Will I always have sleep apnea?

by Alex
(Toronto, Canada)

If you have sleep apnea now, you will always have this sleep disorder?

Thank you!


Sleep Apnea is not a simple disorder, like a headache or when you have a cold. It doesn't matter what type of apnea disorder you have: obstructive, central or mixed. This disorder will not disappear in time, but the sleep apnea side effects will get worse if you don't have a treatment.

Fortunately, there are many types of treatments to treat sleep apnea. However, it's very important to know exactly what are the causes and the severity of your sleep disorder. Only then the doctors will choose for you the most appropriate therapy.

For more information about sleep apnea treatment you can click here.

I hope it helps. Don't be afraid to comment back.

Remy Thierry
Founder of Sleep Apnea Guide

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May 01, 2013
Sleep Apnea vs Nocturnal Seizures
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with nocturnal seizures years ago. Could I have been misdiagnosed? There were no test to diagnose sleep apnea at the time. All test for seizures were normal but had day time sleepiness. Over the years I developed high blood pressure, obesity, depresion, elevated CPK. I am now using CPAC, and life is getting much better.

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