney

I use a full face mask and most of the time when I wake up, the mask has ridden up into the corner of my eye, and now my left eye is sore and irritated.
I was looking for a chin strap to hold the mask down, but so far have not located any such thing.
I have tried several adjustments on the mask straps to no avail, I'm hoping someone has found a solution and is willing to share.

May 16, 2017
by: Anonymous

this is may third or fourth comment on this matter. I had used many of the things suggested here, and even an artificial tear cream suggested by me ophtalmologo and nothing had really helped. I still wake with dark circles and puffy eyes and my eyes bother me like a sensation of sand. I had covered my eyes with a mask, with a band and many other things, I had used a cream suggested in someone else comment, I had used the spoons. I am like first day. I had tried several masks, nasal and pillow. Nothing helps. I am going back to the doctors, both, to see what else I can do. I cannot stop using the mask, it helps me to sleep well, but then I have the problem when I wake up.

Jul 03, 2017
Luggage Rack
by: Anonymous

Thanks for all your comments, I have bags under my eyes, however I am going to try some of your suggestions (the easy fixes first). As we read, I have my spoon in the freezer!

Jul 03, 2017
Hang in there!!
by: Anonymous

I have been through so much in the 13 years I have been on the C-PAP. The eye problems were the biggest challenge. I could not take the pressure above 8. They have now turned the machine back to 8 and added 2 liters of oxygen. Eye problems gone, blood pressure has dropped and I sleep like a baby. It took 13 years to get it right because no one listened. Be persistent! DO NOT GIVE UP!! You will be so glad you hung in there!!

Jul 06, 2017
So Glad to have Found You All!
by: Carolyn

Nice to know I'm not crazy! Will try all of the suggestions, spoon helped. To "Rodney"... I have strapped a cloth ponytail "scrunchy" from one side of my full face mask strap under my chin to the other strap to hold down the mask. It also helps keep my jaw from dropping down during sleep. Maybe this or something like it will help you.
Thanks for the support and a few laughs, (ie; "flapping cheeks"!),
-your fellow 100 yr old CPAP monster

Jul 27, 2017
Baggy & saggy eyes
by: Anonymous

Like everyone else I thought it was just me,sore & red eyes with balloons at the bottom of my eyes.

I thought it was caused by my change in diabetes mess but you have all confirmed what they don't tell you as aside effect when purchasing CPAP.

I'm going to start with the spoon and eye cover and hope it works, thanks to all your enlightening comments

Jul 30, 2017
reduced pressure?
by: Anonymous

Food for thought. I continued to struggle with the marks on my face and puffy eyes and actually, lack of sleep because I had to wear my full face mask so tight to keep it from leaking.

I finally called my doctor and asked to have my pressure reduced. I argued that it did little good for me to use the mask only half the night because it kept waking me up with leaks and discomfort (I was at a 7 ramp and 14 full pressure) They agreed and reduced the ramp to 5 and the full pressure to 10)

This has made and AMAZING difference not only in how well I sleep (almost doubled my hours as I was getting just barely 4) and reduced the discomfort on my face and the swelling.

Anyway, you might want to talk to your doc and reason that the way things are, you are suffering rather than resting and see if reducing the pressure might be a good compromise. good luck

Sep 21, 2017
Puffy eyes in Mi
by: Anonymous

New to the C pap world. Having puffy eyes. Thanks to this article I now know it isn't just me! I've tried to loosen mask but then I just have leaks. Seems I can't go anywhere in the morning! Have call into medical supply for help.

Oct 09, 2017
Not sure what to do...
by: Bag Lady

I have only been on my CPAP for 2 months now and use a full mask (Amara View). I do not have any problems with dry or red eyes, just swollen under my eyes and the swelling goes all the way to my cheeks.

I'm sleeping so much better but everyone keeps telling me I look tired, I am not having alot of issues with leakage and I don't think the mask is too tight.

I have always heard the best way to sleep for your face's sake is on your back, When you sleep on your side or stomach, your face is getting smushed and it does affect your face with bags and wrinkles.

I do sleep on my back for the most part, took some getting used to, but I still have the issue. I can't help but feel like it is the mask and I have made an appt to get fitted for a nasal one and a chin strap...but after reading some of the comments I'm not sure it is going to help :(

Oct 29, 2017
Thank you!
by: Sylvia

I have tried so many things, visits to GP, eye specialist, optometrist etc. numerous eye preparations from steroids , antibiotics to lubricants, inc allergy treatments galore.

I am going to try the sock tonight, I feel so relieved to have read all your stories and advice, I was feeling so isolated and puzzled and desperate.

My symptoms flare up and down in intensity and include puffiness esp on waking, itchy, red, watery,cystal sore some gritty bits, you name it and not consistent so found it hard to describe. On and off use of my cpap , nothing was obvious. I will report on progress.

Oct 29, 2017
Puffy eyes
by: Michelle

So happy to have read comments on here, with problems similar to mine. After trialling masks, I decided nose pillows were the best, I'm a mouth breather and found these a bit difficult initially., but overcame that issue. Now my eyes are driving me crazy. Puffy, sore and pressure type sensation in my forehead! Will try the sock trick

Oct 30, 2017
A big solution for bags and puffy eyes with CPap use,
by: Lorna

I have been using a CPap for only 2 weeks now and have been very anxious and upset with the edema around my eyes every morning to the point I don’t recognize myself in the mirror.

After reading some comments on this site I decided to try an experiment to see if I could prevent this problem altogether and it worked!!!!!

I used a gel sleep mask that I bought at Walmart and the next morning I had no sign of puffiness or bags around my eyes!!!! I was so excited that I wanted to share this with everyone who may be having the same problem.

I want to thank the lady who shared using a sock because it gave me the idea to try the mask. I’m so grateful to have found this site to learn that I’m not the only one who has had to deal with a terrible image in the mirror.

Oct 30, 2017
Image in the mirror!!!
by: Anonymous

I have been using the CPap for about a month now and I was so horrified when I saw how it caused bags and puffiness around my eyes !

I read some suggestions about using a sock and I came up with an idea to use a gel face mask and it worked I had no swelling or bags under my eyes and I looked like myself in the mirror.

Try it it sure worked for me!!,

Nov 17, 2017
Thank you
by: Anonymous

My racialist suggested I google CPAP and eye bags. I’m so glad I found this. Haven’t found a so,ution but glad to know I’m not crazy. I’m going to try a sleep mask tonight. Thank you. Good night.

