Resmed S9 Autoset not adjusting

by Doris
(Toronto, On, Canada)

My fiance's brother recently bought a Resmed S9 Autoset on line.

We were under the impression that this particular machine has an automated pressure adjustment system, and that it does not have to be set up by a sleep apnea technician.

A real bonus, as his health plan in Alberta does not cover sleep apnea expenses.

He is now disappointed that his new autoset machine is still blowing at 10 and does not ramp down when he wakes up.

He thought it is supposed to deliver only what is needed and he says he obviously does not need as much pressure when he is awake.


I believe that Resmed S9 Autoset is a very good choice. However, the machine still needs to have some data relevant to the patient.

Compared to CPAP, where you need only one pressure, with Resmed S9 Autoset there are 2 pressures to be set: the low air pressure and the high air pressure.

If the APAP will have the full range setting 4/20 (4 is the low pressure, 20 is the highest), you may find that the apnea events will not be controlled sufficiently. The Resmed S9 Autoset is slower to react and deliver pressure within this interval.

To be efficient, the APAP should be set to the titrated pressures from the sleep study. So, if you have 8/11 range, you need to insert these pressure to your Resmed S9, where 8 is the lower pressure and 11 is the highest.

With the titrated pressures inserted, the APAP will be able to react more quickly to apnea events as they happen.

Now, from your description, I understand that the Resmed S9 Autoset has a constant pressure of 10. Do I understand this right?

If the low pressure is set at 10, and the high pressure is also set at 10, then you'll have a continuous positive airway pressure. In other words...CPAP. Maybe this is the answer to the problem. It should be checked, anyway.

I still recommend to have a strong relationship with a competent doctor who has the expertise to change the pressure, and I'm not encouraging to change your pressure on your own.

However, if you have no other option, then you can learn how to access the clinical menu and change the settings on this page.

I hope it helps. Don't be afraid to comment back.

Remy Thierry
Founder of Sleep Apnea Guide

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Oct 07, 2016
Thank you, what a difference!
by: Ace from Sweden

Hi, first I want to thank you for a very helpful site.
My Resmed was set on the standard full range setting 4/20.
This setting does not give the low pressure needed during normal sleep. And when an apnea occurs the response to achive maximum pressure needed is too long. When setting the low pressure higher and the high pressure a little bit lower, decreasing the range, the overall experience is much better. The "idle"-pressure of 8 makes a big difference and the much quicker responce is remarkable. Overall it gives me a noticeable difference every morning waking up. What a difference!!!
Best regards
Ace from Sweden
Ps. Free healthcare for all citizens is something you should consider in the states. Ds.

Feb 18, 2017
EPR or CFEX is also required
by: Anonymous

To tight a range is not desirable Because the EPR/FLEX may not be able to deploy properly.
This is about 4 CM in its deployment.It lower the pressure by 4 CM when breathing out.
Without this function there is no breathing comfort or take load out of your breathing out.

Jun 20, 2017
by: Anonymous

So helpful! Thank you!!!!

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