I have a very severe problem with my sinuses. Some days I sneeze all day using about 100 kleenex. Other days my nose runs continously.
I have been to an allergist,two ent doctors and had x-rays of my sinuses. All the doctors tell me that nothing is wrong. Does anyone else suffer from this problem?
A lot of CPAP users have the sneezing and sinuses problems. And there are so many things that could cause these problems, when you start using the CPAP machine.
That's why we need more information of what's going on, so we might be able to help. For example:
what kind of CPAP machine you use,
do you have an unheated or heated humidifier,
what kind of mask you have? A nasal mask, nasal pillows, or a full face mask?
are you a mouth breather?
do you have water in CPAP hose in the morning?
how do you clean you CPAP equipment?
One of the biggest reason you might be having a running nose is because the air is not moisturized. If you aren't using a heated humidifier, you might ask your doctor about getting one.
If your humidifier is not heated, a heated one may really help your sinuses. However, you have to find the humidity settings that works for you. Everyone is different.
What kind of doctors did you visit, except the ENT and allergist? I would call both my primary care physician and the sleep doctor's office. They will recommend what should you do next.
Your problem does sound like you're having some kind of an allergic reaction, but you said you don't have any allergic problem. But maybe you have allergies from the air that you breathe through your CPAP machine.
Unless you have a HEPA filter on your CPAP machine, and most of us don't, the pollen will not be filtered out. The CPAP filters only remove the big particles from the air.
While you have the sinus problems, a sinus rinse or irrigation is recommend. It should make you feel great and get rid of congestion.
The sinus irrigation procedure will accomplish several things:
it clears your nose and makes it easier to breathe,
it will get rid of any allergens and pockets of infection that might be irritating your nose,
it makes you feel great.
Bottom line...until you get everything under control, you should thoroughly wash your equipment every day after using it while you have your sinus problems.
Also, dump the water from your humidifier every day, let the humidifier air dry and then put inside fresh distilled water.
Also be careful doing the sinus rinse, as in use distilled water and observe extreme cleanliness, as it is extremely easy to get a sinus infection from doing sinus irrigation if not done properly.
I hope it helps. Don't be afraid to comment back.
Remy Thierry Founder of Sleep Apnea Guide
Comments for Sneezing and running nose from CPAP machine use
I'm a new CPAP user, 4 weeks now. Every single morning as soon as I remove the nose pillow mask, I start sneezing, my nose starts running uncontrollably and my eyes are watering. I have the heated humidifier, the two filters on my machine, doing everything suggested for cleaning and water changes. I'm sick of having to take Day Quil every morning just to make it thru the day. It took me all this time to even connect the dots as I thought I had a cold but nothing else ever happened. I have no cold. It's the mask. Is this going to last forever? How can I combat this once and for all.
Feb 07, 2012 Rating
About the mask by: Remy
It seems that you may be allergic to mask material. Did you speak with your doctor about medication for this problem?
Feb 07, 2012 Rating
follow-up to Remy by: Anonymous
it's not an allergy to the mask. Many people I have found have the same problem, cold symptoms, runny nose, sneezing and there is no allergy to the mask fabric. It apparently has to do with the air pushing thru the nose all night. I found someone who said to try medical grade Lanolin w/ a Q-tip in the nostrils at night before applying the mask and sure enough, that works. I had no idea so many people had this same problem.
Feb 08, 2012 Rating
I'm glad you resolved the problem by: Remy
Thank you for the tip. I will include this new solution to my next newsletter, so that other CPAP users with sneezing and running nose problem can benefit from it.
Sep 29, 2014 Rating
Sneezin & Runny Nose by: Anonymous
I as well have been having the same issues.....runny nose, sneezing all day. I'm glad to see that a solution has been found. I will definitely be trying it.
Nov 15, 2014 Rating
Lanolin by: Anonymous
What is medical grade lanolin? Does that mean a script? Or can you get it over the counter? If you can get it over the counter I would like to know what it actually says on the product. I just used my cpap for the first time last night and I'm sneezing and running.
Jan 22, 2015 Rating
Truck Driver by: Anonymous
I have used it for years because I would get fired if I don't. It doesn't help me at all. Only makes me worse and some doctor rich.
Jul 23, 2015 Rating
Coughing and sneezing by: Anonymous
I have been using the Cpap machine for roughly 2 months.The congestion, sneezing and runny nose began roughly at the same time that I started the Cpap machine. I have severe apnea with 47 episodes per hour, so don't really have an option to stop the treatment. I have a new machine, heated humidifier and heated hose with nasal pillow mask. I thought it was a cold, then allergies (which I have never been bothered with) which was causing the problems. After reading through many posts I am now more inclined to say that somehow the symptoms are Cpap machine triggered. I will try the medical lanolin as a last resort. I would appreciate any other possible remedies out there, and more so some recommendations from machine manufactures. Larry
Jul 25, 2015 Rating
nose burns by: Marilyn
I am having the same problem is driving me nuts.Making inside of my nose burn also.I will try the lanolin.
Aug 08, 2015 Rating
Lanolin by: Mariyn
I bought the lanolin and so far it's not helping.
Aug 10, 2015 Rating
Mask cleaning by: Larry
After suffering with the sneezing and runny nose for way too long, I began to super clean my nose pillow mask every night before using it, with Greenworks all natural dishwashing detergent. Most of my symptoms have gone away.
I still have daily nasal congestion, but at least I can function quite normally throughout the day.
Aug 12, 2015 Rating
Runny nose and incessant eneezing by: Jim
My problems come and go. When it is bad I feel that I am going crazy. I can't sleep with out the cpap machine yet I am miserable all day. My nose runs like a faucet.
I use a heated humidifier, wash everything each day and get no relief. If I go several days without the machine my nose drys out then I use the cpap and I am back to all the symptoms. Help!
Aug 26, 2015 Rating
Running Nose and Sneezing by: Gregory
I have been using CPAP for 5 nights and wash everything every day.
I start out each night okay but if i get up during the night for a minute my nose starts running almost instantly, so much that I cannot continue using CPAP for the rest of the night. Then my nose runs all day and I sneeze constantly.
It slows down by bedtime and I can get to sleep with CPAP, but when I wake up during the night it starts all over again.
I'm now awake at 4am looking for solutions online.
Nov 25, 2015 Rating
Sneezing by: Anonymous
I have an APap machine and use humidifier. I just replaced all tubing and I have a filter I set the humidifier at 2 but when I use it, I sneeze all day and nose runs constantly
Jan 14, 2016 Rating
Humidity Level and Sneezing by: Sylvia
Hi Everyone,
I too have been sneezing and running noses with my CPAP machine and humidifier. I found it was a lot worse when I had the humidity at 2.5. I reduced it to 2, and now I only sneeze and have a runny nose like a light starter cold. I wake up with my nostrils a little dry but at least it's not as bad as when I had it set at 2.5.
I will try the Lanolin and update you on whether or not it worked for me.
Also, do people using the face mask have sneezing and running noses issues?
Jan 17, 2016 Rating
CPAP machine causes allergy by: Ilona from Queensland
hello! Just bought a new machine and it smells Very strong plastic odour coming from the machine. The tube and mask are fine.
Running the machine with the tube off and I can smell the plastic odour coming out of the machine outlet where the tube attaches .
I am thinking that this could be a larger problem . So many people are suffering sinus problems from Capp use. It may be this plastic toxic fumes problem that is causing it all. I am a bit more sensitive than the average user but these fumes MUST BE detrimental.
Covering up the smell with essential oils etc is not a good idea. The fumes are not healthy and should be addressed. The plastics used in this machine should be reevaluated .
Jan 27, 2016 Rating
CPAP running nose fix by: LW S
Buy a NeilMed neti pot.It comes with 50 packest of dry saline solution do a cup of lukewarm water and 1 packet in each nostril and the sneezing and runny nose instantly goes away. Don't ask me why but it does at least forme
Jan 29, 2016 Rating
Runny nose and sneezing all day with CPAP by: CDS
I have been using the CPAP machine for six months now.I have been suffering from the runny nose and sneezing, watery eyes all day long.
Sometimes in the mornings when I take off the mask, I have a nasal burning sensation. I also replaced the humidifier water tank and also use a free standing humidifier in the bed room and cleaned the hose with soap.
Now I cant even sleep without the cpap. I replaced the water tank with a new one and used distilled water. Yet this morning as soon as I took off the mask, it is back to sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose.
It is terrible. I have set up and appt with an allergist this week.
Feb 07, 2016 Rating
Love and hate by: Anonymous
It happens to me like ones a week and today is the lucky day i been up since 4 a.m cannot breath and have watery nose ... feeling like crap but i cannot sleep with out my cpap is a love and hate situation. .. :(
Feb 08, 2016 Rating
Allergy like symptoms by: Anonymous
I too have had similar issues. It seems worse from November-March (I live in Chicago), but as soon as I wake up my nose runs, I sneeze a lot and my eyes water (occasionally). As the day goes on it usually gets better. But I'd say I have this routine at least 4 times a week. I feel run down, like I have been battling a cold forever! It sux but I can't sleep without the mask (I use the swift fx nasal pillows).
This is the second Winter in a row now. I take allergy medication, but that doesn't seem to help much. I plan to call my ent soon to see what else I can do!
Feb 14, 2016 Rating
help with runny nose by: Ddmcd
I talked to my dr. and he said common reaction and may go down over time. in the meantime, a friend recommended turning down the humidity and temperature- worked for him and surprisingly helped for me!
I thought it was better to keep the settings higher to avoid sinus problems but it's the opposite for some reason. also use regular old vasoline, which helps. I'm getting a new mask, not a nose pillow- to see if that makes a difference.
Feb 14, 2016 Rating
Sneezing remedy by: CDS
I got tested for allergens and it came out negative for most. The allergist recommended Ponaris, a nasal emollient and I have been good since. Thanks Doctor :-)
Feb 20, 2016 Rating
Can't believe I waited this long by: Anonymous
I can't believe I've waited this long to inquire about the CPAP machine being the cause of my rapid fire sneezing and runny nose.
I've had a love hate relationship with my CPAP for over a year now. Some nights I would do pretty well, other nights it was a reselling match where I felt like I was suffocating, couldn't exhale, and I would rip it off my face in frustration.
I considered it a good night if I kept it on for 4 or 5 hours. I definitely felt more rested during the day when I used it, so I continued to try. When I developed the sneezing and runny nose symptoms I was convinced we had a mold problem in the house.
Then a friend of mine asked if I changed the filter on my machine. I thought, "Aha, that's it!" I always thoroughly washed my hose and nose piece every morning but forgot about the filter, But alas that wasn't the answer. When it was time to replace my equipment I did.
I liked the new hose they sent me because it has vent holes making it easier to exhale, so I didn't feel like I was suffocating. Nevertheless I was still sneezing!
Now we come to last night when I googled my inquiry and found so many others with the same problem. I didn't use the CPAP last night so we'll see how it goes. No sneezing so far, although I know it takes a few days to go away completely.
I don't know what I'm going to do. I have a heart murmur because of a leaky valve and the sleep apnea doesn't help with that, not to mention the fatigue that will build. Could it be because I use the nose pillows instead of the full mask?
I will start by making an appointment with my doctor and go from there. Good luck to you all in this boat with me.
Feb 29, 2016 Rating
Same boat by: Eric K
I have the same issue as well. Since November I have woken up (most days) to a runny nose, cough, watery eyes. I have been on cpap now for four years but have really only slept thru the night with my madk on for the last two years.
Prior to two years ago I never was a seasonal allergy sufferer. But since sleeping thru the night with my mask on the last two Winters, it has been terrible. I have talked to every dr that was associated with getting me on cpap and none have had anyone else with this issue. So, I was happy to find this forum and know I am not crazy/alone.
The last two weeks I have experimented by sleeping without the mask a few days. And not shockingly, no runny nose or sneezing or coughing when I wake up. I sleep fine without the mask, but It's a tradeoff because I know I will feel tired during the day at some point.
It's a catch-22. But at this point I'd rather feel tired during the day then feel like I am fighting a cold all day!!!!
Hopefully some sort of solution is discovered, cause this sux!!
Feb 29, 2016 Rating
sneezing and runny nose by: jvsaints
I'm glad I am not the only person with this problem. Suggestions from the PA in my doctor's office was to use the Netti pot or try various decongestants. I do respond to Sudafed but prior to the CPAP use, I didn't need to use it. I bought the nasal emollient Ponaris and that has not made any difference for me.
I'm curious why more of us have not been helped by our providers. We will not continue the CPAP if we have symptoms like this. I stopped using my CPAP years ago because I didn't get support from the medical community concerning discomfort. They seemed to rely on the medical hardware community and there was no support there either. Do we just wing it by trial and error?
Mar 04, 2016 Rating
Not alone by: Sunny
This issue is a dilemma for cpap users who have no other options to treat our apnea! I've been on the machine for almost 2 years and have suffered through the allergic-like reaction every now and then ... It's awful!! We need alternative treatment options!
Mar 07, 2016 Rating
6 year user by: HappyValley
I have been using a CPAP for over 6 years and this was the first winter I have had the severe sneezing and runny nose. I never really tied it to my CPAP but my wife found this link and I am glad to hear the comments here.
I usually don't use the humidity as we keep the house well humidified and I got a new hi-tech machine a year ago with the heated hoses, but still don't use the humidity. In fact, I have a travel machine which I used for 3 weeks this winter and didn't seem to have the symptoms with it.
I tried the neti pot nasal rinses for several and saw NO difference, but did get a severe cold after I used it (probably not related). I have even used Himalyan salts in the water container. That seemed to help at first but now makes no difference. I will try the lanolin and start the humidity again and clean ny hoses and masks more frequently..
Mar 07, 2016 Rating
Back to nsal dripping again by: CDS
I was using Ponaris and was well for a few days. Now I am back to nasal dripping and sneezing dilemma again. Will have to contact the sleep doc, Has anyone tried Zyppa?
Mar 26, 2016 Rating
Soooo by: Eric K
I took the last 2.5 weeks off from using my cpap and slept VERY well during that time. More importantly, I felt 100% during the day...no sneezing, running nose, coughing...snd I never felt tired during the day or at night.
Last night I tried using the mask again....new filter, new mask, new hose......was able to sleep for about 4 hours before waking. Slept the rest of the night without it....awoke to a sneezing attack a little congestion in the nose. That was it though, the rest of the morning I have felt fine.