Dec 11, 2017
puffy ears and ear drum problem
by: Anonymous

i started with a cpap face mask late october of this year and switched to pillows because the mask kept poking me in the eye when i changed positions while sleeping.

the nose pillows were much more comfortable but are leaving huge watery looking bags under my eyes in the morning and for most of the day.

i am also having a slight amount of fluid coming out of my ear which is due to a perforated permanent slight hole in my eardrum from ongoing ear infections as an adult.(i had a deviated septum and a sinusectomy surgery to alleviate those problems about 20 years ago but the eardrum never fully closed after so many perforations from infections).

after reading through these comments i am wondering if changed the setting and pressure on my machine will help this problem. will call my provider and find out!

Jan 07, 2018
image in the mirror !!!
by: Anonymous

Hi, did you use a full gel mask or just a gel eye mask, oh and where did you buy this from please ? many thanks & hope its still working for you.

Jan 18, 2018
Eye bags queen
by: Anonymous

Lorena, I am also wondering if you used just an eye mask or a full face gel mask. Help please I look very scary and don't want to give up cpap I feel so much better

Jan 20, 2018
Gotta be a better way ...
by: Mizelda

I am so glad I came across this site! I have been experiencing swollen eyes both under my eyes and my eyelids hanging down to my eyelashes! Red, swollen, and gel-like fluid on eye-ball as well as yellow crusty guck in the morning for more than 1 year now.

I have taken all of this, my doctor and my optician - mentioning the CPAP machine and the mask in particular. I have been to see an eye specialist who diagnosed an eye condition called Blepharitis.

I've always believed it was the mask causing the issues so thanks to everyone for your illuminating and helpful suggestions to ensure eyes are covered/protected from leakages from my machine.

Jan 29, 2018
This forum is such a wonderful site - I've learned so much
by: Kathleen

I'm one of the 70-year olds who has always taken great pride in the way I look - bags under the eyes were for other people - never a problem for me.

So many possible solutions - I'm going to try the gel sleep mask first, and if that doesn't work I'm going to speak to my specialist to reduce the pressure - it's currently on 10.4, which sounds a little high, compared to other pressures mentioned.

It surprises me that the medical practitioners aren't very interested in this problem - they treat it as trivial. But we must not let them.

One thing that I have been using, as a replacement for the chin strap, is a small foam plastic neck support - it keeps my chin from falling down, without the pressure of a strap. Seems to reduce the leakage considerably - it was only after I introduced this to my list of accoutrements that I was able to keep the mask on all night and sleep peacefully. Until, of course, I got up and looked in the mirror.

Thanks everyone for your input.

Feb 04, 2018
Mom! What is wrong with your eyes!?
by: Liza

I have been using cpap machine happily for 8 years, and have just developed the same swollen eyelid and dark under eyes described in these posts-as well as itchy bubbled skin where respironics mask touches my skin.

My optometrist has also dx "blepharitis" and Rx pataday eyedrops and antibiotic once a day.

I wondered if it had something to do with the cpap.
Good to know that I am not alone.
I will try your solutions, thanks.

Feb 06, 2018
by: Scary Grandmom

I'm 60 and already had bags but since using my cpap my bags have bags. I scare myself when I look in the mirror first thing in the morning. Not sure what to do. I also had issues with redness that I really think was from the air blowing on my face.
Nice to know I'm not alone.

Feb 06, 2018
Reporting Back
by: Kathleen

Nancy was the first person to share a solution with us - suggesting that placing a sock over the eyes relieved the puffy eyes. At the time of reading Nancy's post, I had severe doubts as to how that would work. But it was a simple solution, so I tried it.

The first night, with sock secured under the straps, I had some difficulty adjusting to the eye covering, and as a result was probably more restless than usual. But I did notice a reduction in the size of the eye bags.

So, I knitted myself a chunky rectangle from soft yarn and was very careful to mould the edges of the rectangle around the edges of the mask. I felt more snug than the sock - and seemed to fill the eye cavity more successfully. The result was a much larger reduction in the puffiness under my eyes - probably 80%. In the morning I place a cold (not freezing) gel pack over my eyes for about 5 minutes, and I'm not nearly so distressed when I get to the mirror.

I find it strange that this 'device' works, because the air that blows out of the mask does not seem to blow in the direction of my eyes. I am going to do the ultimate test and sleep without the eye covering, just once more, to see if the eye bags return. I will post again soon with the result.

But thank you Nancy for this brilliant idea.

Feb 14, 2018
Thank you all!!
by: Anonymous

I am at my whits end and I am so grateful to all of you. I didn't know why I was getting the bags under and swelling above my eyes.

On a whim I decided to google and there you all are. Kind of a relief to know I am not alone. I will try all of your ideas and thank you for being here! I am 68 and have been using my cpap for a few months.

I NEVER had an issue with eye bags. These bags are just getting way too heavy to keep lugging around. Thanks again.

Mar 26, 2018
Has anyone experience this?
by: DrugstoreDog

I have been using full face CPAP mask for over 2 years now. I have been having trouble with leaks, and tightening the mask often solves the problem, but like many here, it results in facial swelling.

I just noticed a new swelling "inside" my cheek, where my cheek is usually pressed against my teeth by the CPAP strap. I am guessing this is either trauma from contact with my first molars, or a blockage of lymphatic drainage.

Has anyone else had this problem to pop up quickly overnight when using CPAP full face?

Apr 20, 2018
No one has the answer for puffy eyes
by: Cat

Every doctor tells you that air is leaking from the mask and blowing into your eyes. The reality is, that it's building up from the inside. Some of us are wired incorrectly - our sinuses and tear ducts. It's been the most frustrating ordeal.

I've had two eye surgeries to get rid of the swelling, but it keeps happening. Now I have an oral appliance - we'll see how that works. I actually miss the moist air, as it kept me from getting stuffed up and I slept well with it.

Much more research has to be done, as no one can speak to it accurately. Enough of us are suffering - so let's figure this out.

May 20, 2018
Looks Like I’ve Been Beaten Up
by: Anonymous

I just started using cpap a little over 2 weeks ago. I’m 53 and was always told I look younger than I am. This morning I woke up with horrible dark circles, swollen eyes and face that it looked like someone beat me up in the night. I look old and haggard. My eyes have been bothering me all day since using this.

I have switched a few masks and now using a DreamWear full face mask. It seems to fit great and I have very little air leakage and none into my eyes that I’m aware of. I can only think that the air is coming out through my tear ducts. I sleep great but the problem with my eyes is making me feel like I just want to lay down and go to sleep so I can rest them and get relief. I feel uncomfortable during the day because of my eyes and honestly, I felt better when I was tired all the time.

I will try some of the remedies you all have mentioned and talk to my doctor at my follow up and hope I find a solution. Perhaps this will get better over time. This is really frustrating.

Jun 08, 2018
Puffy eyes is OVER the eye, not under
by: Michelle

I've been searching for a while for answers for the puffiness OVER my eyes, not under (not bags as you described) - I can tell it is blocked up fluid that would l ike to escape my sinuses or tear ducts but i don't know how to make myself cry every morning to get it out... the product you recommended at the end of your article i have never heard of, what is it? will it help with this? Michelle

Jun 09, 2018
Follow-up to "Looks Like I've Been Beaten Up"
by: Anonymous

I wrote about my puffy eye issues on 5/20/18 and wanted to follow-up with my results from trying some of the ideas on this forum.

I'm happy to report that I tried someone's suggestion to using Nighttime Dry Eye Drops and a sock over my eyes and within two days have had relief.

I don't have the puffy eyes and dark circles under my eyes anymore. The only thing I'd note about the nighttime dry eye drops is they are a bit too strong for me and I opted for a milder strength.

I don't really use the eye drops every night now and just using something over my eyes as this is what seems to help the most.

Thank you to everyone for sharing on this forum. Now to get rid of those pesky strap marks. Sigh...

Jun 10, 2018
Strap Marks
by: Anonymous

I have had a lot of trouble with strap marks and the head gear straps were breaking off my hair. Switched to ResMed Swift with Bella loops and that took care of both problems. The face straps have a soft cover with Velcro so they attach easily. Bella loops are a lot less confining.

Jun 11, 2018
Re: Strap Marks...
by: Carolyn

I have sewn my own soft "sleeves" and they work very well. You can also buy them. Anything that slips over the straps and is soft and fuzzy will alleviate the marks. Some people use tissues under the straps as a temporary relief. ;)

Nov 26, 2018
Sock treatment???
by: Vince

Could someone explain the sock thing. I'm not quite understanding how it works.

Jan 18, 2019
for Vince, copied from other post
by: Anonymous

What i did was slip a small ladies sock (cotton is best-allows your eyelids to breathe)between the bridge of my nose and the part of mask support that connects to the headgear (goes from the mask to forehead). I spread out the sock to cover both eyes and make sure no air hits either eye.

It has been a very effective protection technique and costs nothing if you have lots of clean single socks lying around. The sock stays in place most of the night, although I was told when I had my sleep study that I did not move at all for the whole night. So it works for me and I hope there is someone out there that finds this helpful too.

Feb 03, 2019
Puffy eyes
by: Fadkins

Found this site while looking for answers to puffy eyes that started after 2_weeks on c pap. Gonna try the sleep mask tonight & the head band to wear as a chin strap to keep chin from dropping. I also want to say that I have developed dry eye and just this week was at eye Dr and didn't occur to me to ask if it was the c pap causing it. He doesn't know I use the thing! Oh well, thanks for all the advice !!!!!

Apr 16, 2019
by: Anonymous

I recently read an article on the effects of the CPAP machine, causing papilledema.

Has there ever been a study done by the company who produces The Pap machine on the effects of the pressure to the nose and the eyes?

Papilledema is caused by pressure on the optic nerve in the brain. This can be very dangerous and debilitating in some cases can cause blindness and even death. If research by the company is not done it would seem a good idea to contact a research facility to do cell .

Apr 16, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi can you post the sources/research locations for this information you are sharing? It seems very serious to post something about a threat to the Optic Nerve without giving us the sources/research links... Thank you.

Oct 27, 2019
Eye bags
by: Anne

My eye bags have become permanent and the damage was done by poor advice and being given a full face mask.
I try not to dwell on it but I don't have many wrinkles just pouchy eyes.
This issue is significant as I don't think it's reversible - at least not in my case.
I never realised how widespread this problem is.
It's definitely affected my self image.
Someone needs to manage the information so more people are not disfigured.

Oct 29, 2019
Puffy Eyes
by: Gisela Halley

I have a CPap machine with nasal cushion for 3 years and use it regularly. Suddenly 6 months ago I started to have eye bags. I look terrible. I just came bag from a 4 day trip and the eye bags were gone. Two nights with the machine and they are back. I tried everything. Nothing helps. I cannot use a facial mask because I have the feeling to suffocate. Is stopping the machine the only solution?

Nov 02, 2019
Black circles, swollen dry eyes
by: Maggie

Well these comments certainly answer my questions about my horrible black circled, swollen, gooey eyes! Plus they’re so dry I can’t drive at night anymore and not much better during the day! It’s miserable and I’m angry none of us were warned about this side effect. I use the Dreamwear nasal mask and it doesn’t leak according to my machine. I’ve been on the cpap for 1.5 years and I look like I’ve been punch in both eyes. I use eye drops continuously and I’ve tried every brand. I have an appointment with an ophthalmologist it’s gotten so bad. Now I’ll go in armed with information!

It’s time the doctors and manufacturers of these machines solve this problem.......and it’s apparently not a new one!

Mines probably going in the trash soon! I look like Frankenstein:(((

Nov 03, 2019
Eye bags
by: Anonymous

I agree with you Maggie

Nov 04, 2019
Puffy Eyes
by: Giselaa Halley

I tried everything you suggest. I don't have any air leaks. I have no problem with my sinuses. I slept for 3 days without the mask, puffy eyes are gone. I slept for one night with mask (nasal cussion) eyebags are bag.

Nov 06, 2019
Total face mask help???
by: Anonymous

Has anyone tried the total face mask ?
This type seals in a dull oval around your entire face. This would pressurize the mouth, nose and eyes at the same pressure. There would be no pressing on areas under the eyes or near tear ducts.

Nov 23, 2019
Puffy eyes
by: Anonymous

maybe it’s the humidifier that’s connected to the machine try sleeping with out filling up with water.

Nov 24, 2019
Puffy Eyes
by: AnonymoGisela Halleyus

A friend of mine has the full face mask and has the same problem with swollen eye bags and face. But I will try the suggestion not to use the water tank. Maybe that will help.

I rather sleep without the CPap than live with the eye bags. What I do not understand is that I used the SPap for 3 years without a problem and then a year ago I started to get eye bags.