Bottom line, I am now 100% convinced the machine and/or mask causes sinus issues that over time make me feel sick all day long. I want to go get another sleep study to see if maybe my apnea has gotten better over time.....maybe I have taught myself to breath better? Mmy insurance won't allow for it until 5 years have passed from my previous study....which was 4 years ago.
In the mean-time I will keep trying on and off. I believe I have developed seasonal allergies as I turned 40. They were never terrible though, but because the cpap opens up my sinuses it makes the allergies that much worse.....just a guess.
This really sux!!!
Mar 30, 2016 Rating
Sinus trouble by: Mary
Sorry but the lanolin makes it worse. From irritated sinus every 2 or 3 days now it's every single day. Plus lanolin is hard to find.
Apr 24, 2016 Rating
Ivory Soap by: Eric K
Wondering if this could be the cause of my cold like symptoms. I tried a loaner machine for two weeks to rule in/out that the machine is the culprit. I still woke up with the same issues so I have now ruled out the machine.
The only other thing I could think of is the ivory soap I use to clean the mask! I replace all the equipment again and did not clean the new mask with ivory soap before using. And how only rinsed the mask with warm tap water after the first two nights of use. So far so good as I have had no symptoms!!!
Let's see if it continues.....
May 11, 2016 Rating
almost 4 years on Bipap by: Jamie
I got diagnosed Jan of 2013 with symptoms of Sleep Apnea. At first I was on Oxygen as well as Bipap machine. We went through 4 masks- 2 full face and 2 nasals. I went away from Full Face because I was getting blisters on my nose. It was such a fight, I didn't wear it like i was suppose to at first, but the last 2 years I have been wearing it like I am suppose to--every night. I have Philips Respironics Bipap Avaps machine with Swift Fx Nasal pillow mask in XS. This winter/allergy season has been the worst. I have been fighting sneezing as soon as the mask comes off, my bags under my eyes seem to have gotten worse, some mornings my face looks swollen and like I got beaten up. I clean my hoses, masks, and filters once a week. I have just started trying wearing it loose to the point where it feels like the mask will fall off my head and out of my nose. I have changed the water holder everyday, cleaning it everyday. I have had decongestants, steroid shots, antibiotics, nothing is helping. I have an appointment with my sleep center dr on the 23rd.
May 11, 2016 Rating
Did not work by: Eric K
Only lasted three nights until the flu like sumptoms came back. Have stopped using cpap cold turkey for three weeks now and feel fine. Going in for a sleep study in a few weeks to see where I am at without using it. My next step would be to try a dental appliance...
The only thing that makes sense now is that the pressure from the cpap irritates my sinuses and most nights which leads to the flu like symtoms. Because of that, I doubt I will ever use it again.
Jul 03, 2016 Rating
Sneezing and congestion by: Wonderman
I seem to only have this problem with my traveling CPAP and it's only occasionally. I have never had a problem this problem with my CPAP that I leave at home.
I often wonder whether it has to do with the air in different areas .The first time experience that was in traveling to New Zealand. And then it's only been occasional throughout North America.
I sometimes suspect that it has something to do with the humidity, Florida is home but I've had problems traveling throughout the state as well. I do tend to keep the room a little cooler when I travel and that usually removes some of the humidity.
Certainly is frustrating sometimes it takes three or four days to shake it completely?.
Jul 03, 2016 Rating
Mis-Diagnosis by: Eric K
So after four frustrating years of using CPAP I finally got my insurance company to allow for another sleep study.
The first one I had showed 27 ahi and now....4 years later 1 ahi!!! My doctor was stunned and dug into the results from 4 years ago vs this one. Turns out the people and computer reading the results were considering things (such as brainwave shocks) as events when they should not have.
I am a very light sleeper, so the tiniest sound will cause me to be alert....not always wake.....but maybe move which will trigger an "event". My doctor went through both studies and determined that while I may be prone to apnea....I do not suffer from it now. So the reason for my bad reaction to the CPAP was that I was getting too much air!!
the good news is that while using cpap it did teach me how to breath through my nose instead of my mouth. Because of this, I find that I do not snore any longer and am getting a much better sleep! So at least something good came from it all.
Jul 26, 2016 Rating
Me too by: JungleJane
So happy to found a reason for my swollen sinuses and runny nose within a couple of minutes of taking my mask off. If I need to take the mask off during the night I try to be quick and get it back on before my nose runs.
Then it can take till mid afternoon before it's clear and by bed I'm right to put mask on again. I've ended up with too many sinus infections from inflamed and badly drained sinuses after using neti pot. Even having sinus surgery.
Can't wait to find a Cpap solution, a relief to think it's not our beautiful new house with hidden mould.
Jul 29, 2016 Rating
Me too by: Anonymous
Add me to the list of nose running in the morning. I go through tissues like crazy. Has anyone tried the dental devise that I just heard about from the dentist? I have been on c-pap for about 10 years and am tired of the headache in the morning and running nose and watery eyes.
Aug 13, 2016 Rating
Sneezing just started after 15 years using CPAP by: Merl
I have been using a CPAP machine for about 15 years I have always used a nasal mask and have never had a problem.
About 18 months ago I decided to try a nasal pillow mask with 2 prongs going into my nose, after 1 night I sneezed and my nose ran for about 3 weeks.
Didn't use it again. decided about 4 months ago to try the dreamwear nasal pillow, it was wonderful as was so light etc.
things went fine until 3 weeks ago when I started sneezing and my nose running and in absolute misery, didn't think it was the mask as was fine for some time.
I am now back to my old nasal mask, still miserable but hoping it will stop soon, have ordered an Aclaim 2 nasal mask to see how I go.
It was so great to find this forum and to know that it is actually the mask causing this. I hope we can find a solution so we can all live normal lives again.
Aug 23, 2016 Rating
Sneezing runny nose, miserable by: Lori
So glad I ran across this page, I too am waking up with sneezing , runny nose, and just plain miserable.
Took me a while to put two and two together , but wanted to make sure it just wasn't me. I sure hope they find what causes this because I have only been using my CPAP for two months and really need to be using it.
I stopped because I was tired of being miserable all day. Thanks for all the feedback , l feel like I'm sain again, lol
Sep 03, 2016 Rating
Nasal pillow sympyoms by: CDH
I have never had allergies before ever until I started using a cpap machine. I have noticed a trend in reading through people's comments. We all use the nasal pillows! I am going to try switching to a wisp mask and see if that solves it. I will repost after a trial. Peace out :)
Sep 03, 2016 Rating
Definitely is caused by Nasal pillows by: Merl
After using a Nasal mask for over 20 years with no problem, within 3 months of using a nasal pillow started sneezing and miserable all day have changed back to nasal mask, still suffering but hope this will pass is getting less severe.
Dr looked in my nose and said she could see all the veins was red raw, told me to use PawPaw ointment to allow it to heal, this has worked in allowing my nose to heal.
As most sufferers seem to use nasal pillows, I would suggest you give a nasal mask a try, may take some time but worth a try.
Good luck everyone, I sympathize with all of you!
Sep 09, 2016 Rating
Cpap sneezies by: April
My husband and I both use cpap machines. He has used one for 15 years and I'm on my first year. I have the same issue as all of you, constant sneezing and runny eyes and nose. My hubby says it dries him out. He has zero issues. We have the same machine and neither use heat or water. Has anyone found something that works? I'm going mad!
Sep 16, 2016 Rating
Me too and why didn't the tech tell me everyone has the problem by: Curious and afflicted
Thank god for this web site. My problem, sneezing, runny nose, irritated eyes, puffy eyes. Heated water, all of the above. Crazy days writhing with sneezes.
Has anyone tried a nasal spray that would dry out the back of the throat and address the runny nose and sneezes? Saw an ad on TV tonight and thought Wow! Maybe that would work?
Popping a Benadryl sounds like using a blunderbuss to kill a flea, with all of the side effects. But, maybe it might work as well.
Any other options or solutions? Opinions?
Sep 18, 2016 Rating
Cpap user for 5 nights by: Karen SC
I started 5 nights ago with my machine. Today is Sunday and I have ran a low grade fever. My sinuses are driving me crazy. Dry throat, sneezing. It's as if I'm getting a cold or the flu.
I can't deal with this. I have Asthma, allergies, acid reflux and I'm prone to sinus infections. This machine has made me feel worse! Calling the dr in the morning. I don't need this.
I can't deal with feeling like I have a sinus infection all the time. Thank God for this forum!! No one told me the machine would make me feel like this.
I feel like a train hit me. Headaches too.... thanks everyone for posting!!
Sep 19, 2016 Rating
Cpap allergic reactions gone after cleaning machine internals with alcohol on filter then running it. by: Anonymous
I had no allergies,and thoroughly enjoyed my cpap machine until about 8 months. Mild then severe allergic reactions progressed until I realized that the only component not cleaned was the internals of the machine.
I cleaned the machine by using about a teaspoon of alcohol on the sponge filter, ran it for 2-3 hours.
My allergic reactions subsided immediately and now I repeat this procedure about every 2-3 weeks.
I live in the east side on the big island of Hawaii and everyone here deals with moss and mold due to our humidity and wet climate. Insurance, doctors and even medical suppliers of cpap machines don't have a clue.
Question I have are many...do these companies recycle machines and pass them on to unsuspecting patients?
There is a very stringent cleaning and replacement regimen regards to hoses, nasal pillows, etc...but what about the machines? Of course the internals of the machine gets moldy and bacteria at some point within the 5 year replacement period...why does that not need the same quality of care?
Sep 26, 2016 Rating
Still Running.... by: Runny
I have the same issue as the rest. It takes me 3-4 days of antihistamines for the sneezing and runny nose to stop. I have stayed off my machine of a few months but am back to being exhausted during the day and having to nap at work.
No one on this forum seems to come up with a real source of the problem nor a real solution. My family doctor tells me I am not allergic to the machine or mask and that its just caused by a reaction to the air blowing on my sinuses. He suggested flonase, a nasal steroid consistently. But the symptoms continued. I am at a loss still.
Did anyone else try running the machine with alcohol in the filter? Did that continue to work for the person who suggested it? Don't feel so all alone but the problem is not solved.
Oct 12, 2016 Rating
FRUSTRATED by: Anonymous
I have had the runny nose, congestion and sneezing since I started to use the CPAP. Also, there are nights when my nose/sinuses burn while using the machine. My family physician gave me a shot for allergies....well guess what it did not work!
I wash my hose, nose pillow and filters weekly. Recently I started checking the filters and they are BLACK within a few days of washing them.
Furthermore, I am just as tired now as I was before being put on the CPAP machine.
Nov 10, 2016 Rating
Thank Heavens by: Cathyc7
I thought it was seasonal allergies. I tested with no allergies. I have used. a CPAP for 18 months and like it. However the runny nose and sneezing started a few months ago. It is driving me crazy. At least I know why now. I clean my nasal pillows, tubing and water container weekly with Respikit stuff. I think it works OK. I had humidity at 4. Based on what I have read I will try reducing it. I use Neilmec nasal rinse nightly.
Bless you all for writing in. This is the most helpful discussion I have read. Best wishes to you all.
Nov 14, 2016 Rating
It was the nasal pillows by: Anonymous
I had severe symptoms when I first began using a cpap Nose dripped like a faucet I sneezed almost continually to the point of incontinence and a severe head ache.
My provider had me switch from nasal pillows to an over the nose mask.
Problems resolved almost immediately.
Nov 30, 2016 Rating
Sneezing and Runny nose everyday. by: Anonymous
I have had the machine for two months and the symptoms sneezing and constant runny nose since I started. The machine broke down for two days and the sneezing stopped and runny nose stopped.
I don't want to stop using my machine but a daily sinus attack is horrible. I want to purchase the soclean to help cleaning, but it sounds like a waste if so many are having the same issues and cleaning the equipment as recommended.
Is the trade off for a good nights rest worth being sick everyday? Good luck to all and I will follow to find a solution. I will try some of those listed in this forum. Thanks all.
Dec 03, 2016 Rating
Same problem by: Diane
Starting using my cpap about 6 years ago. I've always used masks that just went over my nose, never nose pillows. I have all the symptoms that everyone else on here are having but they use to only happen several times a year.
I had assumed I was having a short lived cold at those times. But as the years went on, these episode got more frequent and I finally figured it out, it was from my cpap machine. This past year has been the worst.
I'm getting these allergy like symptoms once a week. I thought it was my house but it happens when I'm staying elsewhere too. So I found this site. I can't sleep without my mask because I snore and wake myself. So I really need it.
I can't believe there's no answers to this problem from the sleep experts. Very frustrating.
Dec 23, 2016 Rating
nasal pillow user with same problem as everyone else on this page by: Mike O
wow. this is a great page. i also use a nasal pillow, the swift fx. have been using it for about 10 years. i don't use the humidifier. started getting severe sinus problems recently. stopped using it for about a week. thought i had a cold. today i thought i'd give it another try because my nose felt a lot better. i woke up about an hour ago at 3 am. my eyes were bright red. started sneezing huge sneezes for about 30 minutes. nose running like crazy. after about an hour i took an anti-allergy pill. sneezing stopped and nose stopped running. in the morning, my nose drips a lot and i never really connected that to the cpap machine. now i can finally make that connection. i'll have to call my doctor and the supplier. i wonder if i could get a hepa filter for the machine.
Dec 23, 2016 Rating
Reduce air pressure for relief from sneezing, runny nose by: C Forbes
I posted a while ago that I too was suffering from the continuous sneezing and runny nose syndrome.
The tech reduced the air pressure. I let my nasal passages return to normal pre-CPAP, and resumed for the last several days.
Eureka! No problems and a lot better sleep. IN fact, for the first time in memory, I slept entirely through the night without getting up or waking up. Felt a lot stronger and wide awake. And zero sneezing or runny nose.
Dec 31, 2016 Rating
Thanks !! by: Tom
I have used the machine sporadically for a couple of years. Did not have any " runny nose , sneezing " issues until the last 6 months and at least it's comforting to know I am not alone. I am going to get a second opinion, from a different sleep clinic as a starting point. Thanks everyone!
Dec 31, 2016 Rating
Cured by: Anonymous
I was having the same flu like symptoms every morning after 4 years of being on cpap. I decided to stop using the machine for a month, and it was the best month of sleep I've had in a year! I finally forced the doctor to let me get another sleep study to see if my apnea had gone away, and low and behold, no events!!! Turns out that by going on cpap and learning to breath through my nose, it helped get rid of my apnea....at least for now. And since my apnea was gone, I was getting too much air at night with the machine which was causing the flu like symptoms.