Nov 25, 2019
And there’s more!
by: Maggie

I thought the baggy, black circled dry eyes were bad but that’s just one of the side effects! I’ve now discovered the cpap is causing my teeth to shift! I’ve had an uncomfortable achy feeling in my face and jaws for awhile and my teeth are shifting. My tongue is starting to get caught in the gap between my front teeth!!! Yep it’s true!! Another problem :(((((

Now to the orthodontist! This machine gets a step closer to the trash can daily!!!

Dec 07, 2019
Drink Lots of Water and Watch Sodium Intake
by: Anonymous

I'd add to also drink plenty of water and watch sodium intake to reduce fluid retention.

Jan 17, 2020
Puffy eyes and weight gain.
by: Donna

I am so glad to finally find this sight! I just switched to the full face mask. It is soft but the first night I used it I woke up with puffy eyes.
I can't make it any looser or it leaks. Maybe your ideas of covering your eyes will help.
I have found too that I am gaining water weight. 4 lbs in 4 days since I started it!
I really do sleep better and don't move around nearly as much but I can't stand how I look and feel. Sometimes I feel so bloated with air I feel like I am going to explode! Does anyone have these symptoms.

Jan 21, 2020
Puffy Eyes
by: Anonymous

I stopped using the water tank 2 months ago and it got a little bit better but the eyebags are still visible. I have the nasal cushion because the other masks make me feel suffocating. But the straps are moving so I have interrupted sleep to fix the straps. Also my machine tells me I slept 8 hours but at my count I slept only 7.

Feb 07, 2020
Bruising around nose and under eyes
by: Anonymous

I haven't seen any comments about bruising/dark discolored skin around the nose and under the saddlebags which I've gotten after 5 month on the machine. My dermatologist says its broken blood vessels. The eye bruising is in the puffy saddle bags. By end of day the puffiness gets better but the dark skin remains. The nose bruising is clearly only around my nostrils. Seems like its caused by the high pressure air blowing up my nose like a balloon and bursting vessels.
CPAT office says never heard of it. I switched from the full nose cushion to the nostril pillows to no avail.
Has anyone out there experienced this?
Thanks in advance for any comments and solutions!!

Feb 08, 2020
Puffy eye question
by: Lisa Sharpe

I use a nose only mask but have recently lost 65 pounds and all the sudden am getting puffy eyes (worse on the left side) every morning. I’ve been using cpap for over 10 years without issue. Could my puffiness be that my pressure is too high now that I’ve lost weight?

Feb 08, 2020
Air does come up thru tear ducts
by: Maggie

My pulmonologist finally confirmed air is drying my eyes thru my tear ducts. He turned my pressure down but I’m not sure it’s helping. Almost 2 years on cpap and I look old and haggard.....terrible black bags and shifting teeth!

I despise how these Drs claim to have "never heard" of our complaints before. I printed out an article done by the national institute of health on teeth moving with cpap. I’ll be taking it to my next appointment!

Feb 29, 2020
Puffy Eyelids
by: Karen W

I was diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea on February 21, 2019 and started using my CPAP machine on March 21, 2019. I really didn't give it a second thought until 3 weeks ago when applying makeup that my eyelids were puffy, and that my right eye in particular, runs several times a day, most notably after I take my mask off in the morning. I'm having to tighten my mask pretty tightly or it won't stay on my head. I'm happy I looked this up now! Thanks.

Sep 27, 2020
Eye twitching
by: Anonymous

I just started CPAP and it makes my left eye twitch. 2 years ago my tear ducts in my left eye were clogged and an eye surgeon replace them. Since I don't have the valve that stops the flow from my nose into my eyes in those tear ducts, the air is blowing into my eye. Suggestions from surgeon were eye salve, or tiny wet cotton ball in corner of eye or full face mask that covers the eyes, nose and mouth. I tried the tiny wet cotton ball in the corner of my eye and it works. I am using a teeny, tiny wet cotton ball. It does stay in my eye all night.

Jan 22, 2021
I just want to give up using my cpap
by: Anonymous

Hi thank you all for your suggestions. I really hope something works because I have been up since 2.30 this morning due to yet another uncomfortable mask night with leaking into my eyes which I could barely open. I need to use cpap as I suffer severe sleep apnea and usually travel 2 hrs to be able to help care for my mum 3 nights a week. But due to the apnea I have had to give up my driving licence and can no longer help caring for my mum. I have had my apnea under control (according to the machine) and have reapplied for my licence. But I am still feeling tired and sleeping unsettled due to having the mask so tight to stop leaks and yet it still moves up during the night. Plus I am suffering all the same issues of swollen eyes etc. So I will try all suggestions and if I have no luck I am going to give up using cpap altogether.64 year old looking like 94 year lady.

Feb 04, 2021
Puffy eyes with nasal pillows
by: Kim

Hi, I'm using a CPAP with a nasal pillow and since I started I've had bags under my eyes which I did not have before. I tried using a sleep mask and tucking the bottom of the sleep mask under the strap so no air got into my eyes. Unfortunately now the seal isn't so great. The eye mask has helped, no other natural solution has. Any suggestions what I could do?


Feb 18, 2021
fleece as mask liner NEW
by: Anonymous

I have also had problems with swollen eyes. I use a complete face mask (forehead to chin) which helps, but I made myself a mask liner using fleece. It has eye holes & a nose hole. It comes outside the mask an inch or so. I have to smooth it all around & use a couple of elastic strips to hold it in place. I get a 100% almost everyday on resmed. The eye problem is much better with this cushion, however, not completely gone. For me it is the pressure of the mask on my face. The fleece might help anyone using small pieces to cushion. Good luck & good sleeping Carol

Feb 19, 2021
sores in mouth NEW
by: Carol

Hi all fellow sufferers---I wanted to add the comments on the fleece liner that I made. Besides the eye swelling I also had sores across inside my mouth. The fleece liner eliminated the sores also!
Good luck all hope this helps.

Feb 19, 2021
sores in mouth
by: Carol

Hi all fellow sufferers---I wanted to add the comments on the fleece liner that I made. Besides the eye swelling I also had sores across inside my mouth. The fleece liner eliminated the sores also!
Good luck all hope this helps.