Not sure if this will help anyone else, but thought I would share.
Jan 02, 2017 Rating
Me too1 by: Anonymous
Happy New Year to all!
I have to add my "me too" to all of yours. I had been using the nasal cover until about six months ago and stopped because of the deep, unsightly bruise marks it left on my face next to both sides of my nose. Since then I.ve been using the pillows. From the beginning, I started having discomfort, the fit seemed to be the problem at first, but then irritation and now free-flowing runny nose, persistent sneezing, puffy face, bags under my very red, itchy, blurry eyes. Earlier today I felt as if my symptoms were morphing into a really bad flu-like condition. Hundreds of tissues later, Ive been wondering whether its something in the material used in the mask or tubing. Our sleep doctors must have heard this story lots of times, as well as ENT's, etc. My very first New Year's resolution is to call my Sleep and ENT doctors tomorrow. I have to quit CPAP for now. Im glad I discovered this site.
Jan 02, 2017 Rating
Have tech reduce the power setting by: Anonymous
My tech reduced the volume/force of air from 14 to 8. My nightmare ended. No continuous sneezing or runny nose the next day. Clear all day and I sleep a lot better.
Jan 03, 2017 Rating
Going from 14 to 8 by: Anonymous
Is a HUGE difference. I am shocked the doctors would allow that without a new sleep study. If you can go can get that big a drop and sleep better, I wonder if you even have apnea anymore.
Jan 16, 2017 Rating
Sneezefest Started at 9 Years of Use by: Rich
I replaced my hose and mask on a semi-regular basis and cleaned the humidifier tank weekly. Everything was great for 9 years. Then, out of nowhere, the Sneezefest started. My myriad of allergies made it harder to pinpoint, but eventually I traced it definitively to the CPAP machine.
I then discovered the machine had a filter I didn't know existed. I pulled it out, and it had a thick layer of filth. After scraping the dirt off and rinsing the remainder in hot water, I tried it again. Still Sneezy.
At this point, I think I'm just going to retire the machine and go without one. I'd have to go through another sleep study to get a new machine, since it has been so long since my original study. And, for some reason, I sleep better now than I did 10 years ago.
Jan 18, 2017 Rating
Reducing air pressure didn't work for me by: Anonymous
Hi Everyone, My last post was on 12/23. Yesterday, I checked back in and saw C Forbes post about Reducing air pressure for relief from sneezing, runny nose. It sounded like a great idea so I had my doctor reduce my machine's max air pressure from 11 psi to 8 psi. I turned the machine on when i got home from work and took a 40 minute nap. The reduced pressure felt good. But, today I'm having a huge problem with my nose and sinuses. So, I'm going to stop using the machine again and I'm going to see an ear nose and throat doc to see what he says. i used my machine for about 6 years before i started having these problems. Thank you.
Feb 06, 2017 Rating
Using CPAP now having sneezing, coughing, itching in nostril all day, starting to effect my breathing by: BendiAnonymous
I have been having extremely difficulties dealing with "allergy like symptoms". I begin continuos sneezing shortly after removing my CPAP mask in the morning. As the day progresses I have paroxysmal prolonged sneezing/and coughing. I am having lateral chest pain from coughing. I am treating my symptoms with OTCs. The OTC effects/benefits. I am doing everything that is mentioned on various websites regarding to care of my CPAP equipment.are minimal. These symptoms took some of the fun out of my ski vacation 2 years ago.
Feb 07, 2017 Rating
Sneezing and nasal drip by: Anonymous
I can't stand the sneezing and nasal drip and thinking I'm better off not using machine at all,
I've had a pacemaker so perhaps I don't even need it
Feb 07, 2017 Rating
Same as by: Diva
Every morning I wake with a running nose sneezing plus a red and sore nose,
I have had a pacemaker and wonder do I still need to use this machine as instead of making me feel better it's doing the exact opposite
Feb 10, 2017 Rating
Coughing, wheezing, runny nose by: Anonymous
I have been using my cpap for 7 years. Last november i began waking up wheezing. I have nasal pillows. I changed out the hardware and my wheezing has got so bad that I need an inhaler. Going to the gym and breathing wet sauna helps. Every morning my eyes are swollen, watery, extreme coughing and lots of fluid out of my nose and throat. Had a lung study and lungs are fine. I took benadryl before bed a few nights and that seemed to help some but it makes me feel like crap. I even thought I had pneumo ia back in December. I took a zpack for ten days and it seemed to clear something up as I felt better but the cough and runny nose and swollen eyes continued every morning and subsided by night unless i go to the sauna and that clears it up until the next morning. I was thinking maybe there is mold in the machine itself is that possible?
Feb 10, 2017 Rating
Coughing, wheezing, runny nose by: Anonymous
Continued....I love in the Portland Oregon area. Seems we all started symptoms around fall. Does any one else live in a forest type geography?
Feb 14, 2017 Rating
question please by: nasal faucet
Im hip to everything posted here and I'm fed up like all of you are. I am thinking to change to a non-pillow mask. Two people posted that they went back to a nasal mask, They said it was some better but hadn't eliminated the problem yet. I've not seen a post about full face mask users having this problem, Also whether or not those who switched back to the nasal mask, finally were symptom free. Ive tried every tip on here and nothing has helped
I'm going to either stop using my CPap, or buy a nasal mask or full face mask, Im not sure which to get, and both are not in the budget, Does anyone on this thread have any feedback on long term change or FFM?
Feb 24, 2017 Rating
How could so many of us have this problem by: Mark Visalli
With so many of us having these adverse reactions I wonder how beneficial this whole treatment is. Sounds like the big business of the CPAP industry and the revenue sleep centers make overshadows the side effects of these machines. It's gotten to where I can't function with the sneezing and the runny nose non can I function with out sleeping. Aside from putting Vaseline up your nose which does little to nothing. this website has offered no advice so it is as usless as my ENT and Sleep center doctors
Mar 13, 2017 Rating
switched to full mask - very happy now by: Mike O
hi everyone, i posted on 12/23/16 as mike o and on 1/18/17 as anonymous.
i stopped using my nasal pillow on 1/18/17. and did not use cpap until 3/7/17 when i finally got fitted with a fisher&paykel full face mask. i'm very happy with it. i feel like my problems are solved.
Mar 14, 2017 Rating
Sneezing and runny nose allday by: Chad306
I have had the same problem for a long time and it was devastating. I have tried everything from nasal ointment to Allegra to Benadryl. However, I have been off the problem since a month. Steps:
1) Humidity set to 5.
2) clean the tube every morning and let it hang dry.
3) clean the inside of the mask with warm soap water and wipe dry everyday.
4) use new distilled water everyday.
Hope it helps.
Mar 17, 2017 Rating
Runny nose n sneezing. by: Esther
I've been having the same problems. Cleaned all the tubing n accessories yet the excess line nasal drip n sneezing didn't stop unless I stopped using the cpap. Was sent to an ENT doc who referred me to a facial reconstruction doctor. Yeah the sleep institute are into selling the cpaps and I wished I wouldn't have wasted my money there. This specialist took ct scan and knows that my jaw hinges are the reason for my severe sleep apnea. Almost 2 years of crap with the cpap. Both my jaws have to be broken and advanced so I can breathe normally at night. I have nice straight teeth with a slight overbite and not overweight. Never imagined there was anything wrong with my jaw hinges but so looking forward to having it fixed in a couple of months so I can breathe feel rested and regain my memory functions. Worst than feeling tired always is the short term memory loss. It's embarrassing and scary.
Mar 21, 2017 Rating
same problem by: Joe
Thanks to whoever created this forum. I used a full mask and a nasal mask for 2 years with no problems. Switched to nasal pillows and liked them alot - except that like everyone else I began with the nasal drip and sneezing. I never had allergies and it is nothing like I've ever experienced!
I'm horrible about cleaning my mask. I leave the unit on an extra 1/2+ hour each morning to blow dry air through it and have never had a problem in 2 years. I never use the humidifier since humidity is at good levels in my home.
It's all about the nasal pillows I'm convinced. I slept without the machine a few nights ago and symptoms were seriously diminished. I'm going back to the full mask and will post back if the condition improves.
Mar 29, 2017 Rating
Count me in by: Peggy
Just started CPAP and coincidentally started with the runny nose and sneezing. I am thinking I should try a mask instead of the nasal pillows. The sleep is way better but my nose is driving me crazy!
Mar 30, 2017 Rating
aromatherapy by: Peggy
Has anyone tried aromatherapy near your CPAP machine? I heard about this recently and wondered if it would help. Comments please :)
Apr 02, 2017 Rating
Filter and sneezing... by: Dan
Well, I've been using my Cpap for around 9 yrs. No humidifier here. But what I have found is the filters are very small for all that air volume at a high rate.
This is what I've done.
I'm a side sleeper so I tuck my hose right against my body for warmth. Helped tremendously.
Next my wife came up with a brilliant idea. Put the ENTIRE machine in a cotton pillow case and tie it off. You now have a huge filter that catches the dust better because the high volume of air passes through very very slowly, trapping the dust better. And, all you do is throw it in the washer and no more expensive filters to buy as well! It was an overnight remedy that worked for me amazingly.
Let me know if it works for you. oopsperfect@hotmail.com
Apr 05, 2017 Rating
Add one more to the list... by: SideSleeper NosePillow
I have the same issue of runny nose and sneezing during the day. I think I have isolated it to nights when my nose pillow mask comes partially off during the night. When it comes loose, the CPAP blows dry air at high velocity straight into your nose.
My theory is that my nose dries out from "sleeping in front of a fan" syndrome. This causes my sinuses to become irritated and dry beyond what I can reverse with nasal irrigation the next day. So one cure will be to make sure the mask doesn't come off in the night. I've asked my wife to wake me if she hears in hissing.
I'm also going to tighten it down better to make sure come loose. Maybe some lanolin or petroleum jelly on my nostrils would help create a tighter seal.
The second thing I'm going to try will be to rinse my sinuses each night before bed AND in the morning. 10-15 squirts from a saline bottle in each nostril should help keep it moist. Anyone care to join me in my experiment? Post results...
Apr 06, 2017 Rating
Sensitive nostril by: Anonymous
I have been sneezing for months. I find that my nostrils are so sensitive to even the wind.
What do you clean your machine with?
Apr 17, 2017 Rating
Follow-up to 1/16/2017 Post by: Rich
So, it had been three full months without the CPAP. While the sneezing was gone and I was sleeping better than before I had the CPAP, I was not sleeping as well as the first 8+ years with the CPAP.
I did some more research and regardless of how scrupulously one has cleaned the machine and the various components, the humidifier tank has a five-year useful life. Even though I had used distilled water virtually every time and cleaned it frequently, I still had ten years of accumulated deposits.
Luckily, there is still a tank being manufactured that fits my ancient machine. I bought it, hooked it up, and all is well again with my CPAP: no sneezing, restful sleep.
Apr 22, 2017 Rating
Full facel mask by: Anonymous
Ok i have the same problem, i slept in a Lazy Boy recliner and no water, sleep good and no flu like symptoms, it does dry my nose out little bit thou, been to the doctor and they want to put me on all kinds of meds,spent alot of time and money, to no cure, i am glad i found this site
I am glad i am not crazy and not alone on this matter
May 16, 2017 Rating
Change in Weight by: Connie (Canada)
Does losing weight effect your ahi's?
May 16, 2017 Rating
Change in Weight by: Connie (Canada)
Does losing weight effect the pressure needed in the CPAP machine?
Also, I notice when my tank runs dry during the night and I'm breathing dry air, that is when I have the running nose, cold like symptoms. My tank only holds so much water.
May 17, 2017 Rating
Thanks for the great ideas by: Anonymous
Hi Dan, how do you go with the pillow case over the whole machine, I love the idea that it acts as an extra filter that can be regularly washed, particularly as my machine is closer to the floor. Do you ever worry about over heating or electrical concerns? I use a nasal mask and find if my head is slightly inclined and I have the humidifier and hose warmer sock on, then the nasal drips are greatly reduced.
Also considering the idea of putting alcohol on the filter and running it for a bit. I live in Cairns AUS(rainforest/tropics) where mould thrives so undoubtedly there is mould in the internals of the cpap machine. Thankyou to the person who started this thread.
May 28, 2017 Rating
Nasal Pillow masks the problem? by: Anonymous
I have used the Nose masks and never had the sneezing and runny nose problem before. Recently changed to Pillow mask and I to cant stop the sneezing or runny nose. I am going back to Nasal Mask. I have been awake since 4am sneezing etc and in desperation googled to find this sight. Read every post and it appears the pillow mask is or maybe the cause? I loved the idea of the pillow as less head gear & more comfortable but not worth it with the after math. Will update my findings. Thanks to all here letting me know I am not alone with this. Good sleep to all. 💖
Jun 05, 2017 Rating
Motor Cushion Dessicating and being sucked into hose by: Paul
Please be careful. I have had my Respironics machine with filter and water heater for about 6 years; i went to Dr Kenny Pang on Orchard Road in Singapore because of significant flutter which 27 doctors could not diagnose (i still haven't been disagnosed with flutter, which i am very grateful for).
Dr Pang, a sleep apnea specialist, had me pay $1200 for a consultation and his treatment, which consisted of using a PAT wrist-worn portable machine to diagnose my sleep apnea via arterial pressure (not very accurate); and the result as AHI of 23.
He said he did not sell CPAP machines; but he had access to a supplier...and the cost was $4500 (maybe not including the mask, which was $500). I could not afford this and found a new machine on Amazon for $1000. I had it shipped into Singapore and paid the Singapore government $312 or so in GST (in spite of the fact their local suppliers are utterly ruthless and not competitive). I used the CPAP machine for about six months and felt so much better (and my flutter/severe palps/arrhythmia) subsided. I was able to avoid using the machine entirely for the next two years.
This year (2017), some flutter has returned (i am fairly sure my sleep apnea is real; but it's linked to the structure of my throat and i am not sure how to resolve it). I started using the machine and after a week or two, noticed many black specks around the nasal pillows and in the tubing. I thought maybe the rear (black) filter had started desiccating; but to my horror, this was not the case.
I opened the machine, after viewing some instructions online, and found that the plastic cushion foam the motor sits on had begun desiccating and had been sucked into the tubing, in many tiny pieces.