Mar 02, 2021
by: Anonymous

Listening to the news ,they said that poeple with
covid-9 are sleeping better on the tommy. I try
to sleep on my tommy and the apnea count came down to less than 1 time an hour .Before it was often at
10 to 15 times an hour. I am more rested in the
morning but I have water under my eyes. I will
try covering my eyes tonight. It is harder to sleep
on the tommy with a cpap full face. I work with my pillow trying to get comfortable. I am happy I try
this, Hope it help you. Bye RG

Jun 20, 2021
Eye mask NEW
by: Yolz

Just get an eye mask, you know the ones you see people wear in the movies to keep the light out of their eyes?
eBay sells them cheap

Aug 24, 2021
Answers for puffy eyes NEW
by: Anonymous

After months of puffy eyes and PCP and respiratory therapist; it was my eye dr with the solution. She prescribed me a steroid eye drop and use OTC eye drop for dry eyes before bed. This combination was only thing that worked for me.

Nov 07, 2021
Frustrated and worried NEW
by: Anonymous

So glad to find this site! I am having glaucoma/cataract surgery in a day or so. I also started cpap in september 2021. The full face masked leaked and kept me awake and I still had episodes. I switched to nasal with chin strap and was working great. Until the day after I talked with my sleep doctor and told her everything was fine. Air began blowing out of my tear ducts in both eyes. Of course I can’t get appointment with my sleep doctor For several weeks. I’m worried about air blowing in my eyes after surgery and what damage it could cause but I am also so tired when I don’t use the machine. The PA at the sleep center center said she never heard of air coming from the tear ducts but after finding this site I’m thinking it is because she isn’t listening. Went back to full face mask and having same issues with it as before-20 episodes per hour plus my eyes are red and itchy and puffy.

Nov 09, 2021
ComfortLite 2 NEW
by: Michelle

Has anyone experienced this product mentioned at the end of Remy's article above?

Jan 26, 2022
Puffy eyes and a headache NEW
by: Trailgurl

I am very happy to have found this page, so now I don't feel like I am imagining this issue. I have used my CPAP for about 2 months and now have this puffy eye situation that everyone else is describing. I use a nasal mask that just covers my nose. I have been sleeping better, but like others, I look like a haggard old woman who has been awake for days without sleep. I have never had this problem until the CPAP. Most mornings, I also wake with a terrible headache, like I have a hangover, but I haven't had any alcohol. I am going to try this sock idea and see if it helps me at all. I do notice that the nose piece does come right under my eyes and I am thinking this is part of the issue. I tried the nasal pillow type that just fits under my nose and that was a nightmare with it moving all of the time, air leaks, and making me feel like I was suffocating.

Sep 26, 2022
Eyes Puffy from CPAP
by: Anonymous

I have the eye puffiness every morning when I wake up. My question is how does the air or moisture from CPAP get under your eyes. I tried the eye mask which did not help. I can not see how air would go from outside through your tear ducts & under your eyes. I think the air & moisture are going up your nose & causing the eye bag problem! I am just like the rest of you wanting to know how to fix the problem & the people that sell the CPAP's do not have an answer for us! I will say that I bought a product called Plexiderm Skincare that will take care of your puffy eyes in 10 minutes. The problem is that it is expensive!

Sep 26, 2022
Puffy eyes are unescaped tears
by: Anonymous

I was intrigued by this thread as several say socks on the eyes etc. have prevented it for them - My doctor said "excess tears from the tear ducts escape during a normal night through the nose" and that the CPAP prevents this from happening... I'm not sure why the air doesn't just get moistened by the tears, dry them up. Practical experience for me it kind of makes sense - Before this puffiness started for me i had a sneezing fit every morning shortly after i got to work. After blowing my nose several times it would slow and stop. But this was temporary, those morning sneezes stopped. Now, if i wipe my eyes in the morning on a black tee shirt material cloth (sorry if gross) I get big smudges of tear-like mucus-like liquid... Hmm.

Nov 15, 2022
any nose issues? NEW
by: Anonymous

Is there a site for nasal issues?

Nov 16, 2022
Puffy eyes
by: Anne

I have been following this thread for a few years to reassure myself that I am not suffering alone. My eyes puffed up quite soon after I started using my mask about 10 years ago.
Nothing has improved and the change is obviously permanent - I feel quite self conscious about my eyes. There should be more of an uproar about this problem as it's disfiguring - nobody's working towards an improvement - they're just raking in the money.

Nov 23, 2022
Anne I agree NEW
by: Anonymous

Anne I agree with you and totally understand where you're coming from… I haven't experimented much but I'm wondering if the ideas of wearing an eye mask or socks over the eyes helps keep the puffiness down because it forces the tears to go somewhere else? I wouldn't trade the good nights sleep I get with my CPAP for anything but I agree it's a serious issue and I'm hoping it's not permanent, I want ro find a solution soon…

Nov 23, 2022
Tried a sock over eyes to help with puffy eyes NEW
by: Kim

I am using a soft sock over my eyes and tuck it under the side of my face mask and it helps. Make sure you don't cover your nose, don't want to obstruct your breathing. I ran into this solution while reading reviews on Amazon for some eye goggles.

Nov 24, 2022
Do you get puffy eyes?
by: Jhoanna

Ok, so I suspected my swollen eyelids are from the cpap....my question is....do any of you still get swollen eyes if you fall asleep without the cpap?
I have fallen asleep without the cpap for about 2 hours and woke up with one eyelid swollen again.....

Dec 28, 2022
Tear Ducts
by: Anonymous

I believe that air from the C-pap goes in through your tear ducts causing puffy eyes.
I have bee using C-pap and Bi-pap for over 20 years and I still have baggy eyes.
I have tried about 14 masks and found that the only one that really helped with it is the true FULL face mask covering the entire face. I had to stop using it after 3 years as I developed claustrophobia! But I had minimal bags under my eyes.
Due to a shoulder injury I have been off Bi-pap for 14 months sleeping in a recliner. Noticeable difference. I am now back on Bi-pap and back to puffy eyes and tenderness.
I am going to try an old soft pillow case ripped to a strip to prevent air from going into tear ducts!
I will let you know if it helps!

Dec 29, 2022
Tear ducts NEW
by: Anonymous

I was told it's because fluid cannot escape from the tear ducts while the air is blowing into our nose that is the problem, not air getting into them…

Dec 29, 2022
Puffy eyes NEW
by: Anne

It's interesting to hear that we all have the same problem but none of the professionals are joining in to address these problems nor even raise them as a complication.

Jan 03, 2023
Puffy eyes NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband has used a Cpap machine for over 10 years. He never had a problem until we got a full face mask and I am not sure why the change was made. Then he got one puffy eye that got worse and never really went down from day to day.