I do not know for how long this has been happening; but i now know why i started sneezing and having a severely itchy nose, about an hour after i fell asleep.
Please! check your Respironics machine (mine is an auto cpap/bipap) and check whether the rubberised/plastic cushion the motor is sitting on has started falling apart. I took several photos and i am considering making a complaint to Respironics, for poor design.
Please be careful! I have no idea whether the cushion material is toxic or not; but it certainly should not be in my lungs!
Jun 05, 2017 Rating
Advised to use Nasal Spray by: Anonymous
Just a follow up on my last post re pillow nasal mask, nose running and sneezing. I had trialed a new Brelvida Mask when the problem started. I called the firm who loaned me the trial one who said to use a nasal spray prior to using the mask which should stop the symptoms. I am not into nasal sprays so have reordered a frame part for my Pilaro mask to retry as I had no problems with that one. If that brings on the nose runs & sneezes I will go back to the nose mask which never caused me any problems.
Good luck with your situation/s.
from Australia
Jun 25, 2017 Rating
Feel like one of the 7 Dwarves! by: D2
Blessed with good health, no allergies, maybe a mile head cold every 10-15 years. But a very short neck, small jaw, normal adult tongue caused snoring. Removal of uvula was a horrible, worthless decision.
Diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea, although never had daytime sleepiness... was the energizer bunny. Snoring and bouts of not breathing affected my husband's sleep, so I went onto CPAP. Hated it... mostly hated the mask and constricted movements of being tethered to a machine. Woke feeling sleepier than prior to going to bed.
Like many, was not compliant so I could function during the day. Promised husband I would start using as soon as I stopped working when daytime sleepiness/funk wouldn't cause problems.
So March of 2017 started using CPAP machine with nasal mask following standard cleaning procedures. Compliant for 6+ hrs/night of poor sleep, followed by another 1.5-2 hrs without cpap getting good deep sleep kept me going. Now on Medicare which required a repeat sleep study prior to approving Rx for mask/machine supplies.
Still mild apnea, but MD wrote for an APAP machine with nasal pillows. Several mask types adjustments (Dreamware, Bella, Swift FX, Swife FX for her) still not getting a good fit without leaks. Leaks (I believe) are cause of machine ramping to highest APAP setting which not only dries me out (despite heated tubing with humidification) but also causes air to puff my face out like a puffer fish blowing air through my throat into my mouth and out my lips causing a gale which wakes my husband and me. I can lay awake then, molars touching and jaws closed, laughing annoyedly to myself as my face blows up until the pressure parts my lips and blows the air out. Result: Frequent awakenings, dry mouth and throat. Worse still, I've been sneezing so hard and loud it's embarrassing; Multiple blasts in a row with the sensation of an oncoming sneeze seldom leaving; followed by so much profuse clear mucous and nose blowing, I look like Rudolph; Hot, clear, runny fluid sometimes just pouring out of my nostrils; streaming eyes; burning interior of nostrils. These symptoms just happened to coincide with allergy warnings on the news, so I assumed at age 65 I had all of a sudden developed some kind of allergy. Four months later, I doubt that conclusion.
Will visit my sleep doctor ASAP and request to go back to a Fisher and Paykel ICON machine that is set for a steady pressure of 8 but is able to provide the compliance data that my old F&P could not provide. And I will no longer use a nasal pillow of any kind.
Oddly, in the past 4 months, there were 2 nights I did not use the new machine/pillows - once because of heavy lightening storm, the other was away from home. Both times, the sneezing/mucous/watering symptoms were not experienced the following day.
We live and learn, don't we?
Jun 26, 2017 Rating
runny nose by: Anonymous
This thread has been fantastic.I have a lot of allergies so I thought that my sudden onset of a continious runny nose was to do with that but then it kept on going, My partner suggested that it could be the machine.
I love my machine but at the moment it is driving me crazy. This problem has been happening for the last six months and I don't know what to do.
Anyone here using a F&P ICON machine and have you got any tips. My sleep specialist said to turn the humidity to 1 and to not have water in the machine but that is not really helping.
Jul 04, 2017 Rating
Living with the nose pillows by: Anonymous
I've been living with the Cpap machine with nose pillows for almost 2 years now. Live and learn. I have gone through days sometimes weeks of continuous running nose, sneezing spells, etc - the usual symptoms.
What I have found works for me is to have very high humidity set on the machine (4-5 on my machine). This has reduced to almost eliminated the running nose/sneezing problems. I can tell quickly when the machine runs out of water, as I can immediately feel the burning sensation begin in my nostrils (hot, dry air being pushed through the nostrils). If caught soon enough, I will normally only suffer one day of minor runny nose and sneezing.
For me, a high humidity setting in the machine has been the key to living with the Cpap with nose pillows.
Jul 14, 2017 Rating
new cpap by: Anonymous
I have a ResMed cpap that was prescribed for me and began using it on night of June 28th. By the third day, I began having sneezing fits, runny noses and coughs. I clean the nasal pillow mask daily. Have changed the machine filter once. Washed the tubing, etc. as told in directions.
But I am still sneezing, runny nose, coughing. Plus supporting the tissue industry single handed.
Any suggestions? I call the resmed tech who supplied me with this and she could offer no solutions other than "you'll adjust eventually." So, can anyone else tell me what to do to get rid of this pesky problem?
Jul 29, 2017 Rating
Sleep Apnea sinus issues by: MG
Hi. I sympathise with your problem and have experienced the same severe sinus reaction using my Apnea machine wich has a humidifier and heated tube. I clean my humidifier and nasal pillow mask every morning with clean water and dry with a soft clean cloth. I also wash the tube and head strap Every week. I have followed this cleaning procedure for four years.
Initially I tried every possible remedy including medications, sprays, oils and rinses. While my episodes were much less frequent than you describe they were equally severe. I seem to have pretty much solved the problem by adjusting the humidity control setting taking account of the natural humidity in the air. If there is high humidity I will set the humidifier to a lower setting and if it is low, I raise the setting. I also use a eucalyptus based nasal spray whenever I feel there might be a sinus issue starting.
I still seem to get an episode once or twice a year which will last a day or so. I believe the problem is basically caused by the air from the Apnea machine pushed through the nasal passages and drying out the sinuses because it is too hot and dry.
Aug 01, 2017 Rating
CPAP user 14 days and counting by: Kathy B
Thank God for this site. My uncontrollable sneezing, burning nose, burning eyes started after the 2nd day of use. I haven't had allergies in 30 years but everyone attributed my symptoms to allergies. Why don't the doctors and medical supply companies tell people this could happen? We had to find out for ourselves. I am going to stay off CPAP for one night and see what happens. I am also going to send copies of this blog to my doctor and the medical supply team. I spoke to both of them, just today, and none of them mention this being a problem. They made it sound like I was crazy!!!!! Thank you everyone. I will let you know how I do with one night off.
Aug 05, 2017 Rating
Same problem by: Sue
I Have had 8 sinus surgeries over my lifetime. the 5th of July when I started the use of a CPAP. I can only use about 4 hours at a time. Wakeup with my nose running like a faucet, roof of my mouth itches horribly, eyes burning, watering, and swollen. And sneezing violently thru the day now. Will call the doctor on Monday morning, but after reading here I am certainly not expecting any miracles. Oh, I have started to use Allegra every day with Sudafed off and on just to function. Life is shell.
Aug 05, 2017 Rating
My results by: Kathy b
Hello everyone. Well I stayed off cpap for 24 hours and i was a new person. Barely an allergy symptom. See my first blog a few days ago. I turned up my humidity to 4 and coated the inside of my nose with Vaseline my nose was so damaged with the dry air being pumped up through it for over a week. The damage simulated allergies. I only reach for a tissue a few times a day while my nose heals on the inside. Vaseline works well. I even had to add it in the middle of the night recently. I called my doctor and cpap medical supply and told them they need to be more informed and gave them the name of the blog. How dare they act like they have never heard these stories before. We know our own bodies. Step up and tell them they need to be more informed. Good luck everyone.
Aug 26, 2017 Rating
Running, sneezing never ends! by: SFK
I am so grateful to have found this site. I have used a nasal mask for more than two years. I had not allergic-type symptoms.
My husband recently started using CPAP and the nasal pillows. He's having no issues.
I wanted to try the pillows, saw the RN at my CPAP supply place (American Home Patient) and switched to the pillows. I started with what I thought were allergies. My husband suggested that it was the air pillows since the symptoms started after my using the pillows.
Of course, me being an RN, I told him he was nuts, and that I just knew I was starting with allergies. THEN...I found this site. Now I have to tell him he was right and it's going to kill me - lol! I'm going back to the nasal mask and see if things return to "normal." Also, when I saw the NP at the sleep study place, she changed the pressure.
So I have two changes going on that may account for my sneezy, runny nose. I will let everyone know what happens when I go back to the nasal mask. Wish me luck!
Aug 26, 2017 Rating
Update by: Kathy b
Update from me...all is still good. Barely a sneeze during the day. I did find something better to USE inside my nose besides Vaseline. I use Ayrs. It is a saline gel rather than a spray. Evidently Vaseline INSIDE your nose is not healthy long term. The saline gel is fine. Working great. Good luck everyone.
Aug 28, 2017 Rating
runny nose sneezing remedy by: Jesse
CPAP Runny node, sneezing, watering eyes
I found a solution that works for me.
Items required: Q-tips, Aquaphor, nasal gel like Ayr
I have set my humidification to 4 (range is 0-5). At night right before going to bed, using a Q-tip, swab Aquaphor to the nasal passages as far up the nose as you feel comfortable. I place the Q-tip about 1 1/2 inches up the nose. Next morning after showering, use a Q-tip to apply nasal gel to the nasal passages. This keeps the nasal membranes from drying out and becoming irritated.
After having lots of problems with sneezing and runny nose, I finally determined that the nasal membranes were becoming irritated from the constant "wind" from the CPAP for 7+ hours overnight. This would be similar to working outside in the wind all day, and getting windburn on the face. I have been using the procedure mentioned above for 2 months, and have not had any sneezing or runny nose.
Aug 28, 2017 Rating
Update by: SFK
I wrote earlier about this problem. I did two things. I went back to a nasal mask and then I went online to YouTube and found instructions for lowering my pressure. It was way up there (don't recall the number, but in the teens. The change had been made by the NP I saw a couple of months ago. I put it back to "5," where it had been set originally. The morning after, I had very little sneezing or runny nose. This morning.....nada!! I feel like a new person. My next step will be to try the pillows at the lowered pressure and see if I can use them. I much prefer them to the nasal mask for two reasons: 1)comfort; 2)for strictly vain reason, I dislike the marks on my face, which are there despite all of my efforts. I hope this helps someone. It's really been a struggle! Oh, yes, and I find that the nasal saline gel, Ayrs, also helps.
Oct 12, 2017 Rating
Why? by: Cathy A
Brilliant page. I've been suffering badly. Runny nose a and sneezing after about two months of being fine. I've been on cpap since April.
But no one has discussed, apneas, full or partial or hypopnea. Maybe the point is that our passageways are so badly blocked, infected or compromised that is why we have these episodes and have to use the machines.
The NHS provides my DreamMapper free with what ever mask I need. My biggest problem us hypopnea 30-40 times an hour ( the machine reports Bluetooth to my phone) which they told me is basically holding my breath in my sleep.
So last night after reading everyone's stories and ideas I came up with a plan. Some have suggested lanolin but looked and saw oilatam which says its for people who are allergic to lanolin. Others suggested various creams or lotions. So obviously the answer must be to make the inside of your nose moist as best you can. I loathe with a passion my humidifyer and have removed it from the machine as it clicks on and off. So last night I used lots of moisturiser, pillow case around the machine as previously suggested. (I clean all parts daily) and have just had a reading of 4.8. The best sleep in weeks and currently no sneezing or running. I'm currently awaiting a septorhinoplasty to help fix some of my problems. I will update and see if the improvements continue, but I feel the answer lies deep within why we have this problem in the first place agrevated by the machine. Does anyone else think it may be connected.
Oct 13, 2017 Rating
does not work by: Anonymous
I am an allergy person. shots for mold. Woke up today from CPAP and cannot stop sneezing. Cleaned nightly--everything by SO Clean. Res med swift fx for here. Res med auto10
Oct 13, 2017 Rating
really a mess by: Anonymous
Been on cpap now about 6 weeks. Hate it--on 6th mask--res med swift fx. MAchine res med auto10. Big problem today--sneezing already 3 hrs. If its not that headaches.
On allergy shots for mold. Was doing great till I began this so called therapy. AHIs down to 2.5 per hr from 68 per hr. But all these other problems make me miserable.
Oct 13, 2017 Rating
sneezing and running nose by: Kathy B
I absolutely agree that you must keep the inside of your nose lubricated. I use Ayrs saline gel, as I mentioned before. See my other comments. I ran out and within 2 days sneezed ALL DAY....used a box of tissues in 1 day.
Lubricate the inside of your nose and wait a day or two to experience the results. I am back on track and the sneezing and runny nose are GONE. Keep looking for ways to make the cpap work for you. It is important to your health. No one likes wearing the mask....try the nasal pillow.
I am a mouth breather and it only took a few days to get used to sleeping with my mouth closed. Use this trick: place your tongue on the roof of your mouth....even if your lips open slightly during the night it still works. good luck and good sleep :0)
Oct 14, 2017 Rating
SOLVED! by: SideSleeper NosePillow
I last posted in April about my problem. The issue was I would have sudden, severe allergy symptoms runny nose, sneezing. Typically it would only last 24-48 hours (and about 1,000 tissues used).
I tried all kinds of nasal sprays before bed, after sleeping, and still same thing. I have since figured out what causes mine. I have the nasal pillow type mask.
I found that I ONLY have problems when my mask comes off my nostrils during the night and the mask blows (on high) up my nose thus DRYING IT OUT! All that high-velocity air causes an expansion of the blood vessels or inflammation in the nose.
This condition is called vasomotor rhinitis or nonallergic rhinitis. While I haven't found any spray or treatment that can counter the problem (other than time), I have found that if I pay more attention to keeping my mask on and sealed it helped. Subsequently I have CHANGED MASK to the DreamWear Gel Pillows. WOW, what a difference.
The mask stays on VERY well, I think it's because the tube connects at the top of my head so the tension isn't pulling the mask off my face anymore. Anyway, NO MORE SINUS PROBLEMS! So my recommendation to everyone is do whatever it takes to keep the seal tight on your face/nose so that the air doesn't DRY OUT YOUR SINUSES! Report back if this helps for you as well!