Then he ended up in the hospital for almost 6 full months. He used his machine and lots of times had bad leaks. But his puffy eye completely disappeared. He just came home two weeks ago and now today I saw a small puffy eye. So I am asking myself what the difference is. We are thinking that when he was in the hospital he rarely slept flat. Tonight I am going to try to raise the heat and see if that fixes the problem.

He does have a better seal now at home, so that could be the issue, but we are going to try the elevated head first.

Jan 04, 2023
Headband NEW
by: Anonymous

Well I tried the headband that was recommended and it worked!! NO LONGER DRY MOUTH! It is great.
Now, puffy eyes? Oh yeah. I look like I haven't slept in a year.
Surely the developers of the masks can come up with something? Would anyone be interested in a letter
campaign to the Resmed etc.companies to complain?
I would do the research to find the email address of the various companies. Would anyone be interested in this? Let me know. I'm Jan.

Jan 04, 2023
Replying to Jan NEW
by: Anonymous

Hi Jan
I think your idea to contact Resmed is a good one. Perhaps we could collect signatures through this forum and share their response.

Jan 07, 2023
petition NEW
by: Baggy


Jan 07, 2023
by: jan

Well, we have 2 people interested in signing a petition to send to ResMed. Anyone else/

Jan 17, 2023
Going to try caffeine drops
by: Dawn

I’m in the boat with all of you! I’ve only been using my CPAP for a week and have had water filled bags since the first day. I’ve been researching and found a lady that suggested caffeine drops under the eyes with a Jade eye roller in the morning. You roll from the inner canthus of the eye to the temple and wiggle it when you get to the temple so it doesn’t come back from gravity. I’ll sign any petition you come up with because this is ridiculous!! I have a mask that covers your mouth and goes just under the nose, so it’s not pushing tight under my eyes, but the bags are HUGE like I’ve been ugly crying for days!

Jan 26, 2023
Swelling under my eyes
by: Anonymous

I'm so glad I found this page! I suspected my eye swelling was from my CPAP machine as I have been using it for only two weeks. I stopped using the machine for two days and the swelling is decreasing. These marks remind me of the circles under my eyes from my eye goggles for swimming. I even made an appointment to see a dermatologist, which I am canceling. I will start experimenting with a sleep mask, spoon, etc. If the swelling continues, I'm done with this machine until they fix the problem.

Jan 31, 2023
Water filled bags under my eyes
by: Martha

I haven’t had a problem until recently. I have a face mask that doesn’t leak and I get restful sleep until recently the water filled bags under my eyes have appeared. I have loosened my mask and then it leaks. It takes a couple of days for the water filled bags to go away. I’m another petition signer.

Feb 05, 2023
My Solution NEW
by: Anonymous

Over 2-3 nights, use of the following two items eliminated my baggy eyes:

Refresh PM lubricant prior to bedtime
Wearing IMAK eye pillow mask at night. It’s weighted.

Feb 05, 2023
My Solution
by: Anonymous

Use of the following two items eliminated my baggy eyes over a 2-3 night period:

Refresh PM lubricant before bedtime
IMAK Eye Pillow at night. It’s weighted.

Good luck to everyone.

Feb 06, 2023
Puffy Watery Eyes and Tirednesss
by: Newbie CPAP User

I am new to CPAP. - 2.5 weeks in and I haven't had a decent night's sleep yet! My eyes are puffy and sore and watery. Full face mask -ResMed Quattro FX. If I leave the mask a little looser, it leaks and if I tighten it it is more uncomfortable and I have soreness across the bridge. Either way I am not sleeping and my eyes look and feel terrible. I was very pleased to find this as I realise I am not alone! However there does not seem to be a straight forward solution to better sleep and reduction in puffy watery eyes. By bedtime they are just recovering and then it starts all over again. I am so exhausted now I can barely function and look really ill! I didn't come on here to have a rant but if anyone has any suggestions I'd be truly grateful! Many thanks xx

Feb 06, 2023
by: Anonymous

I'm a third person who would like to sign Jan's petition. Surely all the information contained in this thread should be enough to draw attention to the problem.

Feb 07, 2023
Puffy Eyes
by: Pat

I am into my 2nd year of full face mask CPAP mask. Puffy eyes came within weeks. I agree with Jan and am willing to be part of a collective group of signatures to ResMed. Please keep me posted.


Feb 27, 2023
Water bags under my eyes, lots of eye goop
by: Susan R

I will add my name to the petition as
well to ResMed. I have been using an ASV
machine for almost a year and after going
through the CPAP and BiPAP machines, the
doctors decided the ASV machine with a full
face mask set very low was the right choice.
Unfortunately, I can't use the nose pillows
because I'm a mouth breather when I sleep.
But I can't continue to have these bags,and
adjusting the mask throughout the night is
not allowing me to get a good night's sleep.
I'm ready to give up on the ASV and go with without any machine. At least my face looked
normal when I woke up.

May 26, 2023
Puffy eyes NEW
by: Ross

New to sleep apnea machines .Have got large puffy eyes all Iam told is don’t have it to tight which is rubbish,does anyone use the Phillips full face mask? And do gel masks put on before apnea mask eliminate the puffy eyes?

May 30, 2023
CPAP related puffy eyes… NEW
by: Anonymous

…mystery solved! Just been CPAP user since February 2023 and use nasal pillows. Couldn’t believe the appearance of major bags under my eyes!!! At least I know now it is preventable, but only without using a CPAP. So I’ll either snore and have sleep apnea, or look aged-not much if a choice.🥹.

Jun 01, 2023
Caffeine drops work!
by: Dawn

I have been using caffeine drops as I mentioned in an earlier post. It does relieve the bags. I also wear a silk eye mask and that keeps the bags from forming in the first place. Finally, relief!! Hope this post helps someone else!! No more baggage for me!!

Jun 01, 2023
Nasal Pillows Eye swelling/bags NEW
by: Anonymous

In my opinion, the bags from nasal pillows (or other styles of mask) are due to the exhaling against the air pressure. I have the nasal pillows, and I can feel that it is difficult to exhale against the incoming pressure, so I can then feel pressure in my eyes with every exhale. It is slight, but it is equal to holding your nose and trying to exhale, you can feel the pressure in your sinuses and eyes. It is because there is only a small hole in the nasal pillow for air flow, particularly exhaling. If there was an extra small valve that opened during exhale and closed during inhale, I think this problem would be alleviated. I am new to this, so I am worried that the nightly pressure on my eyes might impact my ocular nerves, or eyeball sockets. Maybe I'm overreacting, but it is nonetheless a concern.

Jun 16, 2023
Eye bags/straps NEW
by: Anonymous

For me, it is the nasal pillow straps that cause the problem. If I loosen them, the pillows don’t seal and my cpap shows a red frown-y face in the morning.

I used Cpap Pro for years. It had a mouthpiece that moulded to my upper teeth and held the pillows in place. Loved it.

But I’m in Canada and it is no longer available. I bought replacement parts while ever they were available but eventually it couldn’t be repaired any more.

I have contacted the company but they won’t ship here. So it’s back to poorer sleep and eye bags. (Used nasal masks for many years but the skin either side of my nose eventually became red all the time.)

Jun 23, 2023
Eye "blisters"
by: Lucy

I too have the eye bags/blisters. I have a sleeping eye mask that I will now try to use but need to know a few details. When you DIY it, is all of the cloth on the inside of the mask? Or do you wear the eye covering and then the mask is going over that? Somewhere was mention of the mask straps helping hold the eye covering in place. I think the person was using a sock.
Thanks for any input.

Jun 24, 2023
Puffy eyes NEW
by: Anonymous

Lucy, I have a nasal pillow for my CPAP and I use a thin sock to cover my eyes and tuck it under the straps of the headgear. Someone also suggested getting some caffeine drops and a jade roller and that seems to help some because even with my socks some days I still get bags under my eyes. I've tried a sleep mask in the past but they could be a little bulky so air was leaking from the nasal pillow so that didn't work.

Jul 08, 2023
Puffy eyes and raised intraocular eye pressure NEW
by: Debby

I am also interested in signing a petition to Resmed regarding the puffy eyes from my CPAP machine. I have developed these fluid pockets at the top of my cheekbones, almost immediately after using my CPAP machine ( I had the nasal pillow, and now have a nasal cradle). The swelling occurred very soon after using CPAP. The bags under my eyes are disfiguring and I find they have changed my appearance. My intraocular pressure has also increased and my ophthalmologist told me that CPAP therapy can raise the eye pressure, which results in optic nerve disease. My sleep apnea is mild and these concerns are making me want to discontinue my sleep apnea therapy.

Jul 12, 2023
The eye mask worked for me NEW
by: Anonymous

After over a year of using my under eyes started filling with fluid. I use a full face mask that covers my mouth and nose. Because I received my machine during Covid, I never had an actual fitting and the mask I’m using is too big (I recently figured this out) so I have to have it strapped down pretty well to avoid leaks as I’m an active sleeper. Last night I used the only eye mask I have which is weighted and I woke up this morning with hardly any fluid around my eyes. There is some still there and my fear is that it’s permanent.

Sep 24, 2023
Bags under my eyes with nose mask
by: Anonymous

Yes, I have bags under my eyes and have been using a nose CPAP mask for over 4 months now. It started out okay and the. Have noticed in the past month puffy eyes and also bags under my eyes. I have used a warm compress which helps but don’t want ti have to do this! I guess there is no remedy. I also feel tired and not sure it the mask is actually helping me?

Sep 25, 2023
Puffy Swelling under eyes
by: Anonymous


I have just started using my CPAP I have a ResMed headband with a nose/mouth mask. I have been using my machine for just under a week. Today was the 1st time I noticed the puffy Swelling under my right eye it's pinkish and looks and feels really strange. Can identify how horrible this looks I'll try the frozen spoon and covering my eyes tonight. And look to purchase a gel eye mask.

Oct 19, 2023
Is there still a petition going? NEW
by: Anonymous

I am miserable. Have tried two different masks, both full face, and my eyes just keep getting worse. I've tried a silk scarf around my eyes, PM eye gel drops, but in order to avoid the "cheek farts" I have to tighten the mask. I'm afraid I'll scare children the way my eyes look all day long. My sleep "specialist" told me in 30 years of doing this he's never heard of swollen eyes from CPAP. I really am ready to just quit wearing this thing. grrrr

Oct 29, 2023
Under eye bags
by: Teresa E

Started using a bipap 4 weeks ago. Have the resmed unit with full face mask due to my sleep apnea , mouth breathing and allergies. After about a week I had trouble with bags under my eyes and sometimes puffy frown lines on either side of my mouth. My pulmonologist said it was air leaking and to change to the foam face mask. Have been using it for 4 days and it makes my face itch, having trouble getting a good seal and my face still has bags. Have tried all the other suggestions for decreasing the swelling but they don’t really work. Never had this problem before and it really ages you! I am all for signing the petition to Resmed!

Mar 01, 2024
Puffy eye lids
by: Anonymous

I’ve been using nasal pillow size small for 2 yrs . The last month my eye lids are so puffy my eyes are almost closed in the morning and hard to see. I can feel air leaking but not sure how to stop it? Nasal mask fits properly from what I can see.

Mar 02, 2024
Facebook group for CPAP users NEW
by: Anonymous

I wish that this blog could be a Facebook group instead of writing comments here. The problem with putting comments here is that we can't have a conversation back and forth with each other about what to do with the puffy eyes when using a CPAP machine or any other issues. Does the owner of this blog have any interest in making it a Facebook group?

Mar 10, 2024
Facebook group to help NEW
by: Anonymous

There is a Facebook group on sleep apnea https://www.facebook.com/share/E9xcPSnew3UTQUgE/?mibextid=K35XfP

Jun 15, 2024
Pufferfish NEW
by: Anonymous

Lowering the pressure makes sense.Resmed have it to me with max pressure of 22...turned it down to 10..Let see how that goes

Jun 17, 2024
9 year CPAP user
by: Regina

In 2015,I started with ResMed Airsense 10 with nasal pillows. Ramp setting of 4, max pressure of 8. No problems for 8 years. 2023 got a ResMed Airsense 11 with autoset pressure settings. Pressures got as high as 17. I got VERY sick due to this because the new sleep doctor did NOT do a mask titration to fine tune pressure settings. Severe mucous buildup in throat. Switched back to Airsense 10, which suppliers don't like you to do because they make less money off of it than the Airsense 11.
HOWEVER, with new Airsense10, I have gotten very puffy upper and lower eyelids and mild black eyes. ALL the sleep doctors say they have never heard of this BECAUSE they have never used a CPAP. They are lazy and inept because, as we all know, there are thousands of articles out there about this issue.
PLUS, I have gained probably 50 lbs. in 9 years due to CPAP use. Tons of articles out there about this. Without CPAP, our metabolism works harder to burn calories. With CPAP, it doesn't have to because we don't work as hard to breathe. Again, doctors in tissues. IN SUMMARY, something is wrong with newer ResMed machines. Puffiness is NOT from air escaping. Pressure is put on sinuses and lymph glands in face with creating fluid blockage in tissues. I'm going to try turning OFF my water chamber. I never had it on with my old machine You can do this yourself in settings. Good luck.