Oct 15, 2017 Rating
The light has come on!! by: RRD
I am glad I ran across this web site because now I know that my allergy problem is being caused by my Cpap machine. I have been using cpap for about 6 months.
I use the dream wear nasal mask with a Resmed airsense 10. For the last 3 -4 months I have been experiencing post nasal drip and watery eyes and sneezing when I get up in the morning.
I also experience nasal congestion in the evening before bedtime. My sinuses are now so irritated that I now have a sinus infection. I use the humidifier at a level 5 heated because I live in Phoenix where it is dry.
I have occasionally experienced allergies at different times of the year. But this is the worst case in over 30 years. I also clean the nose piece every night and change the water every night and clean all pieces in soapy water once a week.
From what I have been reading on this website is it is being caused by pushing air directly in the nose and causing sinus problems. I will start using a saline gel in the nose and probably increase the humidifier level to 8 or lower the level to 2 to see if that does any good.
Have to cure my sinus infection first.
Oct 18, 2017 Rating
Cpap effects by: Anonymous
Same symptoms sneezing, runny nose. Studying what i can do to cure the apnea and ditch cpap! I have new mach, heated, multiple ramp and humidity settings, clean it, go by the book and feel horrible.
Nov 11, 2017 Rating
First night by: Lolly
Very helpful to read! FYI I woke up sneezing from my heated humidified brand-new ResMed APAP with the lovely nasal thing with the tube on top of my head, sneezed my head off, then went online. It’s not mold in my case, for sure! I just turned the humidifier up and it already feels better. Will see how it goes.
Nov 12, 2017 Rating
Can’t stop sneezing by: Anonymous
I too use a cpap with auto humidifier so I can’t ajust I also clean everything with So clean machine I bought . I quit wearing for a week and sneezing was almost gone . I really pinned it to the crap so to make sure I started back on it . Sneezing all day long . I get exhausted from constant sneezing and feel worse than when not yawing. Pressure is 8 so I am wondering is it helping or hurting
Nov 12, 2017 Rating
xyzal by: Anonymous
have taken every antihistamine i could get my hands on for the last month since i started cpap. purchased xyzal yesterday, took one last night and it's revolutionary, first day i have felt normal and not had to use a box of kleenex. it was a prescription and recently released to purchase over the counter.
Nov 15, 2017 Rating
Reducing air pressure SOLVED my problem by: Steve
I have used a CPAP for 6 years with a built-in humidifier. I have never had a problem with runny nose and sneezing while using the humidifier. I travel weekly for work and did not take my CPAP with me because of its size.
I recently purchased an AirMini portable CPAP to use when I travel. It has a humidifier device built into the tubing which is basically useless for me. I had terrible sinus problems every day when I used the travel CPAP, but the size is so small that I was determined to make it work for me.
My doctor's recommended pressure setting is 9. I started with that on the travel CPAP. It was a nightmare. I then started reducing the pressure. I am now down to 5 and my problem is almost gone. I still have some days with minimal runny nose. It is much better than it was before, and I may even go down to 4 to see if that gives me 100% relief.
Even with the lower pressure, my wife says I am not snoring, and do not appear to stop breathing. The machine says I am having minimal events and I feel good. While home, I still use the higher pressure with the built-in humidifier, but at least now I have a solution for when I travel. I hope this information helps others.
Nov 21, 2017 Rating
Solved my problem by: Anonymous
I was having the same problem described above with sneezing and watery eyes. It was driving me beyond crazy. I searched every blog, went to countless doctors and almost quit using my CPAP (but it was solving my sleep problems).
My medical supply guy figured it out. I was using nasal pillows and was breathing through my mouth. It was drying out my nasal passages. I switched to the full face mask and it completely solved the problem. No problems in the last 3 years.
Nov 22, 2017 Rating
My people! by: Barbara
I am so thankful to find this page. I've used a CPAP for almost 3 years now, and only started having the sinus congestion and sneezing for about 4 months. I thought I was experiencing more food allergies, and I've been going nuts trying to figure this out.
Last week I stopped using the CPAP for 5 days, and no more sneezing! No more misery! No more allergy pills! Sunday I used the CPAP and went right back to complete sinus/allergy hell.
I do use the nasal pillows because the mask over the nose wouldn't stay in place. I'm currently rethinking the mask, the pressure setting, and considering using saline gel. Thanks so much for the tips.
Nov 22, 2017 Rating
Good advice by: Anonymous
Use the saline gel. Trust me it works. When I miss two days I can feel the sneezing runny nose coming back.
Dec 07, 2017 Rating
Sneezing and nose runs like a faucet by: Anonymous
I'm so glad I found this thread. Thank you all for your input. Now I'm pretty sure my cpap machine is the cause of all this hellish sneezing and dripping.
Dec 07, 2017 Rating
ditto by: Anonymous
same thing with me, went to allergy dr, back to sleep dr and they seemed amazed that i was having these issues which by the way stop immediately upon stopping the cpap. what other options for apnea are there if one cannot tolerate "the machine"?
Dec 08, 2017 Rating
Mouth device by: Anonymous
Hi. I understand there is an alternative to cpap. If is a mouthguard of some sort. If your apnea is not at the super serious level, you can use it. My only issue with it is, "how do you know if it is working for you"
Dec 12, 2017 Rating
Running &sneezing by: Anonymous
Unlike most of the Capp machine users on here, my problem occurs while using the Capp machine. Not to sound gross but my nose runs so bad the mucus fills up the pillow portion and down my cheek!
The sneezing and runny nose will last about two hours after I get up and is so bad it's normal for me to go through an entire roll if tissue. I have set the humidifier from 0 to 5 but none of the settings seem to work. I keep all the equipment clean!
Dec 12, 2017 Rating
machine adjustment by: Anonymous
i had the pressure on my resmed machine adjusted and it seemed to help some, plus have the humidity level set on one. the antihistamine that i have had the best luck with is xyzal. i take 1/2 at bedtime and don't feel drugged the next day. i do keep my machine clean at all times.
Dec 22, 2017 Rating
leothelion by: Anonymous
I was miserable every day when I took off my CPAP machine and the sneezing and runny nose would start and it would take 1 allergy medicine and 2 doses of dayquil to stop it! I couldn't function like this! I have a machine where I could use either distilled water or just air.
I stopped using the distilled water part of the machine to see if only the air side worked. And I was still sneezing and having a runny nose. When I would wash my CPAP mask and hose I would use dawn dishwashing liquid.
My best friend suggested adding white vinegar with the dishwashing liquid and letting it soak. I tried it last night and THANK GOD I am not sneezing and don't have a runny nose this morning!
I hope this will help others who are miserable. I will continue to use the white vinegar to clean my CPAP mask and hose with dishwashing liquid and let everyone know if it continues to work!
Dec 24, 2017 Rating
Finally Found the Answer by: Anonymous
I've read all the remedies and treatments that users have posted, but they all seem to be temporary. One blogger researched the issue extensively and found that air leaks around the nasal pillows are to blame. Like most people, you think that this tends to be benign because it seems as though you decrease the effect of CPAP, but it actually triggers all the irritation die to uncontrolled air streaming in your sinuses. Solved my problem 100%
Dec 25, 2017 Rating
Same Problem by: Anonymous
I have been using the Resmed airsense auto model and the so clean machine for about 6 months. I cant stand the running nose every morning that lasts all day. I have to carry a roll of toilet paper to keep up with the flow. its embarrassing after awhile.
I am going to stop using the whole setup for awhile until someone comes up with a solution that works. One guy mentioned the plastic smell which I have the same smell on my machine.
The so clean is a simple drop your mask in this plastic tub thing and I am not sure what really takes place to actually clean the mask and hose. some places that sell them say they are a big ripoff that don't work and now I know why.
Jan 07, 2018 Rating
Miserable by: Anonymous
I can’t stand all the sneezing and congestion! Based on what I’ve read I’m changing my mask from pillows to full face, turning down my humidifier and putting gel in my nose. If this is what it’s like to wear a Cpap, Il’ll be returning my machine. Ugh!
Jan 09, 2018 Rating
sneezing and running nose by: leothelion
Update, the white vinegar worked for 1 day of no sneezing and running nose ugh! Then, I changed the humidity on the cpap machine but it made no difference. I still was having the sneezing and running nose!
I have tried so many different masks and I finally found one that is comfortable and now I will have to change that again because that could be causing the sneezing and running nose?
It is so aggravating and I can't go without the cpap machine or I have a awful lack of oxygen headache without it. GRRR
Jan 09, 2018 Rating
hang in there by: Anonymous
i am cleaning my equipment with 7th generation or dawn, seems to be getting better, have been enduring since october. i have tried the full face and not a fan, like the nasal pillow for comfort. the days of sneezing and nose running are subsiding, i set my humidity on 1 and use distilled water.
Jan 12, 2018 Rating
I have been on a CPAP machine for 2 years. I am having the sneezing and runny nose issues also. I have contact my CPAP Dr. he said I was the first person that has complained of this problem. Dr. gave me a nose spray, worked for a few week but sneezing and runny nose is back. I have tried several different masks, still have the problem. Looking for suggestions
Jan 12, 2018 Rating
Doctors should know this! by: Anonymous
Dear Diane 1/12/2018: It is amazing how many doctors claim they have never heard of this before. I feel your pain. My symptoms have virtually disappeared using Ayrs (spelling?). It is a saline gel for inside your nose. I also turned my humidity up one notch. it took a few days but try it.
The gel is better than the spray because it coats the inside of your nose better. good luck. I was miserable too.
Jan 14, 2018 Rating
sneezing and running nose by: leothelion
Update, I have been set my cpap humidity to 1 and clean my mask and hose with white vinegar and dawn all the time. I still have the same mask that I like and so far so good no more sneezing and running nose. I use a neti pot for my sinus and hydrogen peroxide for my ears. Wow I hope this continues to work. It feels so good to not be sneezing and having my nose running all day!
Jan 14, 2018 Rating
PROBLEM SOLVED - bought SoCLEAN... no more endless sneezing and runny nose! by: Sam
Endless sneezing and runny nose for over a year.bouts seem to get better with cleaning, but never completely, for long or consistently.
Been intrigued by so clean...red lots of reviews on Amazon and noticed similar talk of reversals of sinus infections, runny nose, and endless sneezing. Hoped out would work.
Bingo after night one... It was miraculous... Woke up and didn't even blow my nose once... Where I'm normally going through Kleenex all day long every day...
Expensive, but my cleaning regime didn't seem to cut the mustard like this.
I'm looking forward to this solution sticking... And not some weird placebo effect.
But, I'm legit amazed
Jan 18, 2018 Rating
bipap machine by: Anonymous
has anyone switched to bipap machine and gotten better results? i was told by someone that this is the answer.
Jan 18, 2018 Rating
Mouth gear and cpap by: Anonymous fish 61
I had a mouthpiece apnea gear made 2 years ago and it worked well, 7 on a scale of 10.. but pretty good... then I got a cpap machine a 6 months ago and viola it made me sleep 10 on a scale of 10...alas it was short lived,, twice now in the past month I have gotten a miserable , drippy, sneezy nosed situation ..
I read all the posts above and while I might consider lowering the setting of the cpap machine if I get the wild hair , but for tonight and the forseeable future I am going with just the mouthpiece ,, it is definitely the cpap that causes my discomfort and I clean it with a machine called virtuclean daily..
I will post again to tell the results .. Mouth gear by a qualified dentist costs anywhere from $1500 to $4000... I chose to go with a trained dds that charged $1700 and I could not be happier.
Jan 20, 2018 Rating
success for 1 night by: fish 61
2 nights ago I went with the mouth gear only and it was not a good night's sleep .
Last night I took my hot/warm shower before bed rather than in the AM and while in the hot shower I noticed i was not sneezing and my nose was not runny... so being the clever guy that I am... I reset the humidity level to 8 and made sure the heated section was on ...
I also reset my pressure on the cpap from 12 to 6.5 .. got a real decent nights sleep ( maybe because I didn't sleep well the night before? ).
Going to go with the 6.5 setting of air pressure and the 8 for humidity again tonight .. will let everyone know the results in the AM .
In the past I have noticed that when I woke up sneezy/runny it was preceded by what I considered a a rather cold forceful air pressure..
Jan 20, 2018 Rating
cpap pressure setting by: Anonymous
how did you set the pressure on your cpap, i thought only the doctor could do that, do tell!
Jan 20, 2018 Rating
reply to settings by: Anonymous
I am 79 years old and my grandkids pointed out that EVERYTHING is available on the internet.. I just googled "how to set the pressure on my brand of CPAP " and ,as they said, it was on the 3rd comment .
Jan 21, 2018 Rating
thank you by: Anonymous
aren't you smart, thank you!
Jan 21, 2018 Rating
Runny Nose, Sneezing by: Doug
I too suffer from the same conditions mentioned by many others. I have been to my doctor, an ENT specialist and no luck. I have a heater.
My condition is not from the air, such a pollen. I live on the Atlantic in the summer an in a dry climate in the interior of Mexico in the winter... conditions similar in both regions.I never had allergies.
One sleep doctor felt it was the cushion mask, eg too much air flow. I changed to a full nose mask, same problem. After 100's of Kleenexes daily plus sneezing every 20 minutes, I will stop CPAP for a while and see if the problem goes away.
Jan 21, 2018 Rating
Stopped cpap by: Anonymous
I too had the same flu like symptoms. When I first started cpap, about 5 years ago, I used a face mask. I coukd not sleep at all. I then seitched to the nasal pillows even tho I was a mouth breather. I had to train myself to breath thru my nose, but after six months I was sleeping like a baby.
All was good for anout 1.5 years until the sneezing, runny nose symptoms began. It took quite a while to determine it was the cpap. I cleaned everything all the time, but just to be sure...I replaced the hose, madke and filter. No luck. Everyone thought I was nuts, but I decided to stop using cpap for a month. It was the best month of sleep in a long time!! Went back on cpap for a week and flu like symptoms returned.
I went to my ENT and explained it all. She sent me in for another sleep study. Turns out I had been misdiagnosed! What they had originally counted as apneatic events were nothing but restless sleep. I have been off cpap for 6 months and sleep great and do not feel tired during the day!
The good news is that I learned to breathe thru my nose. But I think the flu like symtoms were due to getting too much air/moisture during the night. It had nothing to do with cleanliness’
Good luck all!