Nov 13, 2024
Puffy Eyes, Too NEW
by: Juliette Perry

I have been on the cpap, full mask about 10 months. My eyes are puffy every morning. I plab to take the suggestion of the nasal mask. I am 71 and look like I aged 10 more years with the puffy eyes. I tried teabags, didn't help. Having issues with aches in ears. Wondering whether continuous swelling under eyes is affecting my vision. Would appreciate effects of long term use of cpap on eyes.

Nov 29, 2024
Puffy eyes
by: Bernard M

I've purchased a res med almost a yr ago and after a few weeks put it it away because I couldn't get used to it,often flow just stopped and now took it back outta give it another chance. 3 notes now eyes extremely puffy will try with a sock see where it takes me.

Dec 12, 2024
Best private dental colleges in Pakistan | Dental colleges in karachi | Best dental college in karachi NEW
by: Anonymous

Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine (AIDM) is well known as a leading source for dental education and Best Dental College in Karachi the achievements and contributions of AIDM are recognized in Pakistan and abroad both as an institution and as a dental hospital. (AIDM) was established in 2000 and has since its inception stood out as an exemplary place for undergraduate, postgraduate, research programs, foreign collaboration, and student teacher exchange programs. AIDM is a blend of a committed and qualified faculty inherently focused to provide high-quality theoretical and practical knowledge to its devoted students in a well-enabled environment.


Dec 12, 2024
Best private dental colleges in Pakistan | Dental colleges in karachi | Best dental college in karachi NEW
by: Anonymous

Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine (AIDM) is well known as a leading source for dental education and Best Dental College in Karachi the achievements and contributions of AIDM are recognized in Pakistan and abroad both as an institution and as a dental hospital. (AIDM) was established in 2000 and has since its inception stood out as an exemplary place for undergraduate, postgraduate, research programs, foreign collaboration, and student teacher exchange programs. AIDM is a blend of a committed and qualified faculty inherently focused to provide high-quality theoretical and practical knowledge to its devoted students in a well-enabled environment.


Dec 12, 2024
Puffy eyes
by: Bernard M

The remedy for something caused by the CPAP mask is rather a piss poor excuse that is putting the failure of a bad fitting mask on shoulders of users.
Using a metal spoon, surgery, cosmetic cream. Best remedy is to remove the ill fitting mask completely.
Bernard M

Dec 25, 2024
Please believe us..puffy eyes n face NEW
by: Anonymous

Been with c pap full face mask about 2 months still don’t sleep better but figured would try for health issues CPAP leaks so loud if you are sleeping it will wake you up. .I’m 69 not a single wrinkle until c pap, so now I can’t sleep, I have swollen eye bags n wrinkles and my cheeks look,like a chipmunk and I have issues with my skin
Dr doesn’t seem to understand and think it’s over reaction
I bought a c pap cover it’s got a hole in the middle and you fit it on your mask, it’s washable and cost about 3.00, finally little better with that cover for leaking but still swollen puffy eye bags and thinner skin on my nose that stays red.
I sometimes try eye mask and it does make a little difference.
As I write this I’m putting off going to bed not knowing what to expect.
Another thing that did help with leak is I got full face mask with memory foam attacked, and that way I can also just move it during the night without having to undo the whole mask

I know this does solve our baggy painful eyes but just a suggestion for leaks
Myself also looks much older than I am now, like an old worn out rag doll
Manufactures please HEAR us

Dec 25, 2024
Puffy eyes
by: Bernard M

Puffy eyes in morning, marks on face, and then ear full of blood for 3 consecutive morning. Not just a few drops, went to see a doctor she prescribed apo-Amoxi Clav because of attorney eardrum,these gave me diarrhea. Then my nose started bleeding excessively for 4 days.
I tried using cpap but after a few hrs I pulled mask off. After a few nights it settled down.
Now I must go back to bed a few hours after waking up. Feeling tiredness relaxed at all.

Dec 25, 2024
Puffy eyes NEW
by: Bernard M

Meant not relaxing at all.

Feb 08, 2025
Bingo! Glad I found this! NEW
by: efaragon

For the last few weeks after replacing my old ResMed CPAP with the newer model with a reservoir my eyes progressively got bigger and bigger fluid filled bags that would not dissipate. I scheduled an ophthalmologist visit and my vision had degraded sharply. And, I am now scheduled to see two eye specialists because the back of my right eye was so cloudy they could not see the optic nerve. I have been trying to figure out what is gradually causing this to worsen. I have sneezing and nose dripping as well as constant eye weeping. The only time is started to subside was when I caught a cold and stopped using my CPAP for a week and a half because I was so stuffed up I couldn’t breathe through my mask. It was so bad this morning after 3 weeks of constant use that my eyes were basically swollen shut. My husband put ice and a towel over them and they wept fluid for hours allowing the fluid filled bags to go down about 50%. I was told when I was given this CPAP not to run it without water in the reservoir. I firmly believe this is the issue. I never used the detachable reservoir on my old one because it stopped working about 3 months after I got it. I never had these issues when I had dry air. If I end up with eye injury there will be hell to pay!! This is inexcusable.

Feb 08, 2025
Puffy eyes NEW
by: Bernard M

I'm adding to previous comments I made. Puffy eyes still.Nose Bleeding 3 or 4 times a week, watering eyes hazy vision,full face and I manage to sleep good enough,but even after 8 hrs of sleep I need to go back bed.Complete lack of energy.if I need to drive like 150 km.I need to pull over and take snooze for about 30 minutes. Probably 6 months now I'm using this, there's got to be better systems.

Mar 25, 2025
a fix for my puffy eyes NEW
by: Anonymous

my eyes were so swollen and puffy. I had to figure it out on my own. It was the sound absorbing pads the air travelled through. Seems that I have a sensitivity to polyethylene which is used in a few machines. I found a machine that didn't have polyethylene in the foam pad and my eyes cleared right up.

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