Jan 21, 2018 Rating
Relief?? by: Anonymous fish 61
Somewhere in this list of posts someone stated that there seemed to be some coincidence that when he awoke the mask was catywampus and the air was blowing like a blizzard into his nose mixed with room air...he tightened up his mask and I heard no more from him ... he had sneezes that day the mask was askew.. I will try that .. but 2 nights in a row now have slept pretty well with the mask at 6.5 when it was supposed to be at 12
There was no MD present when I took my sleep test.. just a "trained" young man.. maybe he was not well trained ... I remember him saying "he could get it to read that I needed a setting of 18"... but we agreed on 12.. with absolutely no one agreeing but me (a real banana when it comes to medicine) and this guy that was "trained " to give the tests ???
If this damn test is so critical to my well being , why was I in the hands of a person that has this as a job and not a dedication ?
I am taking the matters into my own hands now by setting the cpap lower, I may be wrong but I am not pleased with the results that were given me by the "experts"!
Jan 22, 2018 Rating
night 3 by: Anonymous fish 61
OK, I lowered the pressure to 6.5 and my cpap said that while I had a good nights sleep , and was given a rating of 98 for each night , I lost 2 points because I averaged too many AHI'S so I increased my pressure to 8 ( It was prescribed to be 12.5) and I slept with the same # of AHI'S that I had when it was set at 12.5.. I slept at 100% efficiency and did not sneeze or cough all day ...
Problem solved , I think .
I am still wary of the comment made before by someone stating that they noticed when the mask or pillows were loose the sneezing , runny nose started that morning .. to prevent the mask loosening I have tightened up the strap with a wire twisty from the plastic bags, not sure this will work forever but it did last night.
I will post progress again in a few day unless I start sneeze etc etc etc ...again ... fish 61
Jan 24, 2018 Rating
pressure change by: Anonymous
thanks to whoever said to go online to learn how to change the pressure, I changed to 8 and much better today, also using allergena holistic allergy drops from whole foods. I feel living on antihistamines in order to tolerate CPAP is not where I want to be.i also turned humidity off on the machine which dr suggested.
Jan 24, 2018 Rating
Humidifier and lower setting by: Anonymous fish 61
Glad to help ..
Set a lower pressure reading, but I put the humidifier up to the top as when I took a shower I found that the sneezing and runny nose stopped... heat and humidity helped me...
Last night the rest was fantastic... I was careful that the mask was on just right...
3 night in a row .. I might be on to a short-term remedy.. lets hope for a long termer...
Jan 24, 2018 Rating
events by: Anonymous
what about events per hour, mine was higher, but 92 rating, not sure what all this means but thank you, all better so far
Jan 24, 2018 Rating
events per hour by: Anonymous fish 61
My events per hour when set at 6.5 were 13+
My events per hour when set at 12.5 were 3
My events per hour when set at 8 were 2.
So there is an extreme but I found that 12.5 was overkill .....and 6.5
wasn't enough.. I was lucky enough to find a livable # with the first
few settings ..
My score was 100 day 1... 99 day 2.. and 100 day 3 !
Jan 24, 2018 Rating
optimistic by: Anonymous
optimistic i am, mine was 92 last night so better than at pressure 12.
Jan 24, 2018 Rating
common thread by: Anonymous
I notice 2 of the common threads of this discussion are:
1)Use of nasal pillows and 2)Cpap machines several years old
To me, it stands to reason that an older machine will have bacteria/mold building up inside. (definitely not a good thing.) Perhaps that is why they are scheduled for replacement every 5 years? I wouldn't doubt that they really need to be replaced much sooner than that. As for the nasal pillows; they are so much more comfortable for me than the mask and so I hesitate to switch, but I can see that a lot of the problems could be attributed to them.
Like many posters here, my problems with sneezing and a runny nose began after a few years of using the machine with no significant problems. Now I have to consider whether it is to my benefit to suffer during the day, so that I supposedly breathe and sleep better through the night. Common sense tells me the answer to that question is NO.
I will, however, try some of the remedies suggested in previous posts. I must admit, I am quite skeptical of the whole industry. A recent visit to my sleep apnea "doc" had him promising to lower my pressure by 3 or 4 if I lost another 10 pounds. He said nothing about another sleep study to determine if my events had decreased. Not scientific IMHO.
Jan 24, 2018 Rating
CPAPS WORK by: Anonymous fish 61
You just have to keep trying , don't give up....these damn machines can solve the problem sleep apnea but they create their own set of problems that the medical community has turned its back on (in most cases )..
The medical community gets paid by the lab that does the sleep study so they accept the $ by sending you there but not much is done to verify the results of the tests........ as in blood tests the MDS accept what the lab says .. and sometimes the lab is wrong....in our cases the sleep study can and is wrong in many cases but no one questions it because they do not want to spend another night in the damn lab .
I stated above somewhere that the guy that did my sleep study was boasting to me , that while I was a 12.5 , he could get it up to 18 ( maybe he thought this would help me ).. I don't trust the results because of the person doing the test.... and being at 8 now , sleeping comfortably , tells the end of the story , I Hope !
Jan 25, 2018 Rating
resmed airsense 10 by: Anonymous
my machine is new, i clean it religiously, i changed the pressure to 8 and was ok for one night but today sneezing and nose running. when i stop this machine for a couple of days i am fine. now i see why so many people i know have discontinued this therapy and surprisingly they are still living. i am ready to throw in the towel as they say.
Jan 25, 2018 Rating
sneezing and running nose by: leothelion
Update, ahh to breathe and not have the constant sneezing and running nose is heaven. I have keep my humidity on my cpap machine on 1 and I constantly clean my mask and hose with white vinegar and dawn dish washing liquid. Thank you all who gave me helpful ideas on how to solve this problem!
Jan 27, 2018 Rating
Sneezing and runny nose by: Anonymous
I have used CPAP machines for nearly 20 years and had no problems at all until about 6 months ago. Constant sneezing and nose running away.....everyday...all day. I was afraid to go anywhere without my supply of Kleenex.
I tried everything.... lanolin, different filters, Nettipot, new cleaning product., change in machine settings., prayer......everything. One night as I was lay awake I thought about when my children were young and had nasal congestion. I would turn on a cool mist room humidifier. So I thought why not.... just one more thing to add to to list of things I tried.
Well low and behold......it worked. I have one for home and one for my office. I still have an occasional day of a slight runny nose but for the most part my sneezing and runny nose have stopped.
Jan 28, 2018 Rating
info by: Anonymous
what kind of humidifier do you recommend? also what setting do you have your humidity on your cpap and what type of mask do you use?
Jan 29, 2018 Rating
zbox by: Anonymous
thanks for sharing, i have not been using cpap for a week and feel much better not staying zoned on antihistamines 24-7.
i am little overweight and plan on taking care of that and returning to gym with gusto and will try the zbox. i also bought bed risers from container store, easier on the neck than multiple pillows.
Jan 30, 2018 Rating
Info Cool Mist Humidifier by: Anonymous
Answer to question about Cool Mist Humidifier: I ordered it from Amazon....brand is Mistaire. I use a nasal mask.
I unhooked the humidifier in my machine and just use the Cool Mist.... I placed it right next to my side of the bed.
This may not work for everyone but it has been a miracle for me. Praise God!!!!
Feb 08, 2018 Rating
Glad I'm not alone by: Anonymous
I have been using a Bilal machine for a year and a half. I have severe sleep apnea? I stop breathing 71 times an hour. I got comfortable with my machine quickly, so I know that's not the problem as was suggested by my pulmonologist.
She said I needed to get used to the machine. She said I needed to give it more time when I complained. She also told me to soak my mask and tubes in vinegar and water solution. I did that. My problems persisted(ie...stuffy nose, runny nose and sneezing).
The full face mask was comfortable but air escaped into my eyes and I developed dry eye which is very painful. I tried various masks with the same air leakage results.
I went to the Opthamolagist and she advised I use lubricant eye drop throughout the day and nighttime eye lubricant(Vaseline jelly type) at night. I now have the swift fx to keep the exhaust air as far away from my eyes as possible. I also wear a pair of goggles made from silicone.
My swift fx nose pillows are also made from silicone. This rules out latex allergy which was also suggested. I've been to my primary who sent me to ENT. The ENT sent me to allergist and I tested negative for allergies. The ENT cannot tell me why my nose runs constantly. I bought a battery operated Navage nasal irrigator. I use this every night, sometimes twice a day. I use saline nasal spray throughout the day and a prescription Flonase type nasal spray before bed. I was boiling my nose mask, hoses and goggles every day.
Now I bought a So Clean machine which sterilizes my equipment every day. I also take Claritin D to open nasal passages and stop runny nose. This sometimes stuffy nose, most of the time runny nose and body racking sneezing won't stop.
I need to carry tissues with me at all times. I even need to dry my nose and nasal mask with tissues several times during the night. It's maddening when there's liquid in my nasal mask while air is also being forced up my nose. I even had the pressure turned down from 20/16 to 18/14. I'm just about at the end of my rope.
I'm just relieved to see others at experiencing the same issues. Now I don't feel like it's just me.
Feb 08, 2018 Rating
Results by: Anonymous fish 61
20 nights ago I started reading all the above posts, I took everything to heart and in the last 20 nights , with my resmed cpap I had scores of 97 , 2 nights of 98, one 99 and the rest were 100...
I have had no runny noses sneezes... all I did was reset the damn machine to 1/2 of what the tests required , set the humidifier to full then to 1/2, Iuse nose pillowsand make sure it does not loosen , by reading the instructions, and not having it come loose, and I am sleeping like a baby .. any questions I will respond ... just post 'em .
Feb 13, 2018 Rating
How by: AnonymousJoe
How did you reset the machine? What do you mean by resetting the humidifier to full & then 1/2 - did you set it to a number?
Feb 14, 2018 Rating
settings by: Anonymous fish 61
Go on line and find out how to reset the # for pressure and for humidity.. the technician for me said that my pressure was 12 but he could have made it 18 ,,, which gave me the thought that this is not a game so I went online to find out how to reset the pressure ..
I did and set it at 6 but that didn't work well so I tried 8 and viola it works a whole lot better than 6.. did the same with humidifier .. set it at 8 , no work, then set at 4 works great ..97 to 100 % perfect sleep for the last 3 weeks with no sneezing etc.. the nose pillows I use I have also shortened the strap for a tighter fit ..
Mar 03, 2018 Rating
a solution to sneezing, runny nose etc by: Georgia
Horrible CPAP SINUSITIS & RUNNING NOSE symptoms: I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and want to keep my health & energy to ride bikes with my grand children! So I worked through the challenges over my one 1 year use so far.
I really liked the Phillips Dreamwear nasal mask, but my nose & sinuses did not. I developed chronic runny nose, sinus congestion, red eyes & sneezing & it became unbearable! I'm 70 yrs old and never had allergies or sinus problems before.
Short story is I remembered the doctor saying I am getting 10 times the amount of air (blasted into my nostrils). So I tried the Philips Amara View full face mask. The symptoms cleared up within one day!! The air flow is lessen into my nose and I sometimes breathe through my mouth. I also use hypoallergenic filters. The Amara View mask is not claustrophobic to me as it does not cover up the nose. I hope this info will help someone else! I will tell my doctor too.
Mar 03, 2018 Rating
force of air from machine.. by: Anonymous
Georgia , I think we are on to something... I reduced the air blast by changing the settings and have for the last 2 months NO SNEEZING RUNNY NOSE.
I noticed in one of the zillion posts above that someone also reduced his air blast by changing masks and it worked .. to bad we cannot cash in on our find but I am convinced that the lesser force of air controls the discomfort tied to The machine... I use the nasal pillows , not a mask.
Mar 15, 2018 Rating
Praise the lord by: Anonymous
Thank heavens I found this site, I was going crazy with all the symptoms that people are having here. I clean my machine faithfully and still same problem. I am not going to use it to see if it clears up. I was going crazy running nose headache.
The masks to begin with are terrible to use I tried nasal full face, over the nose very uncomfortable. Then when the sneezing and dripping started I did not know what it was. To night no mask. I was still waking up 3 times a night. So we will see how tonight goes.
Mar 15, 2018 Rating
sneezing and running nose by: Leothelion
Update, I had set my humidity to 1 but I found it made my nose too dry and so I tried different settings and I found 4 works for me.
Mar 15, 2018 Rating
2 months problem free by: Anonymous fish61
60 days ago I changed my setting to 8 from 12 , I tried 8 on the humidity and then changed it to 5.
I stopped using a mask and got lpillows ( they come in s,m,’l). I tried all sizes and am happy with the large, have a matching to clean the pillows every day , sleep with all the excess hose in bed on my chest so it doesn’t pull the pillows off .. sleep ratings have been 98 thru 100 ... one night it was 93
But no runny nose or sneezing .... fantastic .... thanks everyone
Mar 25, 2018 Rating
I have a similar problem by: Anonymous
About two months after starting to use a CPAP machine I began to encounter lots of trouble with sneezing, some congestion, and a runny nose. Some days, the left side of my nose will run non-stop the entire day, usually though just for one day.
My CPAP machine does have the water reservoir for humidification and I rinse the reservoir daily. Not sure what to do about it. I thoroughly clean my hose and mask once a week as I was instructed to do.
Apr 14, 2018 Rating
Eye problems by: Anonymous
I have been following this thread for months since I first commented. I am wondering if anyone else has had an issue with eye problems caused by excessive sneezing?
I was recently at the ER due to hundreds of little black dots in the vision of my right eye. Eventually an ophthalmologist diagnosed vitreous hemorrhaging (tearing away of the gel from the retina, causing subsequent bleeding (the black dots). I'm healing, but told not to lift or bend. Hoping this is temporary.
One of the first questions the doctor asked was if I sneezed a lot and of course the answer if YES! That's why I'm asking here if anyone else has experienced something similar. It may having absolutely nothing to do with my issue, but I'm skeptical. I'm also told that my issue could just be age related.
Hmmm. Nothing I can do about that one, but if it's the CPAP, that's another story.
Apr 17, 2018 Rating
Fed up by: Annette
I too am having the same issues with sneezing, runny nose, feeling like I have the flu. It started the morning after I commenced CPAP 3 weeks ago and has not let up. I’m exhausted, although I am sleeping really well. I have the new MiniAir Resmed Travel unit and am using the nasal pillows. I think I’ll change it for the nasal mask and see if that helps. I will also try the stronger HumidX plus.
I did use a F&P auto with nasal pillows four years ago without these problems, but it was a heated tube, which i’m not fond of, and a water humidifier.
I have tried using pawpaw ointment in my nostrils and it does soothe the irritation. Thanks for that tip! I’m going crazy with this feeling of constant unwellness. Grateful for this online forum.
Apr 21, 2018 Rating
Help by: Anonymous
I have seasonal allergies but with the help the neilmed nasal rinse I’ve been able to keep them under control.
I’m a new cpap user of one weeks duration. My machine has a heated humidifier and I wash the hose and all removal pieces every day. Every single day I wake with watery eyes, swollen sinuses, runny nose and constant sneezing.
I’m now on an antibiotic. I’m ready to call it quits.
Apr 21, 2018 Rating
help with cpap sneezing etc by: leothelion
You have to change the humidity setting on your cpap machine to what works for you.
Jun 01, 2018 Rating
Nasal Pillow!! by: patricia
Have experimented with different masks for over 2 years, using two nasal pillows, with the same side effect, sneezing.
Have tried everything, no humidity, low humidity, high humidity, cleaning the mask inside and out, vasoline, to no avail! Still sneeze all day after three nights of use. Really like the device otherwise, quieter than the others, good seal, etc., but can't live with the sneezing. Will however keep it and know I can use it up to two days with no side effects, but use normally the nasal mask. Like the full mask but the smaller the mask the better the seal.
Really like P&F products better than the others. Wish I could find a machine that is quieter than the one I use, for I still have problems getting to sleep with bigger masks due to the noise. Use a white noise machine to drown out sound. Also cannot use the filters on any of the masks, as it makes exhaling difficult.
Hope this helps the rest of you. We are not abnormal, just think most folks cannot use the nasal pillow. A-Fib is much better with use of a C-Pap. Am grateful for the invention!!!! patti
Jun 23, 2018 Rating
dry sinus issues by: Anonymous
I've used both a bi pap, and a c pap for over 20 years. My issues with mega sneezing and constant runny nose has been a problem for ever. I use a humidifier, but I still experience dry sinus. Some time its so painful, my only relief is to wet my fingers and , do a manual wet finger reaming, moisturizing of my sinus cavity. I have found nothing that works. I just put up with it.
Jul 01, 2018 Rating
Introduction by another sufferer by: Tyke
I have spent the last 3 hours reading the comments on this blog. I am one of you who has had the same experiences. Many have offered potential solutions, and some have at least partially worked, but the reason for our problems have not been definitively found. I have had the same experiences as many, I have asked my apnea(sleep doctor) for the reason(s), but he was surprised at my problem and had no "answer".
I have had my ResMed Air Sense 10 machine for about 2 years. I use the nose mask version for applying the air pressure. I have very severe sleep apnea so the use of the machine "changed my life" for the better. I was extremely happy with the results. I had the humidity set at "4" which seemed OK at first. My events per hour average about 1 which is very good.
I thought I was all set up with no problems. Then about 8 months ago, I started having all the problems with my head and nose that are so well described on this thread, runny nose, sneezing 6 or 7 times every 2 hours or so and going through at least 1 box of Kleenex a day. I try to make sure I am not further than 10 steps away from a Kleenex box at all times. In other words, my daily life revolves around keeping my nose from dripping on my shirt.
I have tried several variations of humidity settings, including zero humidity, with no difference noted in correcting my problem. I have tried all kinds of cleaning approaches with no relief.
In the 2 years I have had the machine, I have not missed a night using it because the benefit to my well being has been so great with the exception of the nasal problem. Tonight however, I am not going to use the machine. I am going to experiment for the next 4 days at least by sleeping without using the ResMed machine. In the meantime I am going to the "health office" tomorrow to discuss my situation. I have a lot of questions to ask. I hope I get some answers, and if I do, I will list them here.
Jul 02, 2018 Rating
Solution! by: Anonymous
Been at this for 2 1/2 years, tried two nasal pillow masks, and tried every suggestion and the only thing I feel one should do is switch to a nasal mask. Have good results with nasal mask, only use nasal pillow on occasion, because it always results in sneezing after two day use.
Good luck!!!!
Jul 02, 2018 Rating
sneezing and nose running by: Anonymous
i am doing better with the full face mask but my mouth is so dry when i wake up it's painful and i think bad for teeth. my next and final step is to try the oracle mouth only mask. i have also read that cpap use affects eyes. not sure that the cpap therapy is not worse than the alleged disease.
Jul 09, 2018 Rating
Report on Previous Post by: Tyke
I wrote a rather long post a few days ago detailing my "problems" with sneezing and nose dripping from my CPAP ResMed Air Sense 10 machine. My approach differed from my post, but I have found a solution for my situation so I wanted to pass it on.
I purchased a Nasel Rinse kit from NeilMed and it solved my problem in a couple of days after 3 or 4 rinses. I am in my 4th day of NO sneezes and NO nose dripping. My nasal passages feel fine. I use my CPAP machine every night for about 8 hours. I found a video which describes how to use the nasal drip bottle, typically twice a day.
Click on the URL to see the video. I hope that it will help all of you sufferers as much as it has helped me.
Jul 28, 2018 Rating
Pressure too high by: Sneezy
I have been using a CPAP with nasal pillow for about seven months. Recently doc had me wear a pulse/ox monitor overnight at home. Result was low oxygen (86 I think) for an hour during the night.
So new sleep study and after was bumped from 8 pressure to 13. Had NO NASAL PROBLEMS for five months with the pressure at 8. Now I drip and sneeze ALL DAY with the higher pressure. My problems are absolutely caused by the higher pressure using a nasal pillow.
I keep calling doc to complain and each time they take the pressure down by one to see if I still have good readings without the drips. I am now at 11 pressure with AHI at roughly 3 to 4 each night but still having snot issues. I really like using the less invasive pillows, but am considering giving in to using a nose mask or face mask.
I'm positive doc will not reduce pressure (which is locked remotely by sleep peeps) back to 8, but I will keep whining until they and I find a solution. Going without CPAP is not an option for me. I have stopped waking with headaches for the first time in years.
Jul 29, 2018 Rating
oracle mouth mask by: Anonymous
anyone using the oracle mouthpiece mask?
Jul 29, 2018 Rating
headache without cpap mask by: leothelion
The oxygen deprived headache is what I call it and it hurts something awful! In my doctors office there is a poster of a person and if shows how every part of the body is affected when you don't wear your cpap machine. It made me realize how important the cpap machine is for my health.
Jul 30, 2018 Rating
Switched to Full Face Mask by: Sneezy
I have had nasal drips for about a month caused by an increase in the pressure from 8 to 13 through my nasal pillows (using Philips DreamStation with humidifier). I had no problems until doc raised the pressure. Now I've been lowered to 11 pressure and I still have problems with nasal pillows causing sinus drips. The last two nights I used a full face mask and voila! no sneezing and dripping the following day, but my AHI has gone from 2.5 and lower some nights to 4.5. I think this is still an acceptable range.
Alas, I dislike the full face mask compared to the nasal pillows. I may ask doc to lower pressure to 10 and try pillows again.
I will stay with a full face mask if it's the only way to avoid carrying around a box of tissues all day.
Thank you, all, for your stories and advice. It has helped me figure out what's going on with my CPAP struggles.
Jul 30, 2018 Rating
oracle mouth mask by: Anonymous
i have a new resmed machine, heated hose, tried all the settings for humidity etc and nothing has worked plus i clean my machine often, use evaporated water, have nose sprays, neilmed sinus rinse, xyzal, zyrtec, my next step is trying the oracle mouth mask, any reviews out there on it??
Aug 06, 2018 Rating
Runny nose solutiom by: Anonymous
Years ago a pharmacist recommended children’s Dinetapp as I had to stop the runny nose and sneezing to give a presentation....it worked, and every time I use my portable CPAP past 2 nights my sinuses act up like many posts above. And, yes the Dimetapp works after a few doses.
The long-term solution for me was setting the humidity at the highest heated level.......without this I continue to get bad sinus problems.......and yes my traveling CPAP does not have a humidifier......
Sep 11, 2018 Rating
It has to be the air pressure by: Anonymous
I'm a new CPAP user. I have the Resmed 10, with AirPillows. Problems began after the first few days of use. I started rigorous cleaning, including the purchase of a SoClean. Sneezing, runny nose and eyes.
I have used nasal spray, which helps sometimes but not all. I have also stepped up using my battery operated NettiPot, this also helps. One funny thing is my problems are all on my right side. Years ago, prior to my deviated septum surgery, my ENT made a joke about me being hard headed because I do not have a frontal sinus (the one above your eye).
I wish that I didn't have one on my right side either. I believe it is the air pressure drying put/irritating that frontal sinus that is causing so much of these problems.
I am going to attempt to decrease the pressure and see if this helps. Thanks for all of the great information.
Nov 11, 2018 Rating
Cpap sneezes and runny nose by: sallyo
Until I found this thread, I thought I had a cold that lasted a day or so, cleared up for a couple days, and then came back. It would take me two days of Coricidin (for runny noses) to clear things up. Claritin did not help at all so I knew it wasn't allergies.
I like two suggestions the best: the use of Ayr gel to keep the nasal passages moist and making sure my little pillow mask stays sealed.
For those of you who also have a dry mouth, I have been using XyliMelts, a small disk that you put between your gum and cheek, that stimulates the flow of saliva. Since I started to use it, I haven't had to get up once to drink water--thus a better night's sleep. It is OTC.
Dec 22, 2018 Rating
Sneezing, nose running, I am tired. by: Jeanne
I have been dealing with these same problems, get up and nose runs like a faucet, sneezing all the time, etc, I have used my cpac for about a year and half and used at first the nasal pillows. I had the sneezing, nose running etc. I could not get used to the nose pillows so I switched to the full face mask. Still had the same symptoms .
I searched the internet and came across someone's posting that said, turn down the humidity. Eureka, this did the trick. Several months ago I decided to try the nose pillows because it was difficult with the full mask to sleep on my side (it kept moving) so I decided to go back to the pillows. Well I am back to square one, so I went to the pharmacist who advised me to use a nose spray as soon as I get up and yes it did work. Better than takingnBenadryl every night. But I am still searching for a way not to take any medications (I do not have any allergies).
I saw a post that stated if you turn the humidity down and make the air colder this would alleviate the problem. My humidity is at 2 and I will turn the air to a colder setting. Hopefully this will make a difference.
Dec 28, 2018 Rating
Gas by: Anonymous
I’ve been using cpap therapy for 4 month now and my wife has been using hers for two months.we wake up very gassey and belch and fart all day. Needless to say it has had a negative impact on our sex life. Has anybody else had these problems?
Jan 09, 2019 Rating
Sneezing and Humidity Levels by: Mary Ann
I have been on CPAP for about two and a half years and periodically have problems with runny nose and sneezing.
I found an excellent video which recommended changing the CPAP humidity setting at each change of season (highest in the winter, lowest in the summer, and somewhere in between in the spring and summer). This worked for me. However, I can’t seem to remember this and find myself searching the internet for answers again when I’m sneezing like crazy.
Today I remembered the video as I read through some of the posts here and thought it might help someone else. The video was created by the Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute and it is titled "How to Solve Nasal Congestion When Using CPAP". Here’s a link to the posting on You Tube. If the link doesn’t work, you should be able to find it by searching on the title.
And after reminding myself what a dummy I am, I set up a reminder to change my humidity settings at the beginning of each season!
Jan 21, 2019 Rating
Ready to give up on CPAP by: Anonymous
I’ve been on aCPAP for 15 years but only on the last year have I had a prolonged cold and sneezing problem that none of my doctors could diagnose. I’m convinced it’s my CPAP machine. Yesterday after reading the various posts, I lowered my pressure from nearly 20 to 8, ramped up my humidifier to 4 of 5, and bought various nasal moisturizers like Ayers gel and cleaned the hell out of nasal pillows, tubing and replaced the machine filter. Of course I use distilled water. I slept okay until 4 when my right nostril started itching and became congested. Got up and slept in recliner for 1-2 hours without CPAP. Now 4-5 hours I’m stilled congested on right side having to blow my nose though am not sneezing as before. I’m ready to give up unless someone has more suggestions. Thanks.
Jan 21, 2019 Rating
Oracle oral mask by: Anonymous
Has anyone tried the mouth mask to bypass all the nasal congestion problems? Thanks
Jan 22, 2019 Rating
Done with C-Pap machine!!! by: Anonymous
After 2 1/2 years of trying to adjust to my noisy C-Pap machine and trying out 4 different masks, have successfully been doing something else, taping my mouth in the shape of a V with 3M waterproof tape. Cleaned my machine and put it on the shelf. Now breathing through my nose, and no more sleep apnea!!! Hooray!!!! This is only for those with mild sleep apnea!
Feb 20, 2019 Rating
Sneezing, runny noise by: Anonymous
Have used a CPAP for over a year with no problems.
Went to Doctor for a check up on myself and cpap machine. I was using the pillow type mask. The doctor office gave me a new style of pillow mask was lighter weight and fit very good.
I used this new mask for about thirty days. Its comfortable seals good. But I started getting a burning feeling in my nose during the day and sneezing more than i have every sneezed in one day.
Then my noise would start running more during the day and sneezing. My sleep was worse with the new mask, nose would run and hard to breathe.
I switched back to my old mask and everything cleared up to normal. Both masks were made from the same manufacture but I noticed the texture in the pillows are different, possible the material in new mask was aggravating my sines. I do not use the humidifier.
Jun 26, 2019 Rating
Cold like symtoms by: Vicki
Thank you everyone for your input. I bought the mini resmed which would have been perfect to travel with I loved the size and lightweight. There is no humidifier with it and I had my first sinitus attack thought I was getting a bad cold non stop sneezing and a dripping nose like a tap.
Stoped the machine then used it a week later same thing I googled and found out it was the machine as no humidifier attached. Luckily I had one month trial I returned it and the manager stated she sells 25 a month and no one else had issues virtually making out like I was making it up. I have been using my Cpap Phillips for over ten years with a humidifier and no issues. I went back to my old one and no problems until I changed mask now had to take another day off work same symptoms.
I will need a new mask but hard to get the right one as they have changed the fx masks. Thanks everyone I feel we need to persevere for our health and well being. Do NOT have any surgery to rectify sleep apnea I had four major operations and I am worse.
Jun 26, 2019 Rating
Stop and start by: Anonymous
Due to the sneezing and cold symptoms, I stopped using my CPAP. However after a month or two of not using and waking up not feeling the best I decided to try again.
Finally was getting good sleep again, but after a month, the symptoms returned. I stopped again for two weeks and returned to using the CPAP and so far, so good. Guess I will be stopping and restarting for the rest of my life.
Jul 17, 2019 Rating
Finally ~ an answer to my dripping/sneezing nose by: Cay
I have been using a CPAP for many, many years due to sleep apnea. About 3 months ago, the water heater on my machine quit working. Although I began to have terrible nasal problems, I really never associated it to the CPAP as I have lots of allergies. For three months, I have been desperate to find a cause: I changed shampoos, laundry detergent, makeup, body wash ~ you name it ~ all to no avail. I even bought a $300 So-Clean machine (which I do love) fearing I had a bad case of mold taking up residence in my CPAP. FINALLY, after finding this forum today and putting 2 and 2 together, I've realized that my pouring nose and continual sneezing are more than likely due to my CPAP machine and quite possibly the lack of moisture. Thank you wonderful folks for your comments. I will try several of them in hopes that one works. BTW, I do have an appointment today to get a new "heater" and have high hopes that this alone will eliminate the problem (as I never had these symptoms when the heater was working). I'm so hopeful now!! So wonderful to know that there are others with the same problem, although I am sorry that so many of us who need this therapy are suffering. Another thought: I, too, use the nasal pillows. Maybe they're forcing too much air into our sinuses. This seems to be a common thread.
Sep 05, 2019 Rating
This blog is a Godsend by: MH
Been using a nasal pad mask with symptoms similar to everybody else's.
First I thought the issue was O3 residue from my SoClean 2, so I discontinued using it.
Then I thought it was dirty filters, so I replaced them.
Then I thought it was me not cleaning everything well enough, so I washed the heck out of everything daily using a CPAP-use-approved detergent.
I'd already messed with the humidifier settings.
All to no avail.
Based on many of the posts above, I just ordered a Phillips Respironics Amara View full Face CPAP Mask with Headgear and Fit Pack (small, medium and large cushions included), and will report back here with the results.
Many thanks to everyone who posted.
Sep 07, 2019 Rating
Full face mask fixed this for me by: MH
^ Got the new mask yesterday (the one that comes with small, medium and large cushions and a tool to help you decide what the right size is for you). On sale right now from at least one major seller for $99.
Best night of sleep I can remember. No issues today!
Oct 15, 2019 Rating
Flonase-claritin by: Anonymous
I have the same problem, wake up with aggressive sneezing I can feel the itch even deep in my ears. I have found that taking a Claritin pill before bed and sometimes using Flonase solves the problem for me. I am out of my Claritin right now and suffering. Ugh.
Oct 15, 2019 Rating
Alternative to CPAP by: Anonymous
Recently confirmed I still have sleep apnea (darn) but cannot tolerate CPAP after 15 years despite trying all kinds of masks. The study showed it only occurs during REM while on back. The doctor is ordering a special wedge like pillow that will prevent me from totally sleeping on my back.
Mar 09, 2020 Rating
My problem solved by: Lorraine
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea in October 2019 and started my trial run with the sleep apnea machine. Within 3 days of starting, I was completely congested and sneezing.
At first, I thought I had a cold. However, when I reached a point where I could no longer stand the sneezing and nose blowing, I stopped using the machine and within a day was no longer sneezing. I knew it was the machine and started to look online for answers as to why this might be occuring.
I found this site. However, most ot the suggested remedies such as heated himidifier, heated tube, clean equipment, I already had. Antihistimines, gave me some relief but I did not want to take those forever.
Finally, I found the solution that worked for me, the nasal rinse. I use the NeilMed rinse in the morning and before bed and I no longer am bothered any more. Thank you.
Apr 30, 2020 Rating
new mask might help by: Anonymous
I have had the same problem and my doctor suggested trying a different mask. I had been using the pillow and now waiting for the mask that covers the whole nose. My doctor thinks that the pillow's direct air flow into my nostrils may be irritating. The new one is not so direct. I'll let you know. The other thing that really worries me is the plastics that we are inhaling. It is common to have allergic reactions to BPA and phthalates both of which are part of CPAP equipment. This totally pisses me off. They can do better, probably just costs more money.
Dec 11, 2020 Rating
CPAP nasal pillows. by: Vanessa H
The last 2 nights I have had a runny nose due to allergies. So all the snot runs out and has made my nose very raw and tender. Causes discomfort on my nares.. constant drainage. I have to keep stopping the machine to blow my nose several times a night.
Dec 17, 2020 Rating
Sneezing and congestion by: Anonymous
Just for machine as new user. Used nasal pillows for three nights. Tonight had machine on for a little over an hour and woke up to uncontrollable sneezing and runny noise like never before and now totally congested. Water may have been low on humidifier but this still should not be happening. Gonna go to mouth device and see how that goes. The full mask is terrible. Be careful with the nasal pads / to me it’s a real Heath hazard.
Sep 02, 2021 Rating
CPAP ISSUES by: Dr Richard Gualtieri
I am a physician and recently invested in a Resmed mini cpap machine. Within the first week of using the machine with a nasal mask I began experiencing uncontrollable sneezing and clear nasal drainage. Initially I though I must have a cold. I stopped using the cpap device and my symptoms cleared within 2-3 days. I resumed my cpap and the symptoms promptly recurred. I contacted the company who suggested I speak with the medical equipment provider. I was told that there were no reports of this being a problem with this machine. I have little doubt that the machine/mask is the cause of my symptoms which are very typical of an allergic reaction. The failure to report these issues by the cpap providers and manufacturers is a serious concern and I intend to seek legal advice regarding a possible class action law suit. I am particularly concerned about the possibility of potential toxin exposure. This blog is clear evidence that this is not an idiosyncratic reaction.
Sep 05, 2021 Rating
CPAP RecallNEW by: Buddy T.
I have one of the machines on the recall list. I now have no humidifier and can't use this without it. I Sneeze violently when I use it and without it I'm in the Bathroom every hour and a half. At the time I am having elevated blood pressure my Dr. is working to get under control. So I feel the need for a good night sleep. Im also suffering with a Colon infection that's being treated. Is there anything I can do to help with the CPAP to stop the Violent Sneezing.
Oct 21, 2021 Rating
Are they negligent and do they really care. by: Steve Blanks
After the Phillips recall I began using my Resmed AirMini and have had the same sneezing and running nose that others have had. Actually on both machines. I also have concerns on potential negligence and apparent lack of concern and efforts from the makers including this significant problem the we share on this blog.
Nov 28, 2021 Rating
distilled waterNEW by: Anonymous
can the distilled water you are using be the problem with runny nose and watery eyes?
Jan 07, 2022 Rating
Running out of tissues.NEW by: George
I have been using a CPAP (with nose buds) for 6 years due to sleep apnea with atrial fibrillation. I never had a problem with a runny nose until October of 2021. Now it comes and goes. I am going to try some of the suggestions mentioned here and see what happens. I know that someday in the future, doctors and patients will look back to this era and laugh how foolish it was to even consider a CPAP machine as a treatment because of all the problems it causes. It will wind up in the same category as bleeding with leeches. Maybe I will try INSPIRE next.
Feb 27, 2022 Rating
Suffering from CPAC?NEW by: TOM
I've been using a ResMed AirCurve 10 for two night but had to stop because of a sinus issue on the left side. My right sinus and nose seem to be fine.
This a major problem because after stopping use 3 days ago, I have had continuous sneezing and a watering left eye. Antihistamines and nasal washing seem to have no effect. Normally, allergies make both sides of my nose and sinus react.
Could it be that the pressure of the CPAC has damaged the nerves associated with sneezing? Allergy doctors usually advise us to NOT blow our noses too hard because it can damage the tissues in the nose and sinus. Could it be that the CPAC machines are damaging those nerves?
Any insights will be much appreciated.
Mar 23, 2022 Rating
AchooNEW by: MarciaAwake
I am so glad to have just found this site. After using AutoPAP for 20 years, I started with the same symptoms described here last December that have increasingly worsened. Benadryl no longer has any effect (I don't even get tired from it anymore), and all the other OTC products I've tried don't work, either. It all got worse when my ResMed AirSense machine started acting weird - the autoramp no longer works, so it jumps from 4.5 psi to 13 psi within 30 seconds. I now know to reduce the pressure and I will use Ayr or some other nasal gel, and will adjust the humidification, too. Hopefully that will work. The process to get into a sleep doctor and get a new machine has taken forever and I'm very frustrated on many fronts!
Mar 23, 2022 Rating
AchooNEW by: MarciaAwake
I am so glad to have just found this site. After using AutoPAP for 20 years, I started with the same symptoms described here last December that have increasingly worsened. Benadryl no longer has any effect (I don't even get tired from it anymore), and all the other OTC products I've tried don't work, either. It all got worse when my ResMed AirSense machine started acting weird - the autoramp no longer works, so it jumps from 4.5 psi to 13 psi within 30 seconds. I now know to reduce the pressure and I will use Ayr or some other nasal gel, and will adjust the humidification, too. Hopefully that will work. The process to get into a sleep doctor and get a new machine has taken forever and I'm very frustrated on many fronts!
Mar 23, 2022 Rating
I might have found a solution for me.NEW by: Anonymous
I have been working with my PCP for several weeks and over the last 3 weeks this is working for me.
1. one LORATADINE 10 MG Tablet every morning.
2. one GUAIFENESIN (and sometimes two) 600 MG Tablet every morning. Will take one or two in the evening if necessary.
3. Flonase 2 puffs each nostril once daily as needed. Twice daily and I get a nose bleed.
1, 2 and 3 are over the counter meds.
4. Prescribed one Montelukast 10 MG daily.
I went off the the CPAC for about 2 weeks until all the symptoms cleared up. And then restarted the CPAC and started the above meds.
So far two weeks and no returning systems. So I would suggest partnering with your PCP and coming up with a plan that works for you.
Mar 24, 2022 Rating
Sneezing NEW by: Anonymous
Hhad the sneezing problem for months but now i have figured it out. Just use a room Humidifier at night and all your problems will go away. Good luck@
Jul 04, 2022 Rating
Sneezing, Runny NoseNEW by: Anonymous
I use the Resmed 10 and also experienced the sneezing, runny nose and related issues. Tried various suggestions on this blog but the thing that worked for me was the hepa filter (available on Amazon) instead of the one given to me with the machine. Occasionally, I will still experience the above conditions but assume some debris has gotten through the filter.
Recently I also tried a larger size of pillow pad and this has helped even further. Hope this helps.
Jul 05, 2022 Rating
Sneezing/runny nose by: Cay
For months on end I had the same problem as you - runny nose and sneezing. I, too, went to an allergist and ENT. I started used Ivory for clothes, J&J shampoo, stopped wearing perfume and cotton clothes, among other things ~ I literally changed everything I could think of that may be an allergen. Nothing helped. I had previously stopped using the humidifier side of my CPAP as I had run out of distilled water and just didn't think it was important. It never dawned on me that is was my CPAP that was causing these allergic reaction symptoms; I just knew it was something in my environment. Turns out the humidifier was very important! Once I started using the humidifier, the symptoms went away. Good luck!
Apr 10, 2023 Rating
Sneezing/Running Nose UGH by: Anonymous
I just started using the CPAP machine AirSense 11 no heated tube, with N30 mask. First night was awesome, slept solid no issues or problems breathing through my nose. Second night wasn’t as fun, woke up two separate times with too much pressure. Now the 3rd night woke up 2-3 times wanting to sneeze bad with runny nose and now I cannot stop sneezing (just awful) and runny nose. I have no known allergies and it’s only affecting my right side nostril. This sucks because I have severe sleep apnea and wondering if full face would work better as to nose mask? Anyone experiencing sneezing and runny nose by using face masks? Please help! I’m not looking for long term issues as I’ve read in prior statements. Thanks for everyone’s input and sharing these symptoms. Hopefully there’s a solution for us suffering similar symptoms thank you
Apr 10, 2023 Rating
This worked for me. by: Steve B
The only solution that I found was to go to my PCP and he recommended loratadine, mucinex, nose spray and inhaler as needed. And it quickly worked.
Jun 02, 2023 Rating
sneezing and runny noseNEW by: Eric C
This used to be a problem for me as well. It would happen every other week or so, leaving me incapacitated for 1-2 days. I found this page and tried the suggestion of using saline spray every night before bed. I also use mask wipes on my nasal pillows nightly and have not had a setback in 6 months! Thank you all for the suggestions!
Jan 15, 2025 Rating
I've been using my ResMed CPAP Machine for a year now and the last couple months it has been a living hell for me with runny nose and sneezing 24/7 and I'm sick of it and physically and mentally drained. I walk around all day with a towel on my shoulder because my nose drips like a faucet. I take Benadryl and use my Navage every day and it's useless anymore. I just left the first yearly check up person at the medical center and she told me: "That it is impossible to get a sinus infection from a CPAP machine". I just googled CPAP/Sinus Infections and found this page. As of tonight I'm done with it. I'm going to cold turkey and see if my sinus infection clears up in a couple weeks of not using as others suggested. If I have to choose between sleep apnea or a never ending runny nose and constant sneezing I'll take the sleep apnea any day. Thanks everyone for letting me know I'm not alone in this. I'll update my results in a couple weeks.
Mar 02, 2025 Rating
After years using a Cpap started with the sinus issuesNEW by: Anonymous
I've noticed while changing out the filter every month and cleaning the hose does help that when I really notice it is when it's cooler at night. I also noticed I tend to get cold at night so started running my space heater so it keeps my bedroom between 78 and 80 degrees I sleep a lot better and don't get the sinus problems. I still get a dry throat and have to keep a bottle of water by my bed so I can take a drink several times per night but I don't get the sneezing and running nose. I haven't had the sneezing problem in some time but today I took a nap because I was up sick most of the night and didn't turn on the space heater. Sure enough a couple hours later I woke up with the weird smell I get just before the sneezing then started sneezing for about half an hour straight and still have the stuffed up runny nose. When I get like this flushing out the sinuses with warm water in a salt solution helps a bit. I'm thinking of trying one of the mouth guards instead of the C-pap. Anyone have any idea which one is best? I've looked at the Zippah and SnoreRx but I'm not sure they help with Sleep Apnea. They seem more for snore prevention only.
